Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Factory Ziggvisst Heavy Engineering





Consistent with the principles of Skakoan pragmatism, Ziggvisst Heavy Engineering operates as a subsidiary of the Galactic Trade Federation, embracing this ideology in the production of military equipment. Their offerings encompass a wide array of products, from individual weapons to large-scale warships.

The design philosophy prioritizes speed and efficiency over aesthetic considerations; however, the company remains receptive to custom contracts, allowing for tailored solutions that meet the specific requirements of clients across the Galactic Stage. Utilizing business practices that can be described as 'morally ambiguous' by employing indentured or outright enslaved labor whilst taking barely any regard to the well being of local ecosystems when conducting vital product tests.


Ziggvisst Heavy Engineering
was founded by a group of Skakoan engineers and researchers, Neimoidian Merchants and Muun Bankers. Who procured funding from the Trade Federation in exchange for a share in the company. Elected by the Executive Board and the selected Chief Engineer, Rulonom Laborr Rulonom Laborr serves as the current 'Chairman' of the Organization.

Given his position based on engineering and technical knowledge the move reflected the strictly pragmatist view of the corporation, harkoning on the design and foundational principals of the old corporate powers that operated during the Galactic Clone Wars.

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