Zeth I

NAME: Zeth I
FACTION: Republic
RANK: Padawan
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6 ft.
WEIGHT: 175 lbs.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Caucasian
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) Zeth is fearless. He does not fear death, and is one to put himself in danger just to taunt it.
(+) Zeth is physically stronger and faster than the average jedi. He can be found constantly working on something different to progress himself wether it be with the force or physically.
(-) When it comes to ships and blasters, Zeth's mind comes to a complete blank. He never cared to learn about them..or so he says. Zeth completely lacks the ability to use either of those things and will refuse to learn.
(-) Zeth's fearlessness leads to a lot of horrible situations that could've been easily avoided if he had a sense of self control. The padawan will be brutally honest at the worst of times.
Main Saber: Constructed by himself, the lightsaber is made from both the horn and dragon pearl of a Krayt dragon. Zeth obtained these items after slaying a Krayt dragon with a group of fellow tribe members. The lightsaber took a couple of months to create thanks to the materials that Zeth used. He originially wanted to straighten out the horn but figured that the curve of the dragon horn looked much better. The pearl gives the blade a red color.
Jewelry: A necklace with a red crystal hanging from it. Given to him by his father, Zeth will eventually use it to create another lightsaber.
Irr'Rokk'Koo was born into a small settler village in the outskirts of Tattooine. He was only a couple of days old before Tusken raiders came through and slaughtered nearly everyone in the village. The Tusken raiders spared the newborn infant's life and decided to raise him as one of their own. Irr'Rokk'Koo was the name given to the infant by the Chief of the tribe. Irr'Rokk'Koo grew up with no hate or prejudice, he was seen as another mere Uli-ah to the rest of the tribe. At the age of 5, the tribe members decided that it was time for Irr'Rokk'Koo to receive his own bantha and begin training to become a hunter. The human grew up alongside the Tusken tribe and learned how to hunt various creatures and predators. He even learned how to train a mastiff to take on hunting trips.
Irr'Rokk'Koo was loved by his tribe members. They always showed him a lot of affection, and he was a skilled enough hunter that other tribes even knew him. The young human continued to progress within the tribe. The love for his people was strong. Even though he was different he never felt more at home.
It wasn't until he turned 12, when it was time to prove his hunting skills and earn the right to be considered an adult. The young human, along with a group of other adolescent children, went out to a location that was rumored to have a Krayt dragon. The tribe abandoned the teenagers in the wasteland, and they decided to venture off. The teenagers were confident in their skills, they were able to bring down other predators with little effort.
The battle with the Krayt dragon was... brutal to say the least. While most of the teenagers were able to deal damage, many of them were eaten in less than a second. It wasn't until Irr'Rokk'Koo was the last one standing. The Krayt dragon was severely injured, but the teenager knew that he could not take it down on his own. Right before the dragon struck, Irr'Rokk'Koo released a large amount of force energy. Smashing the Krayt dragon against the ground and crushing its internal organs. The teenager did not question it, and thought it was a miracle. He cut off one of the horns, and grabbed the pearl out of the dragon's stomach. His fellow tribe members collected the bodies of his deceased comrades, and also salvaged the body of the dragon for ritual purposes.
The tribe was surprised that a teenager was able to kill a Krayt dragon. Irr'Rokk'Koo explained how he was able to defeat the dragon and word got out of the force sensitive Tuskan raider. The killing of the dragon proved that he was now an adult and established hunter. The tribe saw the boy as a blessing, they constantly praised him and made sure that he was the first one to eat. His father honored him by gifting him his necklace.
A month later, a jedi appeared. While at first he received some mild hostility from the tribe, the chief calmed them down to discuss his offer. The jedi wished to take Irr'Rokk'Koo into the jedi order. After a long and hard decision, the chief decided to let him go.
When first coming into the order, Irr'Rokk'Koo was seen as a savage. Not only did he not know how to speak Galactic basic, but his way of life seemed completely different from everybody else. He did not have the patience like all the other younglings, and his random outbursts in Tusken were a huge pain to the teachers.
After a few years Irr'Rokk'Koo learned how to speak Galactic basic, and gave himself a new name. He felt a strong connection with the name 'Zeth' and decided to make his sur name 'I' for the sake of saving everyone a headache on pronunciation. Zeth learned how to behave himself, and the jedi code granted him a nice peace of mind. Many instructors did not expect Zeth to learn at a fast rate. He became a padawan in only 8 years of training.
Many of the instructors worry over Zeth's over aggresiveness and lack of respecting authority. They say that he walks dangerously close to the dark side. Zeth doesn't pay any attention to them. He believes that a little bit of darkness never hurt anyone.