Zahira Trabalos
NAME: Zahira Trabalos
SPECIES: Human (Oktarian)
AGE: 32
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7" (170cm)
WEIGHT: 120lbs (55 kg)
EYES: Dark brown
HAIR: Dark brown
SKIN: Very light tan
LANGUAGES: Oktarian, Basic, High Galactic, Bothan, Huttese, Ryl

(+) Scholarly: A historian at heart, Zahira has extensive knowledge on the galaxy, cultures and jedi history, as well as experience from several archeological expeditions.
(+) Serene: Zahira exudes a presence that is calm and confident. Even in the face of danger or uncertainty, she appears unfazed and grounded, which can bolster the morale of those around her.
(-) Stubborn: Zahira can tend to be inflexible when she stands on a decision or principle, or if simply told she cannot do something she wishes.
(-) Acrophobia: Zahira has a fear of heights inherent in most Oktarians, due to the mostly flat landscape of Oktaria. She uses the Force to manage this fear.
(-) Limited Combat Skills: While highly skilled with her lightsaber, Zahira has not focused on other forms of combat, and is familiar with blasters and other weapons in only basic ways. She can pilot, but her space combat skills are likewise basic.
A woman of average stature and build, Zahira's features are attractive if not unadorned. Oh her forhead is a Treblix, a symbol used by Oktarians to indicate a trait. Zahira's means Courage. The design is four gold triangles in a pattern, each pointing to a direction on the compass. Her dark brown hair is kept long and often worked in a braid or loose ponytail. Her garments are a mix of jedi robes and Oktarian clothing, while she does have more sturdy leather and bantha hide outfits for more demanding missions. BIOGRAPHY:

This hesitancy to resort to violence is why Zahira blames herself for the death of her master at the hands of a Sith Knight. Intimidated, she moved to engage too late, permitting the SIth to mortally wound her master. Zahira was not able to defeat the Sith, nor save her master. She showed such fearfulness that the Sith didn't even bother to kill her, but simply walked away. Crushed, humiliated and guilt-ridden, Zahira dragged her dead master home.
In the aftermath of her failure, Zahira was censured, but cleared of fault in the death of her master. However, Zahira believed she could have saved him, and failed. This guilt and burden inspired a new courage in her heart, she would never again allow another to be harmed without doing everything she could to defend and save them. Zahira focused on ways the Force could be used to defend, heal and inspire others, exhibiting tremendous courage when circustanced demanded it.

Zahira carries herself with a calm grace, and comes off as pensive and at times even aloof. Polite, courteous and ever willing to engage in conversation, this is the persona most will meet. It takes some doing, but she can be pushed to show flares of fiery stubborness. In closer circles, her demeanor is more relaxed, where she may demonstrate frustration, anger, humor and other more personal emotions.
Lightsabers (hers and her fallen master's)
Premion-Class Light Shuttle (A-version)
Form I: Shii-Cho -
Form III: Soresu -
Jar'Kai -

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