Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Zhulghua (WIP)


NAME: Zhulghua




BIRTH PLACE: Wartaki Islands

AGE: 97

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 2.75 Meters

WEIGHT: 165 Kilograms

EYES: Black sanpaku eyes

HAIR: Dark Brown, Brown, and Black

SKIN: N/A (Brown)


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Wookiee
  • Mandalorian
  • Can speak languages other than just Shyriiwook
  • Asocial
  • Hates speaking

Larger-than-average size for a Wookiee. Wears a full-arm bracer gauntlet with grapple-chain on his left arm (that covers a full-arm burn that has left his completely scarred and hairless), greaves, and a pair of visor goggles made from high-carbon Beskar steel. He carries his Ka'rta in necklace form around his neck instead of a chest plate, preferring not to use heavy armor over his fur.

Zhulghua was kidnapped as a cub from his home on the Warkati Islands of Kashyyyk by Trandoshan slavers. He was sold to a mad scientist as a subject for experimentation, with the scientist successfully altering Zhulghua's vocal cords to be able to speak languages Wookiees normally cannot.

The Wookiee managed to catch the scientist off-guard one day and broke his restraints. He snapped the man's neck and stole his ship. He wondered the Galaxy for a while, before finally making it back home. Unfortunately, due to his isolation and the experimentation, Zhulghua has become rather asocial, preferring to keep to himself.

Nonetheless, when Trandoshans and Munin Mandalorians arrived to Kashyyyk one day to fight Wookiee warriors, Zhulghua joined in, killing several Trandoshans in revenge for his kidnapping so many decades prior. He and a group of Wookiee warriors then ran into a dragon that they knew must have been unleashed by the Mandalorians, considering they had seen it exit one of their ships. They tried to ambush the dragon, and nearly defeated it, but the dragon was able to turn the tables, delivering a powerful breath attack stronger than a turbolaser into one of the Wookiee's faces, killing him instantly. Zhulghua managed to be the only survivor of that fight, escaping with his left arm completely burned so badly that the hair would never grow back.

That fight was what made Zhulghua realize that Mandalorains were a fierce people. Studying more about them, he realized that he could find a reason to live following the Way of Mandalore, rather than wasting away in isolation on Kashyyyk.

Force-Tech 45-BX Series Luxury Light Freighter



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