Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zack Drexten

Zack Drexten

Zack Drexten
Private of the The Galactic Republic's Military​
"The soldier who fights to death never truly dies, the soldier who fights for existence never truly exist"
Name: Zack Drexten​
Faction: The Galactic Republic​
Rank: Private​
Military Branch: The Galactic Republic's Army​
Division: Phoenix Division (PHD)​
Brigade: Valkyrie Brigade​
Species: Human​
Age: 25 Standard Years​
Sex: Male​
Height: 6'5" (196 cm)​
Weight: 190 lbs (86 kg)​
Eyes: Light Blue​
Hair: Dark(ish) Brown​
Hair Style: Short Crew Cut​
Facial Hair: Yes, slight beard, more like a goatee​
Skin: White with a slight tan​
Force Sensitive: No​
+Mildly Muscular​
+Physically Strong​
+Mentally Strong​
+Trained for combat​
+Loyal to the Republic​
+Good weaponry knowledge​
+Good piloting knowledge​
-Not force sensitive​
-Social Disabilities​
-Social Disabilities​
-Violent (when pissed off)​
-Mentally Scared​
The above photo should describe his appearance fairly well​
Zack was born on Coroscaunt to a very law abiding family, who never got on the wrong side of the Republic. To be quite honest about it, Zack's parents were very boring and often made him stay in his room and study, of course he did this and got quite a good general knowledge, but soon it just became boring for him so whenever he was up his room "studying" he was instead bodybuilding, building up his strength because one day he knew that he would need it. And he was correct.​
One day Zack returned home from school and talked to his parents about the day etc. etc. when suddenly a band of criminals came into their home and did the usual holdup thing, when Zack's parent's refused they were shot, Zack was devastated. He had no parents, no money, no anything... There was only one place he knew he could turn, the Galactic Republic Military, he enlisted and went through many hard years of training and when he was 27 he finally was able to become a Private in the Valkyrie Brigade of Phoenix Division, and he began his service from then on.​
-Standard Blaster Pistol​
-Standard Blaster Rifle​
-Standard Slugthrower Pistol​
-Standard Slugthrower Rifle​
-Standard Grenades​
-Basic Combat Armor​
-Galactic Republic Dress Uniform​
-Standard Clothing​
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