Zezu Lya
More Machine Than Human
Zezu Lya
More Machine Than Human

NAME: Zezu Lya
FACTION: The Collective
RANK: Scientist and College Professor
SPECIES: Human (25%) Cyborg (75%)
AGE: Human
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5ft 10in
WEIGHT: 165lb
EYES: White
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale
VOICE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ADhF9iyNB4w
- Barely Alive: Zezu has experienced a large, near-death experience in her life that had almost had her killed. The only things keeping her alive were a few vital organs (heart, brain, kidneys, lungs, etc). This experience still affects her currently where she has problems with her missing parts of her body such as her gall bladder where she needs to get surgery every so often.
- Unskilled in Combat: Zezu spends most of her time out of the way of danger and has no reason to fight. When she does, she truly has a disadvantage due to her lack of skill.
- Vulnerable to Electricity: Due to being mostly made with cybernetics, she is able to easily be hurt by electricity.
+ Extremely Intelligent: Zezu has dedicated her entire life to science. She has gone been educated, made many inventions, etc. She has so much experience with this and therefore has gained much intelligence with her endeavors.
+ Strong Armor: Zezu's body is covered in strong metal (Quadanium Steel). Therefore, she is difficult to damage.
+ Observant: Zezu easily notices things... Thats about it.
Zezu's external appearance is made up of entirely artificial components. Her skin in actually a thin fiber that covers the metal covering Zezu's body. Her hair is actually string that is only used to make the appearance of hair. Her eyes are not actually eyes. They are actually cameras that send signals of what is happening in front of them to the brain to tell Zezu what it looks like.
Chapter 1: Early Life-
Zezu Lya was born along with her family on Scipio. Her parents had much wealth and were very involved with the banking business. Before of this, Zezu felt very pressured to earn much money with her career. So she worked hard. She earned good grades in school. She researched high paying careers. She came to her parents' workplace often. She even considered joining the banking business.
She always felt different though. She felt as if she truly didn't care for keeping money safe, writing checks, and screwing innocent lives over with debt. She preferred making things better. She wanted to make evolution in society. Therefore, she brainstormed ideas where she could make society better through means such as technology. Technology! She had a great mind as a child. Greater than the average human girl at her age on Scipio. She felt she could use her intelligence to integrate new technology in the world to help in everyday life.
She started with simple machines such as a precise water filter although as time went by, she strived for greater. She went and soon created small chips that you can plug into your head and upload dreams and memories onto. This was also too simple for her so she went on for greater. She begged her parents to pay for a tuition at the University of Science and Environmental Studies, a large university dedicated to science and environmental studies located on Zakuul. Her parent accepted.
In the university, Zezu gained a truly amazing amount of knowledge about many different forms of science from astrology to biology. Meanwhile, she used this knowledge to present her sills via the creation to many minor inventions.
Her parents paid her to go through a full twelve years of her life to earn a PhD in physics. She chose to take a class in biology. She chose biology because she was interested in seeing what she could do to help people biologically.
She wanted to help people.
Scrapped and upgraded X-70B Phantom-Class Prototype