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Zef Halo vs Keira Ticon

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Our combatants find themselves in a simple practice arena. There are no crowds of cheering spectators, and no obstacles either. The arena is free of any distractions. Today, there is only the fight.

The arena is circular, twenty meters wide. A waist-high duracrete barrier surrounds it. Being thrown out of the arena does not count as a loss, but leaving it voluntarily will be taken as surrender. It's reasonably well lit, with the lights adjusted so as not to shine in the fighters' eyes.

The floor is smooth dirt, packed tightly by centuries of feet treading the same ground. It's slightly uneven, but not enough to really throw off footing. Combatants need not worry about anything but the fight.

The fighters will enter from opposite sides. The fight will go on until either one or both fighters is dead or incapacitated, a fighter surrenders either verbally or by leaving the ring, or time runs out.

Good luck, and may the Force be with you.

[member="Zef Halo"]
[member="Keira Ticon"]
Gear in signature.

Fights were nothing new for Keira. They had been the norm of her life for over a decade, with too much time being spent on a number of battlefields. Each fight had honed her into a progressively more deadly combatant, until eventually she was of the sort called upon to end fights before they began and neutralize potential threats quickly and cleanly. War was akin to a sort of second home, however dangerous a mindset that might have been for her to maintain, and that mentality had never really subsided with time.

It was that which could be at least partially blamed for where she currently found herself, in a small room that branched off the hallway which led to the arena itself. The secluded area had been designated for the place where the fighters would prepare themselves, and it was there she donned her armor and took up her arms, treating this as any other battle. With no indication of being in any kind of marked hurry she pulled her helmet on over her head, calling her lightsaber into her hand and clipping it at her waist.

At the end of the day it didn't matter overly much who she happened to be facing, though the fact that it was one of her vode, a fellow Mandalorian, only made things interesting. The fact that she knew him as a Crusader to boot had only provoked amusement. If they didn't hear something from the others by the time this was all said and done she would only be disappointed. "You need to focus." And there was Thalia, always lending a hand. "Yeah, yeah. I'll be fine. Always am, remember?"

Silence reigned as she finally entered the arena, the only sound her booted feet on the packed dirt of the floor. Drawing in a breath she found her center, that zen most warriors possessed in which nothing mattered but the fight ahead. Instinctively she drew on the Force as well, pulling it into her core and letting it sit, a malleable hub of power that could be called upon at will. Now, as most confrontations accumulated to, there was nothing but the waiting left.

[member="Zef Halo"]
Gear: Sig Armor; Loadout

((OOC: Fkn hate writing my gear, I need to organize my poodoo xD ))


Boy, didn't Zef hate arenas.

There was once this time where he had to win one in order to have his debt forgiven. Of course, the initiator of such an idea was a Hutt crimelord. It's becoming a bit of unoriginal with this Hutts being crimelords. Zef thought they surely could be something else rather than rule criminal organizations.

Kark it.

The scoundrel stepped forward from the shadows of his entry tunnel into the arena where a familiar female figure stood at the opposite side.

"Oh boy. I wouldn't mind if you had your bathrobe on this time." Zef shrugged and prepared for what was to come. "Hit me with your best shot."

Karking force users...

@Booboo [member="Keira Ticon"]

When he entered the arena, her awareness instantly heightened, not quite shifting into overdrive just yet. That would come later, once the first shots had been fired, or the first strike made. A time or two ago it wouldn't have been strange to be facing down an armored individual in a T-visor helmet, but now that Keira considered the Mandalorians friend and family, her perspective was changed a bit. It only seemed proper that they would be pitted against each other in a setting like this. All the better a learning experience.

"I left the Jedi fifteen years ago. If you wanted an easy fight with one of them you came to the wrong place. Jatnese be te jatnese, right?" Typically she held back some fraction in bouts such as this, but it wasn't exactly a sparring match. Or at least, she couldn't treat it like it was one. This was about showcasing what she was capable of and perhaps showing off a bit. No one had ever called her the most humble. "Need I remind you what happened the other two times you faced a Mandalorian in combat?" In-helmet comms kept this conversation private. "No, you don't, but I suppose you're going to anyway."

The AI's laugh was the only response, and she cracked a smile beneath her helmet. Her attention again centered on the one across from her, and she released a pulse of the Force meant to knock him backwards. Not powerful enough to throw one through walls by any means, but it packed its own sort of punch regardless. Both of them had walked into this wanting a fight, and both of them would get one.

[member="Zef Halo"]
Well, damn.

The damn woman was going in with no chill as the pulse of the force sent him back making him also gasp for air due to its strength, his experience though had made him expect the karking powers of the Force being immediately used. While the Force expelled him backwards, Zef kicked in his grav boots while coughing from the sudden take of breath due to the force power of his opponent and took off upwards. Keeping distance from Force users was generally a rule one had to follow if one did not plan on dying.

