Zedd Harkor
Zedd Harkor

NAME: Zedd Harkor
ALIASES: Impervium
FACTION: The Sovereignty
RANK: Lord Admiral
AGE: 40
HEIGHT: 6’4”
WEIGHT: 214 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown, Short
SKIN: Caucasian
VOICE SAMPLE: Liev Schreiber

+ Chessmaster of War – Zedd Harkor, without a shadow of a doubt, is a brilliantly-sound tactician, strategist, and "chessmaster", of warfare in general, relative so to conflicts on a tactical, strategic, and theatrical scale. Zedd Harkor possesses over twenty years of experience in being in command, and is a veteran of navy, through-and-through. In addition, Zedd Harkor is a natural manipulator of image projection politics, which, in turn, has helped carve himself a cult of personality among his loyal men and women, and to weaponize his status against any person or any government he deems fit.
+ Cult of Personality – Although the Sovereignty has just risen as a planetary nation, Zedd Harkor has already been propagandized as a popular militant figure of the government due to his overwhelming popularity within the navy and previous military accomplishments. He is depicted as the quintessential soldier. The entirety of the Sovereign Navy is well behind Zedd as an authority figure.
+ Stellar Judge of Character - As a result of Zedd Harkor's cult of personality that he's developed, Zedd is an excellent judge of character; doing so, in reading facial expressions, detecting motives, finding pressure points, and analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of a person. This helps create a naturally paternal image of Zedd.
+ Nerves of Steel – Hardened from the after-effects of many armed conflicts, and warfare in general, Zedd quite literally possesses nerves of steel. Even when a lightsaber was held at his neck, or when the barrel of a gun was held just inches before his face, he remained unwavering, unphased; his steely gaze attributes to his iron spirit.
+ Gifted Combatant - Whether Zedd Harkor is caught in a firefight or is fighting an opponent in hand-to-hand combat, Zedd Harkor, by any measurement, is an exceptional combatant and soldier, and even though he is the predominant hierarchical figure of the Sovereign Navy, he is not an armchair general, and should not be underestimated.
± Ruthless, Calculating – Shrouded behind the guise of his cult of personality and games of image-projection politics, Lord Admiral Zedd Harkor is a ruthless, calculating individual, who is self-aware that he possesses a cult-like following and mutual respect among soldier-personnel across the galaxy, and utilizes it so as a weapon. However, this in turn makes Zedd Harkor more oblivious - cold - to the emotions of those around him.
- Arrogance – Zedd Harkor is quick to respect his own thoughts, and his firm convictions. Although he is not unreasonable or egotistical, if he is simply unable to understand the logic and the train of thought of another peer or subordinate, Zedd will likely dismiss the opinion of the individual as inferior, unfounded, and irrational. Zedd Harkor is an overbearing personality, and is arrogantly domineeringly so
- Reserved - Although still domineering and overbearing, Zedd Harkor is surprisingly reserved and distant, and withholds his judgement to the public; Zedd does this so with the discreet intention of amplifying his voice when he speaks, and increasing the power of his image. However, as a result of Zedd's deliberate reservedness, this makes Zedd more difficult to personally know.
- Intolerant – Zedd Harkor is an intolerant individual, when it comes to dealing with discrepancies and nuances as they pertain to his goals. Notably intolerant of any complaints whatsoever, due to his old school hard-ass mindset, Zedd is well entrenched in the idea of; "My way or the highway".
- Stubborn – On occasion, Zedd Harkor, against the benefits his iron will, like a rock or an immovable object in of itself, is prone to becoming stubborn and obstinate, and will see himself elbow-deep in pushing his vision, and his alone, as he callously disregards the ideas of those around him.
Lord Admiral Zedd Harkor stands at the impressive height of six-foot-four, boasting a mesomorphic build fully ripped with muscle. In uniform, Zedd's shoulders are especially broad. His face is square, with the rugged features of a seasoned military man. His hair, brown, is short, with a rugged, yet modestly-kept, stubble draping his jawline and upper lip. He possesses a pair of strong, prominent eyebrows, that add to the blue eyes of his piercing gaze. Mild-mannered, he is considered to be handsome. Zedd's facial expression rarely changes from that of a militant man's furrowed brow and narrowed eyes, his iron gaze imbued with that of an essence of deliberation. In terms of his posture, Zedd nigh literally never slouches, and is typically found standing tall. Zedd is rarely seen outside of his formal Sovereign Navy uniform, a uniform that is decorated with a multitude of ribbons and awards, from the various places and governments he's served across the galaxy.
