Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Zhuan Cao



NAME: Zhuan Li Fen Cao
  • Li Fen
  • June (she hates this one as it's just a lazy version of her actual name)
  • CEO of Tsubaki Medical
SPECIES: half Arkanian(P) half atrisian(M)
AGE: looks in her twenties, but is privately a little older
SEX: female
HEIGHT: 1.60m
EYES: Brown
HAIR: White
SKIN: White
  • Atrisian
  • Arkanian
  • Nubian
  • Kaminoan
  • Huttese*
  • Basic*

    *She is fluent in both of these but does not admit it and wont speak them. Not even her protocol droid knows this fact.


Atrisian features and arkanian colouring. She is short and slight but surprisingly muscular underneath her skin. She identifies as primarily atrisian so dresses as such.

Force user - Relatively powerful force user with a focus almost exclusively on divination and procognition.
Intellect - Her Arkanian heritage does not leave her wanting for intelligence and she achieved excellent academic results, whether that was a result of her intellect or the fact she guessed the questions in advance is known only to the gods.
Business acumen - Aided by the force she has an excellent grasp of business, making shrewd investments often against the advice of financial counsel but still winning. Her company has grown rapidly.
Sword Fighting - She spent her youth learning to wield a sword, she has never entered real combat but is quite proficient in several styles.

Self-limiting force - Her faith tells her that the force should not be used to harm others, so has never studied any agressive force use beyond written theory.
Non-combatant - She does not seek combat and while trained as a martial arts enthusiast she would be very reluctant to ever fight unless she was desperate.


Deeply spiritual - The following tenets shape her life.
  • The force should observed and allowed to run free
  • It should not be used to harm, destroy or manipulate
  • The fates can only be asked nicely, they cannot be forced
  • Peace is superior to conflict
  • Various colours of orchid growing naturally can be seen as portents of things to come.
Clean - Ultimately she is a clean businesswoman and a pleasure to deal with. She wants to be rich, but that doesnt mean she wants to leave the rest of the universe poorer for it.
Facade - She is a secretive woman who talks little about her private life, most of her business contacts have no idea she is divorced and the mother of two young daughters. She also uses non-harmful secrecy to help benefit her business deals, she pretends not to know Huttese or Basic in order to hand her opponents a perceived advantage, to the point of always having a translation droid present. She also has been known to claim that things that she had forseen would happen anyway were at her instruction, to give the illusion that she is a little more ruthless than her more cutthroat business adversaries might initially suspect.


Zhuan is the CEO of a large company known as Tsubaki Medical. It is a matter of public record that she took over around 12 years ago but it is unclear where exactly she came from prior to that. Since she took over the company has grown very rapidly and she has made a vast amount of money in the process.

She counts herself amongst the more benevolent CEO’s in the confederacy and lives her life by several important spiritual goals. She is aware that she swims in a sharks den though so has learned Several tactics to make sure she competes without sacrificing her values. Her use of the force is one of these, and she has filled her board with several other business minded force user, going so far as to establish a small school that teaches a style of force use known as arithmancy, encouraging neutrality to the force and a focus in its money making potential, as opposed to the accumulation of power practised by several other force schools.

She has forseen many of the major events in her life which combined with her belief in fate, gives her a sense of calm about her place in the universe.

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