Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Sith Order

The standing Order of the Sith, consolidated following the Sith Schism of 864ABY. Led by the Emperor and Dark Lord, Darth Empyrean, it strives to bring Sith dominance to the Galaxy once more.

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Ziost 2 TSE Objectives

Hey all! This is just so those of you who are not on Discord can check out and discuss these secondary invasion plots. Any questions leave them below, or discuss how you may use them in the current invasion.

The Galactic Alliance and New Imperial Order's presence upon Ziost and within Tiss'sharl space persists, carrying on with their siege of New Adasta after their assault on Sorzus Academy. The forces of the Sith Empire have ebbed and flowed from all fronts as battles continue to rage across the nation's expanse, yet still weary legionnaires and members of the Sith Order carry on with their offensive.

OOC Note: These objectives are for additional storytelling upon the planet and in space, incorporating events from the former invasion and allowing TSE/Allied writers a focus under the GA objectives.

Objective: Dividends (relevant to Space I or II, Ground III)
The cold logic of the Tiss'shar have lead them to accepting the deal of Telis Taharin, the young man giving them a deal they thought too good to refuse. They are dropping from hyperspace near Ziost and falling in with the Empire's fleets.

Objective: Stormwrought (relevant to Ground III)
Darth Arcanix, Taeli Raaf , brings only her best to the battlefield. The skies are darkening as they swell with an arcane infusion, and will soon unleash bolts whose strikes do not kill but perform a more sinister purpose.

Objective: Rise (relevant to Ground III)
Behind the blockade kept by the Galactic Alliance are throngs of New Adasta citizens. Among them, the plain-clothed members of the Sith-Imperial Citizen's Army-- best known as "Redtops"--stir up the citizens to aid in restoring the city to the Empire's hands. They herald the sign: 'Watch the sky.'

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