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Zef Halo


NAME: Zef Halo
FACTION: Mandalorians
RANK: Not yet specified.
SPECIES: Human of Corellia
AGE: Late 40s
HEIGHT: 1.78m
WEIGHT: 70kg
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Strengths
  • ​Cunning and Shrewd: To be a succesful smuggler one has to have a sharp mind. Scoundrels nonetheless but most if not all smugglers are sly,shrewd and cunning individuals and that is to be expected if they want to survive as in most situations smugglers are usually outnumbered and outgunned.
  • Fast-drawing Gunslinger: In the rare cases where a smuggler might face a low number of adversaries even one, the skill of the blaster is essential. The faster you draw, the higher the chance you survive. Of course accurancy is also included. Zef's skills with blaster pistols have brought him quite some fame amongst his profession collegues and the underworlds of system he often smuggled goods to. His accurancy is also on par but not when it comes to marksmaning or long-range shots, this will be pointed out in weaknesses. Another note: His preferred weapon is a blaster pistol but he is also adept with carbines and rifles although not as expert as with pistols.
  • Survival Insticts: Being on the illegal side of the galaxy and especially in the smuggler sector, one which you almost always must toss your pride from the window and take to heels, Zef is quite fast (also explained in bio), agile and has unorthodox methods of fleeing. His reflexes and quick reactions are also something that has saved him numerous times. And no by that doesn't mean he dodges bullets like Neo.
  • Mandalorian Beskar'gam: One of the most important symbols and parts of the Mandalorian Culture and also component of the Resol'nare (Translated to Six Actions), which are the central tenets of Mandalorian life. The fame of the Beskar'gam is galaxy-wide and with a reputation that brought fear and dread in the hearts of everyone. It's reputation is not only enchanced by the lethal combat and battle abilities of the fearsome Mandalorians and their history but also by it's high effectiveness. Made by the legendary beskar (Mandalorian Iron) which is renowned for it's durability and endurance, more primitive tribes have desribed Mandalorians as being immortal due to the immense damage the armor could take. But this armor's advantages do not stop here, the helmet - the prime of the whole armor - has numerous advantages it gives to its wearer when in combat and easily to get used to HUD.
  • The Art of Improvisation...or Cheap shots/Dirty Fighting: Zef is truly a master of improvisation and cheap shots when it came to combat. He isn't the guy who can last long in a close quarter fight without a blaster and his skills in improvising and cheap shots are something that well suit this dirty scoundrel.
  • Corellian (Ace Pilot): Zef is even praised by fellow smugglers of his great piloting skills. He was not only a quite talented pilot but also a versatile one which could fly all sorts of ships from starfighters to capital ships. He also has much unorthodox movements to his piloting which also suprisingly he deployed even if pilot a capital ship.
  • Weaknesses
  • ​Would you stop missing ? I would stop missing when my target isn't a fierfekking kirik-fly parsecs away from me. : . Zef's skills are marginal when it comes to long-range combat. His accurancy to hit things far away with whatever weapon was below average. Zef also dislikes the use of snipers and finds them "unattractive".
  • I warn you I've knocked out a wookie with one right jab: Sure, Zef. You may be good at deception and lying but obviously you can't knock out a wookie with a right jab. Zef is a typical street/bar brawler with the typical skill of hurling punches and defending his ass when it came to a typical street or bar brawl but he is not one to last long in a close-quarter fight, so he almost always resorts to his cheap moves which are also boosted by his agility and reflexes. Yet again close-quarter combat without a blaster is certainly not his thing and he would attempt to evade such situations from happening.
  • Smartass Zef trying to haggle with a Hutt, really smart of you Zef, really smart: One of his most unique traits of his personality which mostly symbolises him is his sarcasm. No wonder he is mostly called mir'sheb by his Mandalorian brethren which translates to smartass. This trait of his would often lead him to trouble in which by pure luck he would escape alive. As a smuggler who always wants to add a few more coins to his profit Zef is very good with words and speech. Living in a world of deception as he is a smuggler he has attained impressive skills of persuasion, haggling and bargaining [This should be strength but it's a double edged word so meh]. Yet that is a double-edged blade, not rarely did his love for the coin often pushed his various employers to reject his services and some of these employers which had temper problems and wasn't wise to haggle with, such as Hutts, would often put Zef in fatal troubles.


