Zephyra Karvuna
Age | 20 |
Species | Human |
Gender | Female |
Height | 2 Meters |
Weight | 35kg |
Force Sensitive | Yes |
From the back neck to the back waist her skin is burned black with third degree burns as well as her breasts to her front waist. This allows her to not need a top piece of clothing to cover her torso since its all ashen and burnt and covered in scales.
Extra Short-Bob Hair Cut (Black)
Gray Eyes that glow amber when she uses pyro powers.
Slender figure
Lightsaber Curved Hilt (Red) with Mustafar Lava Crystal.
Black Long Dress (Bottom)
Golden Heart Shaped Locket (one side is burnt)
Zephyra is very confident, her burns she wears as a badge of honor believing suffering and pain makes her connection yo the dark side of the Force stronger.
A vixen, Zeph tends to play mind games on others acolytes and those who fall for her. She derives pleasure leading people on.
High Pain Tolerance: Having had her top half of her body from neck to waist covered in severe burns that still cause her pain, Zeph has learned to manage pain to a degree that she can endure what most cannot.
Melee Master: Zephyra has trained with melee weapons and mastered a speed of movement that ends encounters quickly.
Force Drain Master: Due to her burns she has to siphon life from others to keep her skin moist and intact at the burn sites. Using Force Drain is her stand i be for Becta.
Injuries: Her skin from neck to the chest to the waist line on both sides is like rough scales, and while she can immolate them, they are vulnerable to more injury.
Overconfidence: Trying to hide her physical pain makes Zeph prone to actions that overplay her hand and get her in trouble.
Zephyra was once a Jedi Padawan under her Master Von Tzur. During a mission to Mustafar where they fought The Blackguard, Zeph had a lava flow break open and fall on her in a fight, her Master used the Force to take as much of the magma as possible before he was cut down, still Zeph was butned and she wmrged from the flames in a rage at seding her Master slain, she cslled forth tyr fires that had enveloped her and consumed the Trintiy-Assassins, Maruaders, and Ravagers. Holding her fallen Master, this Phoenix with burnt flesh wept and was taken into The Black Guard's Stronghold and kept a prisoner. One of their number saw fit to help with Kelto shots, and a Becta bath. He becsme her first love, his name was Rune, and his fate was tragic, for when the others discovered he had not only violated his vows by loving an Outsider, but had kept Zeohyra healthy, they cast him off the Lava Falls, which made Zeph in her anguish summon her pyro powers and command waves of magma to kill them.
With a broken heart she fles to Mustafarian Miners Guild where she was cared for and lodged. There she helped the Miners find ore with her powers for a time, before getting her first flight off world to explore the wider galaxy.
Around her neck is a heart necklace Rune made her and was partially burned by her wrath.
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