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Character Zanami



AliasesThe Shadow
HomeworldArkania (Formerly)
SpeciesSithspawn (Currently)/Arkanian Offshoot (Originally)
FactionSith Order
Faction RankSith Acolyte
Faction GenreSith Assassins

  • Test Subject #139 - Zanami
    Entry #13 - Dr. Zhivago -

    The initial analysis of the test subject, Zanami, has shown much improvement after her re-creation by the Sith Adeline Noctua. We believed, after much distress, that the subject would not survive the alchemist's tinkering of her D.N.A. and the inner structures surrounding the subject's physical and chemical make-ups. We will now more once her bandages and coverings are removed in the coming days how much of the subject's appearance has been altered.

    For some time, it was touch and go with the female....Sithspawn...and I still adhere to my first argument that the subject was still too young. But for now...we must wait for the healing of the young body to begin.

    Test Subject #139 - Zanami
    Entry #21 - Dr. Zhivago -

    After the removal of the coverings and bandages, I must admit I was skeptical at first but after seeing the results with my own two eyes; I can only shout to the stars: "Success"!

    In all my years as a both a doctor and a scientist, I've never seen anyone, or anything heal as rapidly as the subject has. There are no visible signs of scaring from the surgeries and whatever that Sith did to her. It is astounding that there are still any resemblances to the young girl, with some noticeable changes such as her eyes, her facial structure, and even the body itself.

    When she wakes, we will examine her speech and test her memories. I wonder if she will recall who she was before this...change.

    Test Subject #139 - Zanami
    Entry #45 - Dr. Zhivago -

    Zanami, whom we now call officially by her designated name, has successfully completed all the tests conduct by myself and my staff, as of those conducted by the Sith that initially created her. This will be the final entry and the final results of the conducted tests. Who goes there? What is the meaning of this intrusion.....

    Error....Data Corrupt....Error...

  • StealthArrogant
    Illusions (F.A.)Insensitive
    Computer Related SkillsAggressive
    Mind Altering (F.A)Deceitful

  • Doctor ZhivagoFather - Head Scientist Who worked On Her After Her Indoctrination Into A SithSpawn
    Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua Mother - Sith Alchemist That Created Zanami

  • Sith-blood.png



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