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Unreviewed Zesh Harko's Lightsaber

Manufacturer: Zesh Harko
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
Melee Type:
  1. Lightsaber
Size: Average

Zesh Harko's Lightsaber



  • Intent: to create a personal weapon for Zesh Harko
  • Image Source: x
  • Canon Link: Split saber
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • Manufacturer: Zesh Harko
  • Affiliation: Zesh Harko
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Split saber
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material: Durasteel, leather



  • Split saber - a single-bladed lightsaber with an elongated hilt, which can be split into a full-sized lightsaber and a shoto lightsaber.
  • Jenruax crystals - Noted for its cutting power, Jenruax crystals also makes the blade quicker and easier to handle, noted as improving blaster deflection.


  • Cortosis - can withstand the blow of the lightsaber and briefly short out its blade.


Constructed by Zesh Harko during his training as a special operations Jedi Shadow. Unlike a traditional single-bladed lightsaber favored by Jedi Knights, the saber model was constructed with the specific purpose of combating darkside users, leveraging the elements of speed and surprise. The hidden shoto lightsaber in the hilt allows for a rapid change in style from single to dual-blade combat styles or as a fall back option in the event that the top portion of the saber hilt becomes damaged.

Meditating upon the crystals during the lightsaber assembly, they imbued the blades with a jade green coloration. Zesh was one of only two of the assembled shadows in his class that produced a green split saber, whereas the others created blue and yellow sabers. He later wrapped a portion of the hilt with leather to reduce the glare of the metal and offer a slightly improved grip.​

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A personal weapon for Zesh Harko
Image Source(s):
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Zesh Harko
Model: Split saber
Modular: No
Material: Durasteel, leather

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