Where is the placement of the rockets/underwater jets, and what use are they to you when you could simply train to swim underwater, and swim faster with telekinesis, as well as just use a Canon Jetpack, or one that was made on the site? As well, where would these flood-lights be stored? Why not just use a simple 600 lumen light placed on your brain bucket?
For your resistances, How can armor be resistant to Lightsaber resistance, yet still be resistant to a lightsaber? (tongue twister Warning) If you mean that it is resistant to Lightsabers, and other forms of Melee, then say it plain and simple. Judges don't like complications. Simple is more.
As well, Lightsaber resistant materials range from Phrik, Ultrachrome, Songsteel, Beskar, or Cortosis. Meaning you will NEED a dev thread to obtain those items. As well, Blaster resistant metals can range from Durasteel, Armorplast, to Duraplast.
If I were to give you my honest opinion, I would not make this armor. For the reasons below
1. You are an apprentice. You won't be facing anybody with lightsabers in a major scale battle for a while. If you absoultly need lightsaber resistant armor, then only get it for your bracers and only use those with maybe some durasteel armor to go with it.
2. Doing Dev threads for armor like this, this early in your career as a Jedi is not recommended. Most Jedi go without lightsaber resistant items simply because nobody want's to go up against someone with all lightsaber, blaster resistant, "Holier than God" armor. Even more so, at your rank. Now if you were a rogue who almost constantly fought against others who used lightsabers, then MAYBE you could. Otherwise, no.
3. What is the purpose of this armor? I mean, you have not been in any major battles, Nor have I seen you in any duels. So other than looking cool in armor that has horns longer than my arm (which would actually hinder you from entering normal sized doors, as well as make you a larger target) What is the purpose of using this armor?
4. Continuing on number three, Why use this armor, when you could ask for armor that has already been made, and is readily available to you, and simply ask for it to be modified to a degree for yourself, UNTIL you can get the higher rank, and the materials needed to make your custom armor? The first time I had actual armor that was even close to this, was when I was a High Knight rank in the CIS. I moved over to here, and I haven't used that armor in a long time. yes I have created lightsaber resistant armor, however, I was much higher rank than you, as well, I rarely used the armor I had. I would recommend that you do the same so you can get a better feel for RPing in near death situations, as well as train your character, and you yourself as a writer, to overcome obstacles through tactics, and skills, rather than "Oh you can't hit me because of my boss armor"
Now, I mean in no way disrespect you, or your creations. I am asking the same questions that most judges will ask you, as well as possible RPJs, I question you now so when they do ask, you will be prepared, and not be left dumbfounded (not that you will) I am here to help you and to give you constructive criticism so that you can build up from that and continue on what you want to achieve. Thank you for your time.