Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zaxo Desilijic Toro (Zaxo the Hutt)

Zaxo Desilijic Toro
"If not us, then someone else. So why not us?" - Traditional Hutt saying​
NAME: Zaxo Desilijic Toro, otherwise known as Zaxo the Hutt
FACTION: Independent
RANK: Hutt Crime Lord
AGE: 568 years old (Average Hutt Life Span: 1000 years)
HEIGHT: 1.8 meters

LENGTH: 4.2 meters
WEIGHT: Estimated around 1.5 metric tons
EYES: Yellow & Red
SKIN: Green



+) Extreme Wealth: As one of the handful Hutts remaining after the Galaxy plunged into chaos, Zaxo has inherited an unimaginable sums of credits from his Desilijic heritage, and his fortune grows ever larger through his management of illicit trades.

+) Influential Hutt: Partly thanks to his seemingly ever-lasting loads of credits, Zaxo has 'negotiated' or otherwise bribed officials across the Galaxy towards his favor.

+) Instatiable Greed: Like any other Hutts in the universe, Zaxo's desire for even greater wealth is unable to fullfilled, ever. His greed often gets him into back-stabbing allies, and breaking laws.

+/- Holds No Moral Value: Zaxo the Hutt has no morals, and he believes every actions he takes are justified. Thus, Zaxo ruthlessly murders those that dare stand in his way, breaks about a dozen laws everyday, and tend to have his Twi'lek slaves wearing questionable scraps of clothing. This particular characteristic has led to Zaxo becoming the infamous Hutt that he is known as today.

-) Fat and Heavy: To put it into the most blunt words, Zaxo is 'sluggish' to say the least. It takes him a while to move around, so most of the time he is onboard his speeder or otherwise occupying his overly large spot in his palace throne room.



Zaxo owns a private Ghtroc Industries Class 720 freighter, customized to accomodate the Hutt iin his space travels.


Records show that Zaxo Desilijic Toro was born on the Hutt homeworld of Nal Hutta, at around 268 ABY. Growing up, Zaxo made lots of enemies and allies alike, starting with small schemes which he successfully carried out. The Coruscant police shows that about a good twenty-percent of attempted bank robberies in the Galactic City was done by pirates paid for by Zaxo. After his parent's death / disappearence, Zaxo the Hutt took his spot as a member of the Desilijic Hutt clan council member.

Zaxo later discovered that his parents were slaughtered by Republic troops on a Republic raid on an illegal weapons market, and vowed to take out his revenge on the Republic. Inheriting vast amounts of credits following his parents' death, the Hutt began illicit trades of his own, managing hundreds upon hundreds of successful trades across the Galaxy including trade on death-sticks and dozens of different types of illegal spice.

At around 460 ABY, the Hutt purchased a giant slot of land on the planet Nal Hutta, building a palace and establishing himself as an infamous crime lord. He offered vast number of assignments and missions to hundreds of bounty hunters and pirates, and became known for paying well those that did the job that they were supposed to do.

(coming soon!)​

Nisha Decrilla

@[member="Jacen Cavill"] @[member="Kaine Zambrano"]

At least Kaine was smart enough not to come back. Jacen still wants to revisit this.

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