Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Zandra "Hellcat" Ruus

Zandra Ruus


Age: 19
Species: Coruscanti Human
Gender: Female
Height: 5'1''/155cm
Weight: 110lbs/50kg
Force Sensitive: No


Zandra wears a jet black Beskar'gam with a feline motif painted in several places, most notably a roaring big cat on the right shoulder. Outside of the armor she is a scrawny runt with very light amounts of muscle on her body. She keeps her hair short, usually dyed in some showy color or the other, most commonly blue. Clothing wise she prefers things that are the easiest to fight in: crop tops, t-shirts, baggy pants, shorts, and the like.




Zandra is a street rat with a chip on her shoulder. Her tough life have given her a calloused heart and an at times unpleasant disposition. She swears, spits, and picks fights often, caring little for what others think. However, there is a deeper side to her gruff outside. She genuinely cares for those down on their luck, and will throw her life at a chance to help the downtrodden. Her belief in heroism and the greater good help guide her as a Mandalorian


Streetwise- Living in the slums as a kid came with a natural knowledge of the underworld. Connecting her with many underworld players, and teaching her how to get chit done outside the law.

Tenacious- Zandra pushes herself through pain both mental and physical. She fights like a starved Nexu even when she's been beaten to a pulp. The best thing to do when in a fight with her is to try and stop her quickly, because she will rarely ever back down.

Brawler- Zandra knows her way around just about any blunt or edged weapon, and when she can't find one, she'll use her fists. While not trained in any one combat system, her street fighting experience is deep. She can hold her own with most traditionally trained martial artists and soldiers.

Damned Superhero- Zandra keeps an arsenal of handy Mandalorian tools and gadgets on her at all times. Her arsenal is vast and varied, allowing her to adapt to combat as it comes.


No Disintegrations- Who needs a gun when you have two good hands? Well as it turns out, blasters tend to be very useful when your arms aren't long enough...

Foul-mouthed Gremlin- Zandra is not as big or as strong as some other characters, though she'd never admit it. She's Easily outmuscled by larger fighters


It's a tale as old as the lower levels of Coruscant themselves, a child born to parents who can't raise them. Though it's not known why or how Zandra's parents left, all she know is that they're gone. The people who raised her were an old Rodian couple who took in the lost children they found. Life was hard but somewhat enjoyable until a plague in the upper slums took her adoptive parents at age 14. From there she was on her own to look after herself and her adoptive siblings. It was no easy task being the big sister to three hungry rugrats of differing species, but one thing kept her going, stories she read of heroes and those that did good. Some days those stories were all she had, the ink and paper doing little to sate her growling stomach.

Years passed and she found better homes for her siblings, leaving her all alone in the cold underworld of Coruscant. As if that weren't enough, rumors began spreading of a war in the stars, one that even the lower levels couldn't hide from. With no credits to leave the planet, all that was left was to dig in and fight. When the Dark Empire came, she stood her ground, but was unable to fight off the squad of troopers with just her pigsticker and her wits. All seemed hopeless, until He showed up. Like one of her heroes jumping off the page, Drego appeared to save the young girl's life.

After she was brought to safety, it would have been easy to just cast Zandra off like so many others had, but Drego was different. The leader of Clan Ruus saw potential in the girl's ability to fight, and willingness to do good. And so, he took her away from the slums and the filth, to a life where she can do some real good.

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