Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zaht Nar

| Social Information |
  • Name: Zaht Nar
  • Birthworld: Unknown
  • Living Situation: Unknown
  • Sexuality: Unknown
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Force Sensitive: No
  • Force Rank: N/A
| Physical Information |
  • Species: Yuuzhan Vong
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: 33
  • Height: 2.13 M.
  • Weight: 113 Kg.
  • Skin Color: Dark Grey/Blue
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Hair Color: Bald
| Affiliations |
  • Yuuzhan Vong
  • Himself
| Relationships |
  • Spouse: None
  • Parents:
  • Sibling(s): None
  • Uncle: Unknown
  • Aunts: Unknown
  • Cousins: None
  • Ancestor: Nar Family Lineage
  • Children: None
  • Grandchildren: None
  • Mentor(s): None
  • Enemies: Those who stand against the Vong
| Physical Appearance |

Zaht is not very physically fit when compared to other Vong. He is very tall and relatively skinny. Scars can be seen all over his body caused by his ritualistic self-mutilation. Like other Vong, his figure is humanoid, though there are several key differences that can be seen between Vong and other Humans. Zaht also has a plethora of different organic grafts all over his body that serve a variety of different uses, and can be clearly seen by anyone who chooses to look.

His skin is colored dark blue/grey. Like other Vong, Zaht has a sloping forehead though it is less pronounced then most other Vong. He has yellow eyes with small blue sacs situated underneath them which can fill up and deflate depending on the Vong's mood. Perhaps the most pronounced physical trait of all, is Zaht's inability to be felt through the force. He is effectively a blind spot in a Jedi's radar. Zaht's left arm would be strange looking due to his Fire Spitter graft, and he would have a starfish like creature over his mouth. If shirtless, one would notice the Sclipune implanted into Zaht's stomach.

Other traits include jet black blood, horizontal pointing ears, and an extremely conductive nervous system which was very sensitive to pain.

| Strengths and Weaknesses |

[ + ] Multilingual: Having spent much time all over the galaxy, and interacting with the various races that inhabit it; Zaht has learned many languages. Some of these many languages include Galactic Basic, Huttese, Twi'leki, Vong, Sith, and a few other more obscure languages.
[ + ] Cultured: Similar to the many languages that Zaht knows, he is also familiar with many of the different cultures and species out and about all across the galaxy. Though this does not mean he will always choose to respect their commonly held beliefs and rules of etiquette.
[ + ] Silver Tongue: When compared with most other Vong, Zaht is rather odd. He is fairly tall but slim. His skin color is darker shade then most others, and a his facial structure was different from most other Vong born as well. If Zhat had been born to a family of a lower caste, he would have likely been cast out to fend for himself and eventually died. To survive, Zaht became an accomplished speaker. He has gotten his way many times in the past due to this strength.
[ + ] Speed: Despite being on the slimmer side when compared with his Vong brethren, Zaht compensates for this with his speed. He is capable of running for long periods of time at high speeds.
[ + ] Pilot: Is an accomplished pilot when it comes to Organic technology. Is capable of handling most ships and other vehicles.

[ - ] Physically Weak: Despite his large size, Zaht is a fairly weak individual. He would compare to the average human male when it came to strength, and his overall athleticism outside of running is quite low. Can be easily exploited and taken advantage of in combat.
[ - ] Masochist: Holding true to the typical Vong stereotype, Zaht loves pain. Scars are dotted all across his spindly arms and small chest. An avid practitioner of the old traditions, Zaht ritualistically whips, cuts, and generally tortures himself everyday. He considers it a part of his purification processes and believes it brings him closer to his God.
[ - ] Mentally Weak: Zaht is also rather mentally weak. Despite his love for pain, Zaht is also extremely sensitive to it. And while he enjoys causing small injuries all across his body in a controlled environment, large amounts of pain and maiming may overload him and will cause him to do whatever he can to make it stop.
[ - ] Sickly: Unlike most Vong children, who are introduced to disease at a very young age to build up their immunity and their resistance; Zaht is prone to most illnesses. His immune system was severely weakened by a disease he contracted in his early infancy and he barely survived; much to the surprise of everyone else. Is often ill, and can not stand toxic environments.
[ - ] Inexperienced with Non-Organic Technology: Although he does not share the same hate that most other Vong have for non-organic technology, he is unfamiliar with how they work and would be very much at lost when it came to operating anything that was not expressly Vong-like in nature.
| Organic Grafts |

  • Tizowyrm - Gives Zaht the ability to understand any language that is spoken to him.
  • Gnullith - Allows Zaht to breathe in any non-corrosive or fluidic environment containing oxygen. When worn in conjunction with Lungworms and Vacuum Cloakers, it would function as an oxygen supply much like in a regular space suit.
  • Fighting Claw - Hidden blades which were grafted into Zaht's knuckle bones. Capable of blocking Lightsabers and cutting through energy shields. Are retractable.
  • Fire Spitter - A creature implanted in Zaht's forearm. The bones in his forearm were replaced with the spine of the creature, and it wrapped around his arm until it was ready for use. When activated, a ball of highly explosive and flaming biomatter would be launched at the enemy. Effective for up to 15 meters.
  • Sclipune - A hidden pouch implanted into Zaht's stomach which allows him to store certain things. Can only be opened when a frequency code is entered in through tapping.
More to come.
| Personality |
(Will be elaborated on at a later date)
| Fights |
  • N/A
| Confirmed Kills |
  • N/A

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