The musty smell of cigarette smoke filled the lobby of the small parlor. Customers liked to smoke all kinds of things, but the usual drug of choice was nicotine. Quint found no pleasure in any of it. Drugs, alcohol, sex, those were fun, but nothing got it him off like a little ink and needle. That's why his arms were covered, and his back was a work in progress. Why not make a living sharing what he did? The only way to do that was to have his own shop, at least to do that leagally. A lot of his work had been done in prison, but that was a different time and a different Quint.
He finally was free to make a life of his own. Salis was one who actually was trying to break from his life as a felon drug runner. It was a difficult adjustment at first, but he'd adjusted. He'd been eleven when he started, nineteen when he faced adult charges. All of that was behind him, and for the past six years he'd been running his own tattoo parlor on Zeltros.
Paradise City was the center of hedonism and all things sinful. One would think Quint should stay away, but he was surprisingly able to stay clean when everyone around him was likely involved in something illegal. Walking to the door, Quint pulled on the chain which was attached to the neon open sign. Most of his work was done at night, and the static hum of the neon sign was the familiar overture to his night. He smiled and checked as he took his seat waiting for the lobby to fill. Until then he'd watch the streets and take in the colorful parade of scantily clad women heading to the near by clubs.
He finally was free to make a life of his own. Salis was one who actually was trying to break from his life as a felon drug runner. It was a difficult adjustment at first, but he'd adjusted. He'd been eleven when he started, nineteen when he faced adult charges. All of that was behind him, and for the past six years he'd been running his own tattoo parlor on Zeltros.
Paradise City was the center of hedonism and all things sinful. One would think Quint should stay away, but he was surprisingly able to stay clean when everyone around him was likely involved in something illegal. Walking to the door, Quint pulled on the chain which was attached to the neon open sign. Most of his work was done at night, and the static hum of the neon sign was the familiar overture to his night. He smiled and checked as he took his seat waiting for the lobby to fill. Until then he'd watch the streets and take in the colorful parade of scantily clad women heading to the near by clubs.