Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zavek Ambrose


NAME: Zavek Ambrose
FACTION: The Republic
RANK: Padawan
AGE: Twenty Five
HEIGHT: Six Feet Three Inches
WEIGHT: 215 lbs.
EYES: Gray-Blue
HAIR: Dirty Blonde
SKIN: Lightly tanned
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Nothing noticeable


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Is a natural pilot, and extreamly well versed in both defensive and offensive piloting tactics. This has caused him to become a good technician with his personal craft, knowing it better than he know people.
  • Is a skilled archer, taught by the Wookies in his many sojourns to the planet Kashyyyk since his teenage years.
  • Can understand and speak Galactic Standard basic, Shyriiwook, and Huttese.

  • Is very socially awkward and doesn't like larger crowds, or being in the center light where everyone can see him.
  • Is very stubborn and doesn't like to lose arguments, so much so that he will go as far as ignoring the other person for days.
  • Has been known to never let go of a grudge and get worked up over nothing.

Zavek's personal YT-1300 light freighter, known by its name "The Star Gazer" was modified very similarly to the Millennium Falcon, though no where near as storied as the classic ship. The biggest modification that he put into use was for his Astromech droid to be his co-pilot and navigator, though it was still possible to have another person as a co-pilot. While it did have an active and powerful hyperdrive, the ship was not the fastest or best ship for fighting, and for the most part was used for peaceful missions, such as bringing supplies to planets in need of aid, be it medical supplies, food and water, or other needed essentials.

Born the son of a freighter pilot and smuggler, Zavek grew to know the inside of most freighters like a soldier knows their equipment. Because of their life style, he didn't have many friends growing up as a child, so his parents had got him an astromech droid, R3-D6, or Red as he called the droid, and while he wasn't a child, the droid would be his closest friends through his whole life, following him everywhere and on every crazy mission Zavek would go on.

When Zavek was a teenager, he had bought and began working on his own ship, deciding it was time to carve out his own path and legacy in the universe, even if it was only in the back ground, because at least then he wasn't being worshiped as a hero. Many of his early missions took him to the aid of the Wookies, where he would learn to use a boy and arrow, mostly because he was curious about such a thing, even if it was highly impractical and useless against most things, he saw it as a good hobby. As the last handful of years had passed by, he found himself becoming more and more curious about the secrets and mysteries of the galaxy at large, so much so he started to travelling to old Jedi Ruins across the galaxy, finding a natural sort of peace that he had never known... This is now where his story truly starts.




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