Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zarek Kattalakis

Name: Zarek Kattalakis
Species: Human
Age: 32
Sex: Male
Height: 5’11
Weight: 154
Hair: Shoulder length Black
Skin: olive tan
Force Sensitive - Yes

Strengths and Weaknesses
- He sees vulnerability as one of his weaknesses, if he is vulnerable then someone has the ability to put him in a position that compromises his life, and the lives of those around him
-If he makes a mistake and has to admit to it he sees it as a weakness within himself as he strives for perfection
+Zarek has the physical ability to walk for miles without tiring
+Zarek’s has the ability to see the best in people and try to draw it out so that they can see it in themselves

As described


Where Zarek was born is a mystery, he was found abandoned on the kitchen steps. The King curious about the tiny human sought to give him a name to live up to. They chose it based upon novella his wife read, they called him Zarek Kattalakis.

The king knowing the law that at age 7 his first born would be sent to Senalie until he was 16 wanted a companion for his son. One that would teach him the differences of species, their weaknesses, their strengths. Looking upon the baby Zarek he saw all of this and kept him to raise in the palace to be playmate, and companion to his son, Asa.

Zarek learned the history of Rutan and Senalie along side the Kings son, and when the time came for him to travel to Senalie Zarek pleaded with his foster parent to allow him to go. But that is not what the trade was about, the King of Senalie would send his first born a girl named Dwana. Zarek growled in disapproval what did girls knows about fighting. Her duty was to learn about Rutan, Zarek was to be her playmate and companion. The King hoped that it would help Dwana grow as well as she learned about Rutan.

At the age of 16 when it was time for Dwana to return home Zarek had grown quite fond of her and asked her to stay. But duty was the first thing that she thought of, she had a duty to her people, and her father.

Zarek accepted this, and with the return of his friend and adopted brother Asa, the Prince the two exchanged information about what they had learned in the nine years since they had parted.

To lessen the thoughts of war the King of Rutan, and the King of Senali looked to marry their first born to each other making the planets allies through blood.

But the Prince’s young brother Zetan wanted Dwana for himself. Conspiring with privateers he worked to separate the three friends of Zarek, Dwana and Prince Asa. In time he was able to undermine the friendship by planting evidence that Zarek was in love with Dwana. Asa confronted the two, not believing them for he had seen how close they were and harbored jealousy towards them. He went to his father with the accusations. The king would not allow his son to be looked at as a fool banished Zarek, and sent Dwana back to Senali. Zarek was sent to the one place no one wanted to go, they sent him to Mustafar to earn a living mining in the heat. The King’s plan failed, and war loomed once again between the two worlds forgetting the law of exchange.

On Mustarfar the enclave of the Blackguard saw Zarek and in him saw potential for more than a miner. They took him and began to teach him their ways. They taught him to use a staff powered in the same manner as a lightsaber. But even this was not to be a safe haven for Zarek. The Enclave was attacked and all but a few remained alive the survivors were sent out into the galaxy to begin again to build the Order, but not to reveal who they are.

Zarek serves the Order of the Blackguard as a Marauder, one who travels searching and studying the ways of the force. He is often alone watching more than participating but in those times that he does his time is well spent learning from everyone he encounters. He has heard rumors of other enclaves of the Blackguard, but has not searched for them having been told not to reveal he does not know whether the rumors are truth, a lies meant to lure the survivors out.

The loss of the only family he knew as a child, and the loss of the Order that saved him have left their mark upon him. He can become dark and brooding in these times it is best to stay away until the darkness passes.

Zarek as he moves about seeks to find out how who left him on Rutan, and what happen to his birth family. Was there reason for their absence? What was his given name?

To be created


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