Dutiful | Machiavellian | Intelligent | Ruthless | Paternal | Overbearing | Iron-Willed
Zedd Harkor is an extremely dutiful and reverent individual; Harkor's personal sentiments of this unending tour of duty dictate his every move, almost hauntingly so. However, outside of his relentless sense of duty, cult of personality, and games of image projection politics, Lord Admiral Zedd Harkor is a ruthlessly cold, and calculating individual, who weaponizes his image to further his far-reaching 'duty-minded' goals, coinciding so with his extremely dutiful personality. In his propagandized image, he is depicted as the quintessential soldier, the person that you want to be as a soldier, and the man you want to see you lead by, as a soldier; an authority figure that's entirely fearless, dutiful, hardened, experienced, intelligent. He is regarded as this universal war hero. Even though these are the qualities that are propagandized - they are still incredibly true, as they pertain to the personal traits and characteristics of Zedd Harkor himself. Although Zedd's worked for a multitude of different planetary governments as a high-ranking naval officer like any mercenary would comparably be for one that's worked for so many different governments, Zedd's exceptionally dutiful and loyal to the Sovereignty, or any past government that he's worked for that matter, where he secretly still holds personal sentiments to. Zedd Harkor's questionable Machiavellian-Cult of personality are not without motive or personal sentiment. Zedd acts so heavily so out of his respect and mutual understanding for soldiers around the galaxy. Zedd believes the galaxy is forever destined and drifted towards conflict, and that there is nothing more noble than an armed profession, for someone that risks being forgotten forever.Zedd is exceptionally hardened, and tough-minded. Although renowned for his stoic and withdrawn demeanor, can still, by some miraculous means and his own deliberated efforts, be a very overbearing individual, almost so like a father in a paternal sense; the reason for this is because Zedd refuses to give any quarter to things that threaten to take away the power of his authority. Zzedd enjoys a firm handle on things, and typically doesn't respond well to things getting out of hand, especially when it isn't his fault. Harkor is also thought to be somewhat arrogant, as he’s quite confident in his abilities. Zedd is quite intolerant of any complaining as well, since he's largely a masculine figure of personality; depicting Harkor as an old-school hard-ass on occasion would certainly be correct. In addition, Zedd Harkor is an incredibly stubborn individual; this stubbornness is enough to go against his well-being, such as him knowing when to quit or give in, as this also coincides with his famed nerves of steel. This stubbornness and firm posture of Harkor has given him the nickname of Impervium.
Zedd Harkor was born on the ecumenopolis world of Fondor, a planet famously known for its extensive orbital shipyards and drydocks, its entirely industrialized planetary surface like that of Coruscant, and its Guild of Shipwrights as a form of government. Zedd Harkor, born to the Harkor Family, a well-known family in the Guild of Shipwrights for it’s extensive military background in navies all around the galaxy. In nigh feudal fashion, the Harkor Family is known for extensively drilling and educating their offspring in command and naval warfare, and sending their children across the galaxy to serve in militaries in positions of command across the galaxy, with their extensive knowledge of military strategy and tactics. Deliberately, this has helped the ambitious Harkor Family establish their influence across the entire galaxy, a political hand in any major or planetary government. This tradition in the Harkor Family extends past even a millennium. Quite literally, being in the military is in Zedd Harkor’s blood, as Zedd Harkor sees much of the galaxy through the lens of the galaxy's perpetual state of warfare and conflict. With over two decades of experience of being in command under his belt and a childhood dedicated to military education, Zedd Harkor has worked as the head of the navy for a multitude planetary governments, and has gained a small cult-like following among soldiers around the galaxy. Zedd Harkor has now sets his sights on The Sovereignty on the fringes of Wild Space, determined to see through the creation of yet another establishment.
At the political formation of the Sovereignty in 851 ABY, Lord Admiral Zedd Harkor anticipated, engaged, and destroyed a hostile Draxite-Pirate Fleet, as it would've came barreling towards Eadu to plunder the planet of resources once more; Harkor, evidently, had other plans. Later, the Lord Admiral would continue to build the Sovereign fleet, until the then-relatively small, system-sized naval force of the Sovereignty could best the flagship of the Draxite-Pirate fleet in an especially key lynch-pin engagement. Whilst the pirate fleet was out on it's usual vagrant route of plunder, Harkor, leading the engagement against the Sovereignty, utilized a salvaged Imperial Tyrant-class Star Destroyer, left over and disabled from the Galactic Empire's involvement in the approximate AJ-27 hex. The Tyrant-class Star Destroyer would serve as a key stratagem, as it had the capability to interdict vessels the approximate size of cruisers out of hyperspace. Anticipating and interdicting the Draxite-Pirate Fleet, Harkor would then deliberately pull all of the escort vessels out of hyperspace, so that they could be destroyed or otherwise damaged, until the main battlecruiser would show up. Until then, the Draxite battlecruiser-flagship would then be separated, and in turn, the Sovereign Navy caught the Draxite-Pirate fleet off guard with overwhelming firepower, crippling it's numbers and escort vessels. Lest before long, realizing it's escort vessels were interdicted, the battlecruiser would then make it's way onto the battlefield. Knowing and preemptively anticipating well beforehand that the Tyrant-class couldn't go head to head with the battlecruiser, Harkor tucked the battlecruiser behind the shield of a gas giant to continue to buy time for the boarding parties that would board the battlecruiser, whilst the boarding parties would take out the battlecruiser from the inside-out. Before long, the Draxite Fleet was destroyed, after their flagship had been taken out, left only to scramble with their ion drives, unable to leave with the interdiction-field in affect.
Later, Harkor would take part in disabling and destroying a rogue A.I. asteroid base in the orbit of Striga. Just before the asteroid base was disabled, the A.I. made a decision to crash onto the planetary surface as a last resort. Although, the Sovereign Fleet managed to destroy the asteroid, effectively saving countless denizens that were below on the planetary surface of Striga. At the Sovereignty's incursion into the civil war on Kubindi between the varying hives, Harkor managed to open communications with aKubindi Admiral that was in charge of the opposing fleet that the Sovereignty would have to engage. After the Kubindi Admiral made several warnings for Harkor and his fleet to stand down and surrender, Harkor, instead utilized this time, with the open-line in communications, to drop a payload virus into the systems of the Kubaz fleet, effectively crippling it from the inside, as the opposing fleet were then subsequently and calculatedly bombarded by an array of long-range turbolaser fire; the Kubaz fleet was eventually destroyed, as it was unable to keep up with the Sovereignty's superior firepower and it's systems disabled or crippled with the payload of the virus. Although the Kubaz are known for their great cunning and guile, it was, interestingly, instead Harkor, who surprisingly proved himself to be the most cunning, as he outsmarted the opposing Kubaz fleet and hive.