Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zhaf Passik

Zhaf Passik

Body Guard of the Grand Admiral
NAME: Zhaf Passik
FACTION: Empire Remnants
SPECIES: Clawdite
AGE: 31
HEIGHT: 5'8"
WEIGHT: 160 lbs
EYES: Yellow
HAIR: None
SKIN: Light Green


Strengths: His species' ability to shape shift into creatures of similar build gives him the ability to more easily impersonate someone. His enlistment in the Empire has given him state of the art armor which is more easily moved in and generally quieter for assassinations.
Weaknesses: As with all Clawdites, shape shifting is uncomfortable to painful for him depending on his target form. If he receives substantial pain while shifted he will revert to the reptilian skinned Clawdite form. He views himself as unquestionable in the Empire (save for the Moff). This carries over to his missions and contracts where he expects things to go his way every time. He is very prone to violent means to solve problems.

JumpMaster 5000 (AKA JM-5K)
Zhaf's life was relatively cushy. After the Gulag virus attack, his people the Clawdites continued their support of the Jedi Order. Making silent assassinations of crime lords and providing intelligence on foreign matters, they were key to the Jedi's reconstruction. Zhaf's parents served with the Republic and Jedi their whole lives an expected Zhaf to do the same. And he had for a long time. He served alongside famous Jedi and republic troopers.
At twenty five standard years of age, Zhaf decided it was time for a promotion in the Republic corps. He went on a mission to kill a high-value Sith target. During the mission, he had shifted into a close friend of the Sith and was nearing completion. Killing him, was not his destiny though. A republic strike team had been assigned to take the target out and any others inside the building. The orders were followed to a T and Zhaf was shot on sight. The immense pain made him revert to his original Clawdite form, and he was helpless. The one who shot him realized it was a mistake and ran to catch up with his teammates, hoping Zhaf would die as to avoid blame.
Zhaf did not die however, and was revived by a servant of the Sith he was attempting to kill. Zhaf swore vengeance on the Republic and left hastily. The now dead Sith wasn't going to need his personal ship, so Zhaf took it and flew wherever it would take him. He wandered for six years following contracts and bounties to make a living. He now continues to float in space searching for an end to the Republic.





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