I present you the Barloz II - class light freighter
"The Corellian Bolt" sadly renamed by the Mandalorians to "Jai'galaar"

Differences to the picture: The Corellian Bolt unlike the one on the picture lacks the missile launchers on it's rear ( you clearly see them next to the quadlaser canon ) to increase speed and maneuvrability highly and to free up space and expand the cargo hold. Passengers' count without the pilot was up to 4 people although the freighter could fit much more passengers if they had sleeping bags due to the big cargo hold. As most smuggler ships the Barloz II did not go without modification. It's hull was naturaly endurable along with it's shields but the hull was slightly more enforced and the deflector shields were highly improved. Sacrifing a bit of the big cargo hold The Corellian bolt was reinforced with top-notch engines. It was the engines which were the most expensive and best component of the ship thus giving the freighter the name "The Corellian Bolt". The Corellian Bolt retains its original two quadralaser cannons on it's sides with their controls being in the cockpit and one quadralaser cannon on top (see pic) which's controls were where it was located ( just like the quadralaser cannon on the Millenium Falcon). Before being impounded by the Mandalorians the Correlian Bolt's two port and starboard quadralaser cannons were replaced by flaps which increased maneuvrability. After it's impoundment the Correlian Bolt, now "Jai'galaar" (shriek-hawk, creature native to the planet of Mandalore), was once again modified but not much. The Mandalorians restored the quadralaser cannons on the ship's two sides decreasing the ship's speed and maneuvrability and reinforced it's hull even more than before. The Mandalorians brought mostly interior changes as they added numerous retractable seats for transportation of troops. The "Jai'galaar" was now not only a fast supply ship and a smuggler's jewel but also a troop transport. Although slighly sacrificing speed and maneuvrability the Mandalorians indeed made the ship better and improved it at minimal sacrifices mostly due to their great mechanical abilities (As you know MandalMotors and MandalTech, infamous starship producers and developers). One of the most integral parts of the "Jai'galaar" is also it's Givin-produced navicomputer. Highly expensive as Givin were genius mathematicians and astrogators but it helped Zef's smuggling business especially when it came to keeping deadlines.
Born on the good ol' smuggler's moon of Nar Shadaa but of Corellian heritage, and well Mandalorian. Although the latter heritage was not known to him until a long time in the future. Born as Zef Vohaloveer, later adopted the name as Zef Halo which was something smugglers often did. He was raised only by his father as according to him, Zef's mother was in a galaxy far far away. She sure was. His father worked as a mechanic of sorts on Nar Shadaa and fled as much as he could any ties with the underworld, which was hard as they were on Nar Shadaa.

Advertisement break: The answer of why he is on Nar Shadaa then will be answered later.

Anyway back to the story young Zef found all mechanical things quite interesting, especially starships. His 'crush' on his father's work made him help out his father from an early age learning much of mechanics. But living on Nar Shadaa was not safe, it was not a rare occassion that the Vohaloveer garage was plundered by thieves and bandits. It was after a few raids on the family's garage that angered the now 13 year old teenager Zef to set up traps that he had deviced by himself. And so Zef Vohaloveer ignited war with the bandits. After numerous unsuccesful attempts by the bandits which resulted in many injuries on the bandit's side, one particular attempt of theft resulted this time in death. The gang that organized the raids were over with the raids and now had planned an ambush on Zef or his father.
The ambush did happen and the target was Zef. Being beaten by the thugs the now fourteen year old young Corellian was saved from one final lethal strike from the thugs by another gang which drove off the bandits beating them horribly and leaving them to flee. They took the boy immediately to medical attention and patched him up. But his saviors were a gang too just like those that were about to kill him and they wanted payment. At first it was an amazingly high tribute payment monthly along with percent of profit from his father's business but Zef's speech and haggling skills even from such a young age were able to convince the gang to receive a very low, even low for Zef's father, instead Zef offered his services to the gang.

Zef was able to conceal his membership in a thug gang from his caring father for a long time. Till the age of twenty Zef was a succesful gang member of the "She'grer Hooligans". She'grer was the adjacent neighborhood of where Zef lived, Zef's neighborhood was also the Hooligans' territory after a massive raid against the thugs that were terrozing the Vohaloveer Garage. With the "She'grer Hooligans" he picked up a lot of scoundrel skills - using a blaster, cheap shots, dirty fighting and of course making his way solo in the underworld along with building connections there something which Zef was well capable of due to his talented speech skills. Connection in the underworld were essential and Zef knew that especially when Nar Shadaa entered a period of one after another bloody gang wars. Being a She'grer Hooligan also made Zef utilize his sprinting skills, whether it was because he was stealing illegal prodcuts from other criminals, running from police enforcers or fleeing ambushes and attempts on his life, or even simply delivering important packages to bigger criminal syndicates. The last activity although quite dangerous and risky built Zef some reputation in bigger spheres of the criminal world. Being a "messenger" he often did enter places of much more notorious crime lords, unlike his other gang fellows and forged connections there which would prove handy later on.

Two weeks after his twentieth birthday his whole life turned to a much different path. The "epidemic of gang wars" struck the "She'grer Hooligans" and they entered a fierce battle with another gang. The reasons were many - territory, operations on each other's territories, fighting for recognition by higher criminal syndicates and so on. The Hooligans lost and dispersed, many were killed, many were traitorous and joined the victorious gang and other simply faded away just like Zef who was able to do so due to his personal code of "never being at the top cause that's where you attract sniper rifles." A week after the destruction of the "She'grer Hooligans" Zef's father was on his dying bed. It was then that his father, Trek Vohaloveer, revealed Zef's origins and heritage and everything about Zef's mother - Terra Kyr'bes. (read Keer-bez)

So Zef found it hard to comprehend that his mother was a Mandalorian of a long Mandalorian line of heritage dating back centuries back. His father, Trek, left or literally fled from his wife due to him not wanting his child to become a soldier. Although Trek dearly loved Terra and it was painful leaving her, he rejected her constant pressure on raising Zef as a Mandalorian and it was escape his only choice to prevent any future events such as Terra kidnaping her own child. It was Nar Shaada, the place where all scum gathered, where Trek fled with his two year old son. It was the only place where it was possible to hide from Terra, even she - a bounty hunter - would find it hard to find Trek and their child Zef. Despite the father's success of preventing Zef on going the Mandalorian way for nearly three decades destiny had it's way to find everyone. And it did find Zef.

A year ago before the current events Zef Halo was on a smuggling run on a planet which had problems with local rebels attempting to usurp the power. A planet in the far reaches of the Outer Rim. The scoundrel easily passed the cargo check by the authorities due to his hidden compartments on the ship and successfully was able to smuggle weaponary to the local resistance forces. Lots of cash were made by this deal so the good ol' scoundrel Zef Halo decided to take his time relaxing on this planet which was a typical Outer Rim planet - more nature less urbanization - now that was some real vacation. Zef was only able to relax for a complete day until, well the Mandalorians assaulted the fierfek planet. He barely escaped without a scratch as he fled from the hotel to his ship at the starport while his luck saved him from the bombardments from the air. Blessing his remote control of his ship he had ignited the ship's engines and prepared it for flight before he arrived at the starport. His ship did not go unnoticed especially since this planet did not have heavy traffic. The Corellian Bolt was chased down by fighters but the smuggler's ship was not one to be underrated, it easily went on par when it came to speed with the starfighters. Surprising the pilots of the starfighters with the freighter's unusual capabilities he was able to escape them with a few moves but not for long. He simply jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. Zef had hoped that on the other side of the planet there won't be any ships but he was wrong as he left the atmosphere of the planet a cruiser had appeared from hyperspace. Cursing his luck he prayed the cruiser did not have tractor beams which was almost impossible so Zef prayed his ship would be able to reach space free of the gravity well to jump into hyperspace. Just as he did and as he was about to swiftly change his vector accordingly the freighter's controls started beeping and alerting that the ship was caught in a tractor beam. Zef cursed under his breath his luck once again but he also seemed a bit happy with the fact that he was alive... still.

On board the ship he was quickly dragged by Mandalorians on the ship's brig. Zef did not want any of this, he did not want to be a Mandalorian although it somehow felt familiar maybe due to the Mandalorian lineage running in his blood. A few hours later the brig was full from different kind of sentients and soon enough all the captured sentients which included Zef were offered two choices: Join us or perish.
The system the Mandalorians employed surely worked well as only seven or eight sentients preferred death rather than becoming a Mandalorian. Well Zef was one of the many sentients which were assimiliated in the Mandalorian culture although in Zef's veins ran the blood of the Mandalorian culture.

Nowadays... It's been a year since Zef became a Mandalorian although at the beginning he felt ashamed of prefering to live as a Mandalorian and dishonor his father but Zef believed his father would have approved it even with a griefing heart. His father was a strict follower of the code that life was the most important thing. So to live another day was a better option then being shot by a Mando in the head on that brig. During that year as a Mandalorian undergoing training and fighting on numerous fronts he adapted easily in the Mandalorian society most likely due to his heritage. Zef became interested with the Mandalorian culture and especially language which he began often using. The smuggler though never turned into a strict machine follower of Mandalorian code, no ! He was still that smartass typical scoundrel attitude smuggler but in another outfit and with interest in Mandalorian culture. During the same year he also learned that his mother was dead since three years and that she had predicted that her son would sooner or later become a Mandalorian, she was sure that she had told Mandalore and his most trusted lieutenants that once her son became a Mandalorian he is to inherit the clan compound on Mandalore. And so he did, only to found he was the only member of his clan left. Zef was divided by his ambitions, to serve for life the Mandalorian cause and leave a generation after him to follow the Mandalorian way or find a way to escape and go back smuggling. His second option weighted much more, for now cause you know in the end Zef is a lover of the coin, a scoundrel.




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