Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon

- Intent: Creating a tactical heavy combat droid
- Image Source:
- Canon Link: Droideka
- Primary Source: ZEUS Droid brain
- Manufacturer: Nargath Holdings
- Affiliation: Closed-Market
- Model: Zeta-Type ZMD-C3 aka Saturn class
Production: Limited
- Modularity: No
- Material: Durasteel skeletal structure and plating, Duraplast internal cranial casing, ZEUS Droid Brain, Polyfibe wiring for winch
- Classification: Fourth Degree
- Weight: 125 kg
- Height: 1.95m
- Movement: Bipedal
- Armaments:
- Twin double lasercanon
- Misc. Equipment:
- Standard Personal energy shield
- Scanner Pack
- Built in scope
- Climbing ability
- All terrain mobility
- High decision making capacity
- High tactical advancements and calculus
- Able to connect and communicate with other droids and droid brains of similar make over a range of 100 km
- Armed with powerfull weaponry
- Capable defense thanks to product design and the aditional personal energy shield
- Very mobile droid with all terrain capacity
- Exposed joint areas which could be seen as potential structural weak spots
- Weak against EMP and Ion attacks.
- Can be hacked: though hacking will prove to be rather difficult, it is still an issue all droids need to deal with.
The Zeta type Multipurpose Droid- designation Combat or ZMD-C for short has been researched and developped under the Mercury program by Nargath Holdings. It is the first of a whole line of droids envisioned by the company to further introduce the benefits and variety of uses for their ZEUS droid brain ai.
The ZMD-C3 was another within the line of these droids, this time designed to be a heavy hitter on the battlefield thanks to the strong sidemounted lasercannons and the crablike limbs, allowing for nearly any terrain to be passible for this machine. Thanks to the built in winch and grappling hook, even vertical terrains pose no immediate threat. Though limited in production numbers, Nargath Holdings believes this to be the next step in the age old Droideka design of the old days.