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Approved NPC Zobacca

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Zobacca grows infuriated with a non-compliant piece of machinery.


Zobacca's arm looks something like the arm in this one.

  • Intent: To create proper submission for Zobacca, the chief engineer and chief gunsmith of Battlewell Security and Arms.

  • Role: Trusted friend of Ke'Cholo, chief engineer, chief gunsmith.



  • Age: 30

  • Force Sensitivity: Not

  • Species: Wookie

  • Appearance: Zobacca is a towering black haired Wookie. Recently, he was involved in a equipment malfunction that left his left arm crushed beyond repair. The vast wealth of Ke'Cholo afforded the Wookie with a state-of-the-art cybernetic arm that has a vast array of tools literally at his fingertips. When he's not asleep, the Wookie also wears a headpiece that fits over his right eye. This device aids him in his creation of weapons and repairing of equipment. The device shows a HUD over the entire environment helping him diagnose problems and create prototype weapons faster.


  • Name: Zobacca (not a descendant of Chewbacca)

  • Loyalties: Ke'Cholo, Battlewell Security and Arms

  • Wealth: Moderate

  • Notable Possessions:
  1. Various Weapon Parts
  2. His Cybernetic Arm: The arm is made of extra strength titanium, and conceals many tools. The fingers are sharpened to a point to simulate the natural claws of the Wookie and for for self-defense.

  • Skills:
  1. Zobacca is a master engineer, he can quickly and efficiently problems with weapons/vehicles/equipment/droids.
  2. Due to years of weapon testing, Zobacaa has very good aim, however he seldom (if ever) uses it in combat.

  • Personality: Zobacca is a friendly Wookie who spends most of his time away in a factory or workshop. This is not due to distaste of other people, he simply finds himself enjoying his private time in his workshop. Zobacca is a very likable wookie, and usually keeps his increased natural anger in check.

  • Weapon of Choice: Whatever weapon he's currently developing, preferably a heavy duty rifle. If none is around, his cybernetic hand.

  • Combat Function: Zobacca is not usually brought on combat missions, as most of his utility comes off the field and in the workshop or factory. Should he find himself in combat, however, he would be more than capable of defending himself due to his superb aim.


  • Master Engineer: Zobacca's years of experimentation with weapons/vehicles/equipment/tech has afforded his a vast knowledge of all sorts of technology

  • Strong: Like most Wookies, Zobacca is strong. He uses the strength to man-handle equipment and vehicles around.

  • Great Organizer: Zobacca is able to organize the production and manufacturing of all of Battlewell's products.

  • Good Shot: Years of testing weapons have made Zobacca a naturally good shot, particularly with heavy rifles.


  • Double Whammy: Zobacca's cybernetic arm makes him vulnerable to another kind of weapons, ION.

  • Doesn't Usually Wear Armor: Zobacca prefers not to wear armor.

  • Perfectionist: When it comes to the creation and repair of technology, Zobacca is a perfectionist.

  • Not Agile: Being a giant wookie doesn't afford you the luxury of moving quickly.

Zobacca was born on the planet Kashyyyk to middle-class parents. He spent most of his childhood and teenage years tinkering with various devices found around the house or purchased at the market. At the age of 22, already adept at engineering, he was hired by a young Ke'Cholo. The Wookie would serve Ke'Cholo as a faithful friend and stout engineer for a decade. The two almost immediately started a life of crime, robbing banks and taking every last credit they could find. Zobacca used loaded the credits while Ke'Cholo would hold the occupants hostage. This life of crime eventually delved into full-fledged piracy. Ke'Cholo bought several frigates and large starships, using them for illegal purposes. The two eventually made their way to the TOP 10 MOST WANTED list for One Sith allied and Republic allied factions. When Ke'Cholo opened Battlewell Security and Arms, Zobacca was instantly appointed to chief gunsmith. His already vast knowledge of equipment and weapons accelerated the company's growth. Ke'Cholo and Zobacca's criminal record was erased when Ke'Cholo helped the Republic in an invasion. But, crime catches up. Ke'Cholo was sent to jail when One Sith allies captured him. He managed to escape 2 years later, and with a little help, hacked into their servers to erase all their data and surveillance on him. Recently, an equipment malfunction crