Zek Koth

NAME: Zek Koth
FACTION: The Resistance/The Republic Remnant
RANK: Captain
SPECIES: Iridonian
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 185lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Fair
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Level Headed: Under pressure he's as cool as a cucumber.
Strong: His presence in the Force is strong, and so is his body.
Brutal: He does whatever it takes to get the job done. Literally.
Addict: He's a bit of a spice addict.
Zek has long, brown hair like his ancestor, Eeth. He has several forward horns, but no apparent horns past the line of his hair. He's about average height for his species, but is more muscular than many. Most often he's in some sort of flight gear, like as seen above, but in his downtime he's typically wearing a pair of slacks with thigh high boots, a tunic, and some sort of long-sleeved jacket. When he's not on duty he also pulls his hair back and ties it so it's out of his face more.
Zek was born on Iridonia. He was raised in the customary traditions of his people: fighting and bloodshed. For the longest time the Republic left them to their devices so long as they didn't cause any problems. They continued their rivalry with the Echani and the Mandalorians and all was well. That lasted until the One Sith came into power when Zek was younger. They quickly assaulted the Republic and many Iridonian's joined the fighting, including most of his family. He was too young, and not allowed to enlist, but many of his family and others around him ended up dead as a result of the fighting. He quickly formed a hatred for the Sith, and the Empire as a result of their assistance of the Sith. He found himself quite angry.
When the Republic folded, Zek was left with nothing but his studies of the Force. He achieved Knighthood before ever leaving Iridonia for the first time. When he did so, he found the One Sith gone, and several Empire's to replace them. There were few standing against these forces save the Silver Jedi and the Alliance. When he learned that there were several movements on the rise, such as the Resistance, he was quick to seek them out, realizing he could satisfy his bloodlust by assisting them in fighting the enemy.
But he did want more. When he found out that the Republic still existed in the form of the Republic, he decided he would go and join them as well. As a skilled pilot, he ascended in the Starfighter Corp and was eventually assigned as a member of Spectre/Red Squadron because of his simulator scores and his aptitude for combat. Over time he would come to be promoted to their leader, being assigned to special operations piloting missions except when operating in public Republic capacity, in which he was then Red Leader. This satisfied his minor need to be doing something to further the safety and stability of the galaxy while the Resistance satisfied his true bloodlust.
He maintains his positions with both groups to this day.