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Approved NPC Zil Zarrs

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[*]Force Sensitivity: None
[*]Age: 55
[*]Species: Gungan
[*]Appearance: Zil Zarrs is a rather portly man, spending his free time relaxing on his sofa or enjoying a good home-cooked meal prepared by his wife Gogotita. When he is focused in on a task or case, his large jowls tend to pull his cheeks down giving the appearance of a permanent frown. His Gungan physique give him very high set yellow eyes with pronounced brows above them. He has a second chin extending out from his neck. He belly is pronounced, but usually hidden by his formal wear.
  • Name: Zil Zarrs
  • Loyalties: The Sith Empire
  • Wealth: Above Average
  • Notable Possessions:
    Several volumes of Imperial Law Books
  • Several Outifts Suitable for Court
  • Personal Civilian Speeder

  • Excellent Orator
  • Strong Focus
  • Photographic Memory

[*]Personality: Serious. That is the word that can best describe Zil Zarrs. Zill is unlike the rest of his Gungan counterparts in two major ways. Firstly, his voice is extremely developed due to years of speech craft result in a powerful and commanding voice. Secondly, he is perhaps one of the most serious and least silly members of The Sith Empire. In his personal life he hardly, if ever, deploys humor or laughter. This commitment to solemnness is amplified in his court cases where he treats the courts with the upmost respect and decency, making him any Judge's favorite prosecutor.
  • Weapon of Choice: Oration Skills
  • Combat Function: Ideally, in a combat scenario Zil would attempt to either persuade the enemy to surrender or give up. He has limited to no combat experience outside of basic knowledge of blasters. He would most likely end up at the rear of any combat formation in order to protect himself, relying on others to keep him safe.

Zil Zarrs attended The Sith Empire's top privately funded law school, having scholarships pay for most of his expenses. He excelled in class for a psychopathic mindset towards winning cases. This mindset placed him at the top of most of his classes, allowing to to graduate with highest honors. He then became a trial lawyer in several planetary courts for several years before returning to his alma mater, but this time as a professor. He taught vigorously and without mercy, failing students without second glance or ear for cries of mercy. This militarist style of teaching made students present at their apex, but eventually forced him to quit due to pressure from the dean. After his departure he then visited The Sith Empire's office of The Great Tribunal to request employment there. Employment was quickly granted and he has become one of their chief prosectors and is frequently deployed on difficult cases.

OOC Info:
Playby: Boss Nass
Voice: Orson Welles
[member="Darth Hashira"]

Header Image: the maximum allowed image size is 1000*750. The image you've added is 1560*878. Please either resize it or put it behind a spoiler tag.

Intent: To create an NPC prosector for TSE
I think you misspelled prosecutor here :)

Image Credit:
The image source needs to be a hyperlink (that can be clicked). Regardless though, that image does not appear on the page. The sourcing should point to the direct page the image can be found on (not the image URL). For more information you can view this thread. If you need any help please don't hesitate to ask :)

Please add link to the Sith Empire faction page.

Species: Gungan
Please link to the gungan entry on the wookie.

  • Notable Possessions:
    Several volumes of Imperial Law Books
    [*]Several Outifts Suitable for Court
    [*]Personal Speeder
Regarding the speeder -some speeders come with weapons, some do not. If this is just a generic speeder without any weapons, I need you to write that in (for example, "Personal Speeder [generic]"). If it's a specific speeder with its own unique traits and tech, it needs to be linked to the submission of it.

Combat Function: Persuade to surrender or give up.
Do you mean that Zil Zarrs wil give up if he can't persuade the enemy to surrender? Does he have any physical combat function? Is he easy to kill? If so this should be listed as a weakness.
[member="Darth Hashira"]

The Image is still too big. Same dimensions as before. You need to re-upload it, rather than add things into the link to display it in a different size.

The Combat Function has not been edited (or the edits have not been saved).
[member="Darth Hashira"]

He taught vigorously and without mercy, failing students without second glance or ear for cries of mercy.
I am 100% sure he was my professor in my final year of schooling. I'm having flashbacks. Joking aside, I never see enough Gungan NPC's. This is a great addition - Nicely done.

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