Name: C001A34 also known as Zed
Species: Clone
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 167 lbs
Faction: No affiliation, bounty hunter
Force sensitive: No
Strengths and weaknesses:
Zed was cloned on the Kamino cloning facilities by a Twi'lek woman named Taza'Hanal in 800 ABY. She wanted a son and found that the Kaminoans were still able to clone so she requested that she be given a son. The Kaminoans agreed and gave her a son. She took him to Tatooine and raised him as her own. When he was nineteen a hutt enforcer killed his mother for not paying protection money and from that day onward he vowed to avenge his mother's death by killing The Hutt that was responsible for his mothers untimely death. As a way to make quick money he began to take bounties and also used the opportunity to get closer to the Hutt that killed his mother.
Bounties completed:
Species: Clone
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: 167 lbs
Faction: No affiliation, bounty hunter
Force sensitive: No
Strengths and weaknesses:
- + Weapon proficiency: DC-15x sniper rifle
- + Detective: Very observant of his surroundings.
- + Camouflage: Able to hide himself very easily in a varied assortment of camouflages.
- + Tactical: Has an innate sense of tactics.
- - Hates droids: Has an innate despise for droids of all kinds except for astromechs.
- - Does not trust others easily
- - Bad knee: Was hit by a blaster bolt while attempting to capture his bounty. and has trouble maneuvering at times.
- DC-15x sniper rifle: standard issue sniper rifle.
- Hold out blaster: Small pistol sized blaster.
- Clone Scout Armor: Standard issue armor for scout troopers of the 501st
- Backpack with grappling hook, med kit and food supplies
Zed was cloned on the Kamino cloning facilities by a Twi'lek woman named Taza'Hanal in 800 ABY. She wanted a son and found that the Kaminoans were still able to clone so she requested that she be given a son. The Kaminoans agreed and gave her a son. She took him to Tatooine and raised him as her own. When he was nineteen a hutt enforcer killed his mother for not paying protection money and from that day onward he vowed to avenge his mother's death by killing The Hutt that was responsible for his mothers untimely death. As a way to make quick money he began to take bounties and also used the opportunity to get closer to the Hutt that killed his mother.
Bounties completed: