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Approved Species Zaren

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  • Intent: To extend Star Wars collection of aquatic sensitives and create a new enjoyable race.
  • Image Credit: [x] No original artist found.
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: [x]
  • Links: [x] Planet by Ao Xian, [x] Zora, Botw
  • Name: Zaren
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Littora IV
  • Average Lifespan: 1,000-1,300 Standard Years, Full Maturity at Age 200.
  • Estimated Population: Rare.
  • Description: An aquatic race of humanoid shark people living on Littora IV, possessing a humanoid like body these species also possess fins and gills to aid them in time spent underwater. Usually seen with skin of vibrant hue the Zaren are surprisingly the predators of Littora IV, not having to worry about blending in with their environment though many might.
  • Breathes: Type I and Water
  • Average Height of Adults: Male; 2m - 2.3m, Female; 1.6m - 1.8m
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: White for base body, Blues, Purples, Greens and Reds for rest.
  • Hair color: N/A
  • Distinctions: Male Zaren usually are taller than their female counterparts, they also have a few additional fins to help aide them in faster movement for hunting [on the top of their heads and on their hips]. As with many species the older a Zaren is the more withered they begin to appear, and while some may live to be near 1,600 years old if they have lived a good life, they are usually frail and much less active than their younger members of the species.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard
  • Talented Swimmers - Zaren have a natural affinity for water, often being able to swim about a year after birth. Adults of the species are sometimes even able to climb falling rapids with enough training.
  • Wise - Due to their large lifespan, many of the Zaren species collect libraries worth of information in their lifetime, often respected for their wide variety of knowledge.
  • Muscular - Even the least active of the Zaren are built fairly well, spending most of their lives swimming in water their muscles build plenty of strength to help them move about and it shows.
  • Weakness to Heat - Spending too long in high temperatures dries the skin are a Zaren. While they are capable of living on land many choose to remain in water to avoid the discomfort and pain risk if in the wrong environment. Those living on land of often covered head to toe in clothing if it is any sort of harsh environment. Being in bright sun at temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius would surely kill any of the species with a lengthened exposure.
  • Bright Colors - While they may be the predators of their own planet, that is not to say another couldn't be introduced. Most stick out rather blatantly in water, so even if another race decided to attack there is no hiding.
  • Diet: Omnivore, mostly live on local fish though are able to branch out diet to vegetation if need be.
  • Communication: Zaren have a spoken language they use when able, though as many spend lives under water they have a form of sign language as well, many who interact with other species on the planets also speak galactic basic, though not all.
  • Technology level: Standard, with possible advancements to aquatic technologies.
  • Religion/Beliefs: N/A
  • General behavior: Members of the Zaren species value family above all else. It is rare to ever see one off on their own, and even rarer to see them off planet without others. When a pair mate, they remain together for life, should that mate pass they do not find another whether male or female. In their lives a mated pair will likely raise up to 5 offspring, so the reproduction rate is rather low; though not unheard of for a pair to have more. Children remain under the direct care of parent until they reach the age of 150, by then they have learned to hunt and contribute to the society and often at that age they have already started to consider a mate of their own. By the time they reach close to maturity the young Zaren are given a choice, if they would like to see the outside world they are permitted to leave and explore, gather what knowledge they would like and if they desire they may come home at any point, or they remain in the cities and find a mate and take up a permanent position, whether that be a hunter, or a guard, or anything else. Its rather uncommon for a young Zaren to remain out of their homes for long, though some do find other lives in cities outside of their underwater kindgoms.
A species discovered on Littora IV the Zaren were a solitary people spending the entirety of their lives underwater. It was only when the expansion of companies and pirates came to the planet that they began retrieving technology and exchanging information with travelers that their society began to uplift. Though some were willing to be diplomatic and learn the languages of this new species, many looked to the Zaren as simply being in the way of industry and purged populations in desired mining zones and build sites; with the aid of heavily armored weapons and machinery those who were attacked stood no chance, and the species grew ever smaller. Years later with certain sects of the species on the rise, their levels of understanding and technology grew, beginning the fight back against those taking over their homes. Now it is well known by all who establish base on the planet to keep a wide berth from Zeran settlements as they are willing to fight back.
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