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Zahuro Ikane

Zahuro Ikane

Name: Zahuro Ikane
Faction: None
Species: Corellian Human
Age: 25

Sex: Male
Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dark Brown
Skin: Tanned
Force Sensitive: No

Martial Arts Training - From the time he could walk Zahuro has trained extensively in hand to hand and weapon based combat styles. As such he can competently hold his own in any kind of non-Jedi combat scenario.

Expert Marksman - Zahuro is a keen shot and is most comfortable with single handed blaster weapons. He can also handle two handed rifles.

Certified Pilot - Time in the Republic Navy has left Zahuro with the training and experience necessary to pilot most single seat starfighters. His favored craft is the RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor.

Loyal - Zahuro is slow to trust others, but to have earned his trust is to have made a lifelong ally.

Fast and Agile - Zahuro's lean frame combined with his training has given him near-peak human levels of agility and conditioning.

Alcoholic Smoker - Years of drinking and smoking have taken their toll on Zahuro, and now he needs almost regular consumption of either to be able to function.

Abrasive Personality - Zahuro says what he wants, when he wants, regardless of consequences. As such he often comes off as rude, snippy, or sarcastic.

Stubborn - Zahuro hates being told what to do as well as the rigidity of command inherent with the structure of the military. Most of this comes from experience in the Republic Navy, so the most reliable way to get him to act is with money.

Love of Fighting - Violence and fighting is almost second nature to Zahuro and he rarely if ever passes up a challenge or chance to fight.

Zahuro stands at a respectable 6' 2" and weighs in at 185 pounds. He has dull hazel blue eyes with slight dark circles underneath, a clean veritical scar over his right eye, short unkempt dark brown hair, thick facial stubble, and a lean muscular build. He is normally dressed in a red shirt with a black armored combat vest, fingerless driving gloves, charcoal grey cargo pants, a holster belt to hold his weapon, and dark brown boots.

Posessing a very dry sarcastic wit coupled with a 'can't give a chit' attitude, Zahuro is largely aloof toward others. He'll work for anyone willing to pay him enough and the type of job can range from smuggling, to bodyguard work, to leg breaking. However, Zahuro comes alive most when fighting. Training and focus is often enough to keep him in check, but even a casual observer will be able to tell that Zahuro greatly enjoys the rush gained from fighting others.

A native Corellian, Zahuro was born in Coronet City to parents Kendrick and Jenna Ikane. Kendrick, a captain in the Republic Navy, was away on assignment most of the time; leaving Jenna and her father-in-law Ferman to raise the young child. Ferman was an old guard Rear-Admiral of the Navy who was forced into retirement due to internal politics. Bitter due to the circumstances involving his retirement, and still in near peak condition well into his fifties, Ferman decided that the Ikane name had to regain it's honor in any way possible. His son was already in the Navy, but young Zahuro was still untested. With iron firm discipline Ferman began training his grandson in a fighting art he developed himself based on ancient striking arts, sword combat, and Naval grappling techniques. His intent was to mold Zahuro into a peak fighter by the time he was old enough for conscription into the Republic Navy. Zahuro learned quickly enough, but he grew to resent his grandfather for his unbending rigidity and constant emphasis on training despite Jenna's objections. Ferman would hear no objections and forced Zahuro to enroll in the Academy when he was 17.

Now saddled with a career path he wasn't sure he wanted solely so grandfather Ferman could stick it to the brass that ended his career, Zahuro decended into bitterness at how he felt he was robbed of the chance to live his own life. He carried some of the sense of discipline that Ferman instilled into him, but he still sought outlets for his anger and bitterness wherever he could. Combat sparring, ship maintenance and repair, flight training, shooting drills, and eventually smoking and drinking were all methods used by Zahuro to distract himself from his negative feelings. The training he had recieved had largely paid off as Zahuro was unmatched in physical conditioning drills and sparring tournaments, but Zahuro began to grow arrogant and rebellious because of it, believing that he didn't need the Academy's teachings to make it in the Navy. This caused a lot of friction between Zahuro and his instructors and Zahuro quickly gained a reputation for being unruly and for mouthing off at the slightest provocation. Disciplinary chores were proving ineffectual and attempting to actively force Zahuro to fall in line only caused him to become more aggressive and insubordinate. Zahuro eventually graduated from the Academy, but his spotty record and countless infractions left him only gaining the rank of Pilot Ensign. The sole bright spot of Zahuro's time at the Academy came during his graduation, where his father had sent him a gift in celebration. The gift was a customized DL-44 heavy blaster pistol with molded grip and vibroblade bayonet attachment; which Zahuro still carries with him to this day.

His time at the Academy complete, Zahuro was assigned to a Republic light cruiser called the Calibar Trine as a starfighter pilot and engineer. He clashed almost immediately with the ship's captain, Leo Madowski, a conservative lifelong Naval officer who expected immediate responses to orders and constant observation of proper respect and protocol. Zahuro mostly kept to himself as a result and limited his socializing to his fellow engineers in the docking bays who appreciated his talents in piloting and tinkering with the starfighters. He soon struck a friendship with fellow gearhead Simone Kator. Simone herself was a beautiful native of Coruscant and admired Zahuro for his strong, lone wolf approach to life. She had grown up the pampered daughter of a Senator and got into engineering as a hobby that turned into full fledged passion. She too was an only child and the circumstances of their vastly different lives turned into a point of bonding between them. Eventually their relationship turned from a platonic to a sexual one, which flew directly in the face of Captain Madowski's regulations prohibiting fraternization between crew members. Zahuro knew this, but he didn't care. Simone however was constantly fearful of their activities being discovered and the consequences it would bring.

Her fears were proved right as a crew member informed the captain of their relationship, leading to Zahuro and Simone being brought before the captain. Simone was given leniancy of written demerits as Madowski had figured that Zahuro coerced Simone into a sexual relationship instead of it being the result of reciprocated attraction. Zahuro however was to be court-martialed and discharged from the Navy because of his defiant attitude, with this sexual tryst being the final straw the captain needed to make a court martial possible. Zahuro, his mind boiling over with anger, lashed out and struck the captain in a rage. The captain, caught off guard, drew his combat knife and slashed Zahuro over his right eye, leaving him scarred. Zahuro, recoiling from the injury to his eye, was detained, treated, and thrown into the brig.

Seeing no way out of his situation he fully expected to rot in a cell for the rest of his life, but fate had a surprise in store for him. One night, long after lights out had been declared, someone snuck into the brig and hacked the control panel to Zahuro's cell. It was Simone! Professing that she couldn't bear to see Zahuro put through the humiliation of court-martial she freed him and instructed him to flee the Calibar Trine and finally live his life the way he wanted. She even had thought of a way to avoid retribution for freeing him by hacking the door to her bunk to signal that she had returned five minutes after she had left regardless of whether she was there or not. She had also broken into his bunk and retrieved his belongings for him. Zahuro thanked her and, after a final parting kiss, ran from the brig to the docking bays where he stole an A-Wing Interceptor and fled into space. He's been on the run ever since, but he's never forgotten the woman who made his flight possible.

RZ-1 A-Wing Interceptor. The same Interceptor he stole from the Calibar Trine, it is still largely stock save for a new paint job and doctored registry number to avoid being traced back to its original owners. It uses the standard dual laser cannons and concussion missile launchers.


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