Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zecl Tuwmizi [Major WIP]


Name: Zecl Tuwmizi

Species: Ithorian

Age: 18 Galactic Standard Years

Gender: Male

Height: 2.08m

Weight: 91.2kg

Eyes: Black

Skin: Brown

Homeworld: Pantolomin

Force Sensitive: Yes

Strengths: + Zecl has always been a well put together speaker and his persuasion has gotten him out of many rotten situations.
+ Being calm and collected in situations helps Zecl think things through before going through with them.
Weaknesses: - Zecl's size is a downside as he is slower and bigger than most around him, making him quite noticeable.
- Zecl's laziness and attitude to "not care" is an unfortunate trait from his youth that has him come off as gluttonous and sarcastic.

Appearance: Zecl looks like your average Ithorian, calm and quiet. Although tall, he was quite average to many Ithorians. He wore a blue alb with a maroon poncho, a translating vocoder to speak Galatic Basic, and almost always walked around with a walking stick which he used for walking and defense if needed.

The soft pitter patter of rain fell almost silently on the cantina windows. Was it a sign? He did not know. In truth, he did not know much at all. Born to exiled parents out of wedlock, here he was stuck on Pantolomin, a tourism world, serving drinks to rude tourists who have no sense of manners whatsoever to the Ithorian. He does nothing about it though, as long as they pay and don't break anything, he doesn't mind. He wanted a break, maybe a long, long break. He was no supporter of his job or the world, but didn't care for anyone except his health. With a bounty hunter father, there was almost no respect towards him from his fellow Ithorians. He was always called "different" by his father, "different" because he had a heightened sense of knowing when things came and went. His mother called it the "Force", yea, right. Is that why his father has kept him here on this paradise of a planet(the tropical life was getting old)? Whatever it was, he wasn't trained in any way or how and didn't have a highest interest to be. For now, he sits and waits for something, anything, to happen.

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