He took off at a height of 4 meters approximately from the ground where he had just been standing and began circular movements around the booboo, with his dual Verpine shatter pistols loaded with the Sith Killer Round that explode into hot, piercing shrapnels upon contact. No wonder they'd been called Sith Killer Rounds.

Zef was well aware of the dangers of firing too fast this rounds so he would fire twice from each pistol before pausing their fire for around three seconds, while keep flying around his opponent.

[member="Keira Ticon"]
The worst part about this thus far, Keira decided, was that there was no cover to work with. When it came to the battlefield it typically didn't require much effort to manage some kind of defense, but here she was too exposed. Before she was able to manage any kind of barrier one of the rounds caught her low in the right side of her chest, kinetic force alone driving her backwards and off her feet. To her credit she managed to roll once she hit the ground, reducing the amount of damage that would have been inflicted upon impact.

Still, even with the ballistic shielding and otherwise obvious protection granted by the phrik plating her breath was driven from her lungs, bruises already blossoming across her chest. As she rose to her knees she activated the particle shield integrated into the forearm of her cybernetic limb, blocking the next few shots from the pistols. She remained kneeling so as to maintain her balance against the sheer force of each shot, though shrapnel from that first round had still sliced into her skin through the phrik mesh.

In order for this fight to continue on any kind of equal footing something about this would have to change, and that would begin with removing him from his position in the air, at the very least temporarily. So her focus shifted to one of the grav boots, and she centralized her attention to the circuits, extending an ethereal hand in an attempt to disable one of them and hopefully bring him down to ground level. This here was the true beginning.

[member="Zef Halo"]
OOC: As we discussed on skype, booboo these are the 4x wrist attachments - ACS-208 Wrist charric, Dinuul, ZX Miniature flame projector, AT-1 Wrist Slugthrower,

Zef's strategy was working as he continued his cycle of fire upon the opponent, as always technology is the way forward to the future. Yet, credits to his opponent for reacting well enough to withstand the next explosive shots with what seemed to be a particle shield. He would continue more until one of his grav boots crackled and his HUD showed him that it had malfunctioned.

Had Zef been younger he'd react well and balance himself but as old as he was, the scoundrel lost the balance in the air whirled in the air. Timing his deactivation of his grav boots, the Mandalorian was able to at least land with grace away from his opponent. He fired immediately, not wanting to give any initiative and after two shots from each pistol, it was time to reload.

[member="Keira Ticon"]
Out of the final two shots the first again crashed into the particle shield, but before the second could dissipate harmlessly across its surface the shield dematerialized not of her own volition. To her credit Keira managed to react quickly enough to avoid what would have brought a quicker end to things as it stood. Instead the bullet scraped along the pauldron of her left shoulder, leaving her unbalanced but ultimately reaping little damage given that her cybernetic arm beneath was plated in phrik as well.

After that short spurt of chaos all action seemed to cease for a moment or two, and she took the time to stand properly, rolling her shoulder once to ensure she still retained the full range of motion after the impact of the bullet. Distance seemed to be the name of his game, but she would much rather play things up close and personal. Wasting no time she let her lightsaber fly like a boomerang through the air, the weapon serving primarily as a distraction in its arc. The real threat was her personally.

As the weapon curved she manipulated its path to eventually return to her, darting forward with speed augmented just enough to blur her form. She checked herself at the last second to slide just past him assuming he hadn't moved, collapsible CW-77 forming in her right hand and letting off two shots towards his back. Sure, not the most honorable move for a Mandalorian to make, but the moment you found yourself in a fair fight, the battle was already lost. In the next breath the humming of her saber grew louder, weapon snapping back into her palm, having done no harm. His move.

[member="Zef Halo"]
Hey there folks, I'm here to lay down a judgment for you.

And I'll save you the suspense: Per Eralam, I've been told that [member="Zef Halo"] concedes the duel to [member="Keira Ticon"].

Now, reading this duel, I love that you guys were essentially going blow for blow. Not a lot of people are willing to write that kind of brutal struggle for victory. It's always great to see people willing to roll with punches and take nasty loads of damage.

There wasn't a ton of Force usage, and what was there was sound. I have no complaints in that department.

Due to the actual collateral from the fight, though, if Zef hadn't conceded, Keira would have lost this fight. Zef has some nasty weapons going for him. (I dig those Sith Killer rounds.) Keira totally had the defensive end of things written, both well and realistically. I like how both characters stayed within that realm.

While short, this was definitely one of the better duels to read. Thanks for the pleasure, mates.

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