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Character Zalia 'Vex' Vexhammer

Zalia Vexhammer

Stealing your information, eyeing your snacks
Zalia 'Vex' Vexhammer
Strategic Intelligence Agency Operative | Operations Bureau | Special Operations Division
Galactic Alliance Patriot | Defense Force Veteran

SIA Operative Clothes|In-field combat armor

Age: Adult, late 20s-Early 30s
Species: Amaran
Gender: Female
Force Sensitive: No
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance | Strategic Intelligence Agency
Rank: Agent

Physical Description:


While small in stature and lacking in general mass to be physically intimidating, Zalia has a proven record of service in the Galactic Alliance military, which shows as a scar on her face and (typically) emotionless behavior. Exceptionally physically fit and of (mostly) good health, while maintaining a kempt and clean appearance. No noticeable physical traits that cannot be visually ascertained.

Equipment varies dependent on operation.


Professional, devoid of a real personality and fully dedicated to the Galactic Alliance in an almost cult-like manner, defending the GA when its right or wrong. Zalia has no quarrels about doing immoral operations to ensure the survivability of the GA and it's government, as well as doing whatever is possible to harm enemies- legitimate or otherwise. She lives a minimalist life outside of work and fully dedicates herself to training. Could be considered a workaholic.

Also incredibly awkward at socializing, especially when she is familiar with the profile of whom she is talking to. She'll casually drop facts about someone's life or psyche without any awareness on why that would be awkward.

Lastly, she likes snacks, particularly the sugary kind. Buying her a milkshake is a good way to become friends with her instantly.... if she understands what being a friend is.

  • Covert Ops: Having gone through numerous qualification courses for a wide variety of specializations (and continues to go through them annually) Zalia is incredibly capable in all means stealth, sabotage, assassination and general warfare.
  • Agile Acrobat: Even in her combat armor, she is capable of scaling, climbing, clamoring and otherwise moving around physically hazardous environments with ease. From scaling buildings to walking across steel beams, she is incredibly talented in movement.
  • Sneaky: Absurdly quiet, as expected from a special operations agent.
  • Informed: If your character has any information on a public database, GA or otherwise, she will know the details, they will be memorized, and she will bring them up in the most awkward way possible when having a conversation..


  • Weak and Small: She is nowhere near as strong or as physically adept human, and will not survive in a CQC environment against one. Given her small stature, large objects can pin her down as well and be difficult to remove.
  • Absurdly Frail: With her lackluster armor and inability to wear anything heavier, she can be easily harmed, killed, stunned or otherwise by many weapons.
  • Indirect Opponent: Cannot survive in direct combat for very long, if facing an opponent head-on she'll be quickly overwhelmed without support and will attempt (desperately) to flee.
  • Force Vulnerable: Has no real way of opposing force powers, despite many years of service and a veteran of many battles, she has never been able to fully oppose force users outside of Apprentices/Padawans.


Her background is boring and typical: Born to a poor family in the Coruscant underworld, Zalia had little prospects in her life and was quick to enlist in the GADF at a young age, given training and quickly qualified to be a member of reconnaissance operations. After numerous operations- both successful and unsuccessful -she was noted for S.I.A selection. In her brief couple years of service, she quickly climb the ranks to Agent, having done both classified and unclassified operations of morally dubious nature, with no complaints or quarrels on following orders. Treated more so as a living weapon than an actual person, she continues to serve with no complaints.
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