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Approved NPC Ziva

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  • Intent: Another addition to Bittie Land.
  • ​Image Credit: Kate Fox
  • Role: Bittie Land employee
  • Links: N/A
  • Age: 194
  • Force Sensitivity: Untrained Force Sensitive
  • Species: Ruferalahuín
  • Appearance: Short and slim. Soft, tanned skin. Striking golden eyes and jet black hair.
  • Name: Ziva
  • Loyalties: Bittie Land, Djonas Vile
  • Wealth: Moderate
  • Notable Possessions: A few dresses, Haysian smelt necklace and bracelet
  • Skills:
  • Seduction

[*]Personality: A very smart and outgoing individual, Ziva is known for her intellectual conversation and warm smile. Her seductive voice does not hurt, either. Ziva likes to talk science and biology, especially insects. Ziva tries her best to hide her nerdy side, but sometimes she just can't hold back when someone starts talking about her interests, which is rare considering most of the people she meets just want her for her services.

  • Weapon of Choice: Pocketknife
  • Combat Function: Ziva is no fighter, she knows this. She keeps a pocketknife and pepper spray on her person at all times for defense, but she can be easily overpowered by most. She is willing to go to great lengths to protect herself from any who might attempt to do her harm, bust there's some times where that isn't enough.
  • Ziva's dancing skills are impeccable. She combines her exotic heritage with her skilled dancing to put on a one-of-a-kind performance.
  • Acute sense of smell from her species
  • Seafood allergy. Runs in the family.
  • Relies heavily on seduction as a form of defense.

Ziva was once a student on Coruscant, studying to become a xenobiologists, specializing in marine life. However, the big city life soon became too much for her. So, she moved to Naboo to continue her studies. However, during her time in Naboo, she slowly changed her interests from marine life to insects after being slightly influenced by new friends she made in Naboo. Ziva's time in Naboo allowed her to pick up several other hobbies that Coruscant was unable to provide for her such as hiking and swimming. Soon, Ziva took up dancing. She remembered stories of her mother dancing when she was younger and wished to follow in her footsteps. Maybe one day when she returned home, Ziva would surprise her mother with the dances she will learn.

As many know, being a student is rather expensive, and Ziva had little funds to finish off paying her school after moving to Naboo. A few of her friends recommended Bittie Land to her because of her interest in dancing. Ziva went to the club and performed for the talent agents and they loved her. The next day she was contacted and hired. Now, Ziva balances her school life and work life with relative ease. Her employer knows her situation and ensures that she has plenty of time for her education.
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