Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Zeta Squad

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Name: Zeta Squad
Intent: To create a squad for Alister to use in different scenarios such as Invasions and the likes.
Affiliation: The Imperial Remnant
Availability: Unique (Personal)
Type: Infantry
Strength: 5
Formed at the turning point of the Crinan Revolution – Zeta squad was the royalists’ answer to the rebels’ increasingly desperate tactics as the Empire slowly but steadily established order throughout the system. It’s members consisted of individuals who through valor in battle have shown themselves loyal to the Royal family and in turn the Imperial war effort.

Each member of Zeta squad had received an honor from the King/Queen themselves and as such to be part of Zeta squad was by many considered a great honor. They were initially a group of 12 members and all of them were loyal to the cause but after a catastrophic failure during a mission deep into enemy territory their numbers were cut down to 5 as they all died one by one.

Those who made it out of there alive swore a new allegiance - to the crown and the fallen. A motto they’ve yet to take to the grave.

The squad consists of five men and women but show slight bias towards women. This is excluding Alister.

Equipment (will most likely expand at a later date):
- Crina Royalist Combat Armor
- Crinan Energy Blade

((First submission, woo!))
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Alister Krandor"]

This mission where they died one by one, was it in thread or off screen? If it is in thread please link it as it shows the squads skills and growth as well as how they work together.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
That would be so tempting to see but not needed. This unit right now is small and there is nothing else pressing about them. I am lookiing forward to seeing them grow through threads.

Approved Pending Secondary
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