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Approved Tech Zion Blade

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Cylus Jest

Servant of the Inquisition
Name: Zion Blade
Intent: Personal Weapon for Cylus Jest
Development Thread: Cortosis Retrieved
Manufacturer: Cylus Jest
Model: Not Applicable
Affiliation: Cylus Jest
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Echani Vibroblade [Cortosis-weave/durasteel/vibroblade components.]

Classification: Sword
Size: One Handed
Length: 105 CM
Weight: 2-3 KG
Special Features: Cortosis weave allows for resistance to lightsabers as well as most other conventional weaponry.

Description: The Zion Blade is modeled after a conventional fencing sabre, albeit a bit wider to allow for contact with other blades. It is surprisingly light which allows for rapid movements, however it is not very good at power blows. It is equipped with standard vibroblade components allowing for it to begin vibrating at a high rate and to allow it to cut through things more easily, naturally metal objects will not easily be chopped through.
[member="Cylus Jest"] - Under Review.

Notes: The spring loading feature really needs to go, i'm sorry. Swords just don't work that way, as there is a lot more into their construction that would make this a very weak, shoddy blade if hollowed out like it needed to be. Please remove this feature and then everything else appears to be in order for approval.
[member="Cylus Jest"] Again, this is not how swords work. I'm sorry, but even in Star Wars it just wouldn't work that way. You're going to make a blade that as soon as it is struck on the backside/body will crumple, break or the like. I am happy to help you make an echani vibroblade, and if you *truly* insist we can make your spring loaded version, but it's going to be very weak and easy to destroy
[member="Cylus Jest"] - Maybe my cache was messing up, it's been doing that on other sites when I view from mobile. But I still saw the blade side switch thing in, just without a description of how.

Approved, Pending Secondary.

[member="Alric Kuhn"]
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