Well-Known Member

NAME: Okay fine, it's Sophii Lightfoot, but i'd prefer if you just call me Zavii.
FACTION: Silver Jedi 'til i die!
RANK: I'm just a wandering Padawan, hoping to find a Master soon...
SPECIES: Oh, was my hair covering my horns? My fault. Zabrak.
AGE: 19, almost 20!
SEX: Seriously? Female.
WEIGHT: 145 pounds, if you must know.
EYES: Dark Purple, like a magical nebula!
HAIR: Bright Violet, like the dye I paid for.
SKIN: Brown, like a... Wookiee's fur, I guess?
For one, I'm pretty social. I love meeting people and hearing their stories! It's my only chance at getting to see more of the Galaxy than I ever could in person, I think. Plus I can learn a lot of lessons from other people instead of "the hard way."
A lot of people tell me that I'm pretty sharp too; I tend to notice little details in the sights and sounds around me way before anyone else, but I don't always point things out right away because I think "well i can see the thing, so surely everyone else can see the thing." Why bother everyone else if it's in plain sight, you know?
As for the flip side, I don't really have a lot of patience. I'm always the first one to jump at a challenge and I HATE waiting... yeah that definitely gets me into trouble... a lot. But at least it's fun, right?
My other big problem has to be my temper... I guess I have a sort of list of rules in my head that I figure everyone should follow out of courtesy or whatever, so I can get pretty angry whenever someone does something I don't like. That and the fact that I can be pretty quick to make friends has gotten me burned a few times, but I can't just start mistrusting people based on the actions of others!
I guess you could say I'm pretty emotional in general, but I do my best to keep things light and laid back when I can. It's got to beat getting all jaded and grumpy, right?
Oh by the way, I have quick reflexes like a nexu, so don't be like some of my friends and try to startle me. You'll get punched, or flipped, or kicked. Hard.
I like wearing light blues, dark greens, and black! I definitely prefer clothes that flow... cloaks, jackets, loose-fitting pants, that type of stuff, but I only wear shoes or gloves when I absolutely have to. Feeling the environment around me with my bare skin keeps me sensitive and grounded in the moment. Get used to it.
You'll usually find my hair in a ponytail or a long braid down my back with a little braid hanging to my right shoulder, as is custom, and you'll usually find an excited or sly smile under my curious and voracious eyes. If you look closely enough you'll see some freckles under my eyes and over my nose, but they're barely darker than the rest of my skin so you might not notice.
As for the things I hang from my belt, you'll usually find my chrome-brushed lightsaber, my little matte-black slug pistol (with an extra magazine), holocomm, glowrod, liquid-rope w/ magna-lock, folding pocket knife, compact rebreather and a cute little shell fossil I found in a riverbed once, which I actually hang from my neck.
There's not really too much to tell about my life before the Order. I mean, I only lived with my family until I was 6 or 7 so I hardly remember their faces anymore. I remember I lived on Coruscant, and that I accidentally threw a kid across the room with my mind when he decided to pull on my hair. A couple of weeks later, a tall Human came to take me to the Silver Jedi. My parents said they were proud, and they smiled through their tears. I get packages and messages from them every year on my birthday, and I try to do the same for their birthdays too, but we both are busy a lot, and some of the other Jedi look at me differently when they find out so I don't really go out of my way to talk to them.
I spend most days in classes, learning the finer points of combat, how to hone my Force abilities, conflict resolution, meditation... Regular Jedi stuff, I guess. I really enjoy martial arts though... I'm always game for some sparring, or any kind of challenge, really. Also... I love music! I'm usually listening to something on my Holocomm, and when I'm not I'm usually whistling or tapping out a beat on any hard surface I can find. Some of my friends might tell you that I'm a good singer but they're lying... I'll never be as good as Nexus Lightfoot... that damned Human has the voice of a Goddess!
Lately I've been getting off-world more, going on missions to help the Order and our allies fight against the Dark Side's influence in the galaxy! I've met a lot more interesting people this way, and seen and done things most beings never dream of! Not all of it has been good, to be honest, and I'd be lying if I said I haven't gotten scared for my friends a few times, but It's all worth it....
Actually, I don't know how to fly anything bigger than a landspeeder, and barely even that. Still, I was recently given a freighter for my service in defense of Kashyyyk; now to find a pilot...
It may be kinda messed up to say; but I haven't killed anyone who really stands out yet, and certainly nobody who didn't deserve it. At least, I hope...
Also none... though a few extra credits couldn't hurt...
THEME SONG: RHCP: "Can't Stop"
Voice Sample (Singing)
While Zavii has spent much of her life with the order, she took on her parents' civilized Coruscanti accent (Space-British) and uses it for the most part, but when she gets too excited she's known to slip into the Iridonian Pigeon accent sometimes heard among the mid-level denizens when they choose to speak basic (Space-Afrikaans).
Padawans Unite: Training (Exited IC)
Welcome Wagon (SJO Faction)(Defunct)
An Alien and a Cyborg Walk into a Hospital (Private RP)(Complete)
Your First Steps (Ghosted)
Midsummer's Muse (Private RP) (Complete)
General Loose Ends (Private RP) (Complete)
Dark of the Night (Private Training) (Ongoing)
Noctis Fame (Private RP) (Ongoing)
Jedi Journey: Takeru (Ongoing)
Two for Flinching (Ended)
Into the Valley (Ruusan Hex) (?)
Charros IV: "Yo ho, yo ho, A Pirate's Life for Me!" (complete)
"All Aboard" (Ceraluen) (Ended)