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Approved Droid ZMDIII - GPD-C 'Ceres' [General Purpose Droid - Combat]

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Manufacturer: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Size: Average

Image source: [X]
Artist: Michael Weisheim Beresin


  • Modularity: Capable of utilizing and wielding a wide variety of weaponry and other equipment, humanoid build makes almost everything built for humanoid creatures applicable and programmable upon the ZMD GPD-C or 'Ceres' model. This does mean that this model gets sold without any add-ons in terms of weaponry, armor and shielding if the client decides to shop elsewhere for these things, but it does not lower compatibility. There's also the posibility to remove the ZEUS droid brain and the standard installed AI in favor of another AI and/or droid brain.
  • Large database and memory storage: Because of the use of the Sérhannaðar AI , it has priority over the ZEUS Mk II, relegating it to a support role for the AI and improving upon it. Because of this, the GPD effectively has 3 droid brains each capable of running the basic functions if the droid is damaged and greatly enlarging memory storage capacity.
  • Tactical ability: Because of the higher number of droid brains present in a single droid, the large amount of memory capacity and the addition of various packages and plug ins, this droid is capable of learning at a much higher rate and superior in terms of tactical adjustments, oversight, analsys and situational awareness compared to lesser models.
  • Significant Slicer protection: The ZEUS MkII is seperated from the actual AI, which means the installed AI takes over all the functions. However, should the installed AI be compromised, all primary functions revert to the ZEUS MkII, which has an excellent Slicing resistance on its own due to the peculiar nature in which it functions. Should the ZEUS Mk II be compromised, there is still the Proton Mk I installed within the Epsylon frame to operate at basic capacity and preserve basic functions and operations of the droid.
  • Upload capacity: Thanks to having so much memory and data storage space, the GPD is capable of uploading and utilizing a wide variety of schematics, logistics and even combat manuals and tactical-strategic courses, meaning that it has the capacity to be improved upon significantly beyond factory settings.
  • Heat and radiation: As this is not a hard labor or construction droid, it misses resistance against severe heat and radiation, making it vulnerable to such siatuations in which it would have to deal with extreme temperatures or heavy radiation.
  • EMP: Even if it is less of an issue than with older models, a strong enough EMP can and will force the droid to either be shut down completely or reboot and fall to basic functions and operations...that is if the Proton and ZEUS haven't been shut down by the EMP either, in which case there's quite a chance of the droid's electrical internals to have been fried.

Recently, the N&Z Umbrella corporation noticed that their droid line up had been aging badly, losing ground on their competitors and becoming obsolete. Because of this, the first step had been made by integrating foreign, open market technology in the Epsylon type modular droid frame, which was designed and engineered with the main purpose being to replace the old Theta type. Ofcourse the goals and requirements were of an expected nature, as the new design had to outperform the old design in all ways possible, but still offer the same robust and sturdy buildquality. These same requirements came to the droids that would be designed with the use of the Epsylon type.

The ZMDIII or 3 (denoting the third generation of Droids made by the NZ) GPD (General Purpose Droid) also nicknamed and advertised as the Ceres, was the first design that exited the research and development department of the N&Z Umbrella corporation. It was engineered to be an allrounder in the field of combat and security, built to be a basic platform upon which a whole array of other Droids could be built and designed, while also promising to customers that the GPD's unmatched modularity would make it so it could exchange AI systems, carry and utilize any weapon and any sort of equipment as long as it fell within its parameters of being useable by a humanoid of its size (meaning it wouldn't be carrying a tank gun or a turbolaser). Their uploading capacity also meant they could be shifted in specialist tasks, such as security personel, tank commanders, strategic commanders and more, as long as the program and the manuals are present; the GPD would be capable of performing its duties as requested.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To build a general purpose droid that can still be customised in terms of equipment by potential buyers
Permissions: N&Z Umbrella Corporation, HPI Consortium

Technical Information

Affiliation: N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Modular: Yes
Material: Tungstoïd, plasteel, Duralium
Movement: Bipedal
Armaments: N/A Weapons and equipment are bought seperately to a customer's specification, desire or design
Droid Classification: Fourth Degree
Defense Rating: High
Energy Resist: High
Kinetic Resist: High
Sonic Resist: Average
Thermal Resist: Low
Radiation Resist: Average
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