Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Funny Zinder The App: Swiping Game!

Hey folks!

Thought that it could be fun to have a posting game where people could swipe left or right.


1. This is just a game, don't take it personal or serious
2. Provide a bio for the next person to read after saying which way you are swiping.
3. Swipe for the character above your post.
4. Characters must be 18+ here.
5. Have fun!

(Any matches feel free to go have a thread.)

Here is a bio template:

Character Name:
Character Age:

Seeking: (please state the age bracket, alignment/background (such as must be Sith, Jedi, Imperial, Republican, Mando, any, etc.), preferred genders, and anything else important).
Character Name: Rhys Swynol
Character Age: 26
Interests: Partying, drinking, piracy, gambling, money, dancing and fighting
Gender: Male

Seeking: Any age, any alignment or background, any gender and must be interested in casual and poly fun.
Swipes Right

Character Name: Yané Unassi
Character Age: 19
Interests: Illegal/Criminal Activities, Drinking, Clubbing, Gambling
Gender: Female

Seeking: Interested in the fun parts of life, usually avoiding the law, Gambling, stealing, smoking, etc.
Oh, yeah. Man, woman, other, of age. Just don't take things personal, I don't believe in love.
Swipes Right. "She and I would get along nicely."

Character Name: Magena Dray
Character Age: 27, and not a day older.
Interests: Adventure, exploration, drinking, socializing, general merrymaking
Gender: Female

Seeking: Those with a bit of a rebellious streak, the rogues and thrill seekers. You know, the non-conformist types who want to have a bit of fun and are not expecting anything serious. Age and gender isn't an issue for me, and I could care less about your personal alignments or beliefs. Just don't go trying to convert me.
Swipes Right!

Character Name: Lily Decoria
Character Age: 19
Interests: Sparring, Jedi training, shopping, restaurants, galas, romance novels, casual hangouts and spread joy and chilled times.
Gender: Female

Seeking: 22-28 years old, any gender is okay, Jedi Lightside alignment or neutral leaning, capable of sparring, chill, seeking something casual, likes a woman who can beat them up!
the art of light
Swipes Right - "Could be a nice subject..." plucks pencil from behind his ear, begins taking proportions, "... mais the colour palette could use a little, euh, je ne sais quoi."

Character Name: Ajinar Djo
Character Age: 22
Interests: Artistic pursuits, beauty, working with his hands in general
Gender: Male

  • Platonic: Any age, any gender. Lightside/Light-leaning/Neutral
  • Romantic: 19 - 32 years old, male-identifying preference, Lightside/Light-leaning/Neutral

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