Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Corporation Name: Zel Medical Clinic
Headquarters: Coruscant
Locations: None atm.
Operations: It's a medical clinic specializing in any and all medical treatments, from antibacterials to medical-grade prosthetics.
Rationale: Circe wanted Subach-Innes(which ultimately owns Zel) to make money by doing some good in the world.
Tier: 2
Description: The Zel Medical Clinic is a small yet very high-tech facility located on Coruscant, offering practically every form of medical care available. Through Circe Savan's web of connections, the company has a plethora of medical treatments from around the galaxy, from the commonly known to the relatively experimental. Though a chain of false company names would lead back to Subach-Innes, it was Circe herself that chose to invest company money into this lesser company. Whether it was the greed of acquiring profits through medical means, out of guilt and a desire to help the galaxy, or out of her own medical issues, she chose this course of action. Only now will we see what the clinic's place in the galaxy is.
Headquarters: Coruscant
Locations: None atm.
Operations: It's a medical clinic specializing in any and all medical treatments, from antibacterials to medical-grade prosthetics.
Rationale: Circe wanted Subach-Innes(which ultimately owns Zel) to make money by doing some good in the world.
Tier: 2
Description: The Zel Medical Clinic is a small yet very high-tech facility located on Coruscant, offering practically every form of medical care available. Through Circe Savan's web of connections, the company has a plethora of medical treatments from around the galaxy, from the commonly known to the relatively experimental. Though a chain of false company names would lead back to Subach-Innes, it was Circe herself that chose to invest company money into this lesser company. Whether it was the greed of acquiring profits through medical means, out of guilt and a desire to help the galaxy, or out of her own medical issues, she chose this course of action. Only now will we see what the clinic's place in the galaxy is.