Zackleo Ashproc
New Member
Zackleo Ashproc

- Name: Zackleo Ashproc
- Nicknames: Zack, Leo, Ash
- Faction: Outer Rim Coalition
- Homeworld: Eeookko on 244Core, but born on Nirauan
- Rank: Outlaw / non Force-user
- Age: 17
- Gender: Male
- Sexuality: bisexual
- Relationship status: single
- Species: Human
- Height: 1.75m
- Weight: 55kg
- Eyes: Brown
- Hair: Dark blonde
- Skin: Pale
- Force Sensitive: No
- Alignment: No alignment
- He cares greatly for his friends
- He can easily think outside the box, which can quickly get him out of trouble
- He doesn't give up easily until he finished what he started
- He's unfocused and can quickly lose his attention
- He's not very good at talking to people, and prefers to avoid it at all costs
- He can be very lazy at times
Zackleo was born on Nirauan, his father was a lumberjack and his mother was unemployed. Up until his teens he led a fairly peaceful life there. But then his father got offered a job as an admiral of The First Order, Zackleo didn't agree with The First Order and tried convincing his father to turn down the offer, but he failed. This led to a fight which went on for a couple of weeks eventually leading to his father burning down Zackleo's room with him in it. Zackleo survived but was left with a nasty scorchmark on the right side of his face, leaving him with a blind right eye. He decided he couldn't take it anymore and he ran away, he stole his father's spaceship en fled to the Outer Rim. Now he's settled on 244Core desperately looking for a place to call home. He doesn´t have much besides his spaceship and blaster (which he found in the spaceship) so he's constantly scavenging for materials and supplies.
- Blue BlasTech DL-22 blaster pistol

- Scout Vessel, manufacturer unknown. Zackleo dubbed it the "Chronos"