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Zeraen Lassiter

Zeraen Lassiter

Yes, I am not a Force user. Shocking right?
Zeraen Lassiter
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’2”
AGE: 23
EYES: Green
HAIR: Auburn
SKIN: Lightly tanned



W.I.P. But for now, just imagine Jensen Ackles.



Zeraen was born to a poor family on the outskirts of Iziz. His father owned and operated a scrap yard and his mother died during childbirth. His dad was a hard man that didn't express himself well. Though not abusive he was not above using physical violence to keep his kid in line. Only rarely was an outburst due to anger or drunkenness, usually once a year on the anniversary of his mother's death.

When he was young he used to head out into wilds near Iziz. He learned how to navigate in the jungles and avoid some of the predators as he grew more daring and braved farther and farther from the city. At some point, this changed and his attention turned back towards Iziz. He started avoiding the wilds instead exploring the city. Eventually, he was picked up by a gang and learned a lot about the criminal underground.

When he was eighteen his dad had a heart attack. Zeraen who had barely seen the old man in the last two years arrived at the hospital. He and his father had a talk which lasted well into the early hours of the evening. His father died that morning. At the end of it, he left, sold the family scrapyard, and joined up with the local military trying to leave his criminal past behind him.

After four years he was discharged from service and with nothing keeping him on Onderron he headed out into the galaxy to find his way. He's been everything from a mechanic, to a mercenary, to a bounty hunter, to a chef. Moving from odd job to odd job relying on a quick wit and the occasional con to stay ahead.


(+) No Stranger to Violence: Zeraen grew up in one of the rougher sections of Onderron. Growing up he was no stranger to the odd tussle and he learned how to brawl with the best of them. When he got older he did a brief stint with the local military and they taught him the basics of soldiering and how to shoot.
(+) Likes to Tinker: His family ran a scrap yard and his dad liked to tinker. Zeraen knows his ways around most basic components and can dismantle, repair, or modify most mechanical things.
(+) Silver Tongued: Probably his biggest strength he is a generally charming guy, usually able to talk his way out of situations and get people onto his side. However, this can backfire when his quick tongue gets away from him.
(+) Rolls With The Punches: He learned how to take a beating at a young age. His dad was just on the right side of abusive to not leave him too scarred and more than a few gangs of older boys beat him up for giving them lip. He's learned how to take a punch and keep swinging.
(+) Wild Child: Growing up near the outskirts of Iziz he spent a lot of time in the wilds. He knows how to track and hunt.
(-) I Don't Need No Fancy Education: Zaraen didn't get much of an education growing up. He spent a view years at the local schools but fell in with a bad crowd when he got older. So he lacks a level of formal education and general etiquette.
(-) Say That Again: He's got a bit of a short fuse and can be easily goaded into doing something.
(-) Don't Go There: Something happened in his past that he doesn't talk about. However, it seems to have involved water as he is a bit of a hydrophobe.

Zeraen Lassiter

Yes, I am not a Force user. Shocking right?
[member="Skyler Swaffer"], Sorry I read this before I went to bed the other day and forgot to answer. I am good but I also don't think that a profile is a good place to make small talk. :p

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