Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"We need to survive this cruel, cruel galaxy in some way. That used to be an impossibility for me, but now I am among my own kind..."
Name: The name he was given at birth is now known to very few people except himself, but he prefers to go by his self proclaimed name "Zes"​
Faction: The New Order is where Zes considers to be his home now, among other Sith.​
Rank: To many, Zes's rank would be that of Acolyte, but he himself prefers to refer to himself as a "learner" or a "student"​
Species: It would be very easy and very simple to merely class Zes as a Human, but if you want more accuracy than that his official species is Correlian.​
Age: Age is only the measure of experience you have in the galaxy, Zes has a physical age of about 25 but his mental age and maturity are way better than what would be considered of a 25 year old.​
Gender: Zes is obviously a male variant of the Human species.​
Height: five foot and ten inches (178 cm)​
Weight: 68 KG (150 Pounds)​
Eyes: Dark Brown​
Hair: Dark Brown with a white streak through it.​
Skin: Pale white​
Force Sensitive: Yes​
Strengths & Weaknesses:
+Good with a knife - Due to training during his earlier childhood, Zes is very good with the art of using knifes as weapons, which can make him dangerous sometimes.​
+/-Thirst for blood - Zes seems to have a thirst for his enemies blood that isn't satisfied until he is tearing off his enemy's head whilst trying to cause as much pain to him as possible.​
-Insanity - No one knows whether this is from having a weird childhood or some other event that happened to him, but he always appears to be insane.​
+Strong - Zes is very muscular and strong from his days as a teenager working in the Correlian spice farms.​
+/-Emotional - Like all Sith, Zes can get just a little bit over the top sometimes, but sometimes he takes it WAY to far...​
-Rare Sickness - Zes has a rare sickness that has no known cure for it, he can only keep it in check using the Force.​
None... Yet​
Handheld Weapons:
Standard Knife, Unmodified​
Standard Vibroblade, Unmodified​
Projectile Weapons:
Blaster Pistol, Unmodified​
Zes was born on the planet of Corellia, a hive of scum, and his parents were a part of that scum, they were considered no good evil doers to man people, and when the female fell pregant it was quite a shock for the pair of them and they went undercover for quite a while to have the child, and when he was born they gave up crime to raise and care for their baby, who was always considered "a bit funny in the head" but they loved him more than anything in the world, no matter what the other parents claimed.​
Pretty soon it was time for their son to begin exploring the galaxy on his own, so he joined a pirate crew and began to build some slight muscle while he was with them until he just gave up and started bodybuilding, but soon the pirates were caught, he was one of the ones lucky enough to flee in an escape pod, he crashed on a New Order planet where they discovered his force sensitivity and the rest is history... now comes the adventure...​
Zes instantly started participating in the Dominions and events of his new faction, his first ever Dominion was on Boshp, were he helped the New Order to achieve there goals, killing many of the natives along the way.​

Bounties Collected:
In a Cantina...​
The Smell of Slavery it smells like Victory​
No Stone Unturned, No Book Unburned​

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