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Approved NPC Zahra Ikithon

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  • Age: 47
  • Force Sensitivity: Master
  • Species: Human
    • Native to the planet Thule
  • Appearance: Zahra stands at an average height of 1.8 meters, with black hair always done up in an intricate bun with strands falling on either side of her face. Her face is narrow in an almost waspish beauty, with her eyes a shining green when she is not channeling her dark side powers. She wears ornate Sith robes of white and gold, the colors of her family back on Thule, with the crest of her family prominently featured. An armored mantle, emblazoned with the symbol of the Order of Arcane Syn, completes the ensemble and she is always seen with her favored walking stick that conceals her lightsaber.
  • Name:
    • Zahra Ikithon - Birth Name
    • Darth Insitazi - Sith Name
  • Loyalties:
  • Wealth:
    • Zahra is incredibly wealthy due to her connections with the power base of Darth Arcanix and her family's wealth on Thule that was created from their connections to the weapon development industry on the planet. Her family was also aligned with the Zambranos as they controlled the planet, and she ensured she and her family were well compensated for their loyalty during the Sith Empire raids into the Core.
  • Notable Possessions:
    • Single-bladed red lightsaber concealed in her walking stick
    • Pendant with the symbol of the Order of Arcane Syn
    • Nevena, her Ayitatsa Arana bodyguard and companion
  • Skills:
    • Experienced Administrator and Organizer
    • Silver-tongued Diplomat
    • Business Acumen
  • Languages:
    • Galactic Basic
    • Ur-kittat, the ancient Sith language
  • Personality:
    • Zahra appears to be an easy-going and charming socialite that delights in interacting with people. A few well-placed words and smiles have served her just as well as her mastery of the dark side, along with her reputation as a skilled administrator. However, Zahra is also incredibly ambitious and is constantly seeking ways to extend her own power and wealth, efficiently of course, but ruthlessly. She has a photographic memory when it comes to those who owe her favors or other debts, and she has forged a reputation of one that always gets her due.
  • Weapon of Choice:
    • Single-bladed red lightsaber designed in the lightfoil style, but only if combat is unavoidable.
    • Mentalist Force Powers
  • Combat Function:
    • When forced into close quarters combat, Zahra utilizes Makashi as her chosen lightsaber style to accentuate her privilege and elegance. However, she much prefers to act from a distance and manipulate her opponents with mentalism and illusions. She delights in probing for weaknesses in opposing forces and exploiting them, with her favorite tactic being to suborn an individual to turn on their allies at the opportune time in combat. If forced to, she can use her powers to take control of minds to achieve the same effect, but she feels that is an inelegant solution and failure on her persuasion skills.
    • In addition, she works in close tandem with her bodyguard and companion, the Ayitatsa Arana Nevena. Nevena acts as a support for Zahra, augmenting her abilities with her own powers or reducing the damage Zahra would sustain.
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only):
  • Entrusted by Darth Arcanix in administrating the Sadow District on Jutrand, and drawing on vast experience built over the years of serving the Lady of Secrets, she is an able administrator and organizer that can keep bureaucracy running efficiently. As part of that duty, she also can showcase her diplomatic skills.
  • She is a fully trained and accomplished Sith Master in her own right, one with heavy investment in the mentalism arts and the skills of the Sith Inquisitors. She is also accomplished in several aspects of Sith sorcery, generally in taking control of minds or summoning spirits to aid her in combat.
  • Against opponents that can resist her mentalism powers, such as highly trained Jedi or suggestion resistant species, Zahra is a much weaker opponent as she can be quickly overwhelmed by opponents skilled in martial combat even with her training with the lightsaber.

Zahra Ikithon was born in 830 ABY on the Sith world of Thule to a wealthy arms manufacturing family located in the capital city of Hurom. Zahra was raised as a noble heiress and was the favored child of her father to assume his place in running the family business as he sought to move into politics. Her father had aligned himself with the emerging Sith family of the Zambranos, and when they took control of Thule as their personal power base in the emerging Sith Empire, her father was rewarded with an influential and lucrative position within the planetary government.

Zahra was soon discovered to be Force Sensitive and split her time between the Sith academy on the world and learning how to administrate and organize the family affairs. The fall of the Empire at the direction of the Republic and Mandalorians greatly shook the young woman, her education in the dark side temporarily suspended to avoid detection from the victors. her younger brother was killed in the fighting by a Jedi, creating a lasting enmity within her towards the ancient enemy. Zahra would eventually resume her training under the One Sith and the Sith Ascendancy, becoming a Sith Knight with a focus on the path of the Inquisitor.

Zahra's father would pass soon after the Ascendancy became the Tenth Sith Empire, leaving the young woman in charge of the family affairs on Thule and giving her an opportunity to take her father's place in Thule's government. It was during this time that her skills as an administrator brought her to the attention of Darth Arcanix, one of the Dark Councilors, and she was introduced to the Lady of Secrets through their mutual connections within the Zambrano power base. Arcanix was seeking out bright and powerful Sith to join her power base, and the promises of increased influence and wealth enticed Zahra away from Thule and into her service.

In the years since, Zahra has helped manage the disparate aspects of the Order of Shadows and its reorganization into the Order of Arcane Syn. The challenge of keeping the vast collection of cells and facilities, along with the entwining of hidden assets and corporations, only proved to sharpen Zahra's skills. Arcanix taught her much about mentalism and sorcery, eventually elevating her to the rank of Sith Master and Paradox Adept within her power base. With her Master establishing a presence over a district of the city-world of Jutrand as the Dark Councilor of Research and Science, Zahra was the obvious choice to administrate and control the district in the name of the Lady of Secrets and the growing Sith Imperium.
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