Sareen Zar

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- Canon Link: N/A
- Development Thread: N/A
- Primary Source: N/A
- Corporation Name: Zar Slaving & Company
- Headquarters: Trandosha
- Locations: Trandosha, Nar Keeta, Nal Hutta
- Operations: Enslaving, Slave Trading, Slaving Equipment Production
- Tier: 2
Zar's Slaving and Company is split between three locations, each of which serve an important purpose. On Trandosha ZSC operates their headquarters and training complex, its only purpose is to run and coordinate operations for the entire company, and train all slave hunters, slaveship pilots, slave traders, slave crew captains and several other positions and professions inside the company. Nar Keeta is used as a storehouse, rest stop, and fueling station for slaver crews. Finally, Nal Hutta will serve as the location where ZSC will trade slaves, export livestock, and where slave crews unload their freshly captured slaves. ZSC operates by leasing ships and slave hunters to "Crews", which are usually single ships that hunt for slaves in established zones, with an uncommon crew of having a few ships. These slave crews are led by slave crew captains, who pay the salaries of their slave hunters and slaveship pilots, and lease the vessels that are provided for them by ZSC. Once these slave crews catch their livestock, they sell them to the slave traders on Nal Hutta an Nar Keeta, being paid 42% of what the slaves are worth. This gives these slave crews a certain level of autonomy to parallel Trandoshan hunter culture (As the majority of workers in ZSC are Trandoshans) and it ensures slave crew captains that cannot competently run their crew or are unable to capture slaves proficiently go bankrupt and are fired from the company. Slave traders operate as more normal employees of ZSC, rather than work on a level of semi-autonomy they are paid a yearly salary and work for the company itself.
Zar Slaving and Company has its origins all the way back six years prior during Sareen Zar's term as Head Slaver for the entirety of the Hutt Cartel. Before then, Zar had been a bounty hunter, a very unsuccessful one, but then he found his true calling, slaving. When the Cartel collapsed, so did Zar, for five years Sareen only descended as he lost his wealth and became a drunkard vagabond on the streets of Nar Shadda. But after a brief run-in with his old foe Lady Kay, and his capture, Zar changed the way he lived and began his path to doing something, which would eventually become Zar Slaving and Company. For several months, he used whatever was left of his reputation and favors he could to build what foundations he would need for a slaving company, this was an arduous task, but it was completed nonetheless. Now that Zar wields power once more, he will build it properly, and truly run a company to be watched.
Parent Corporation: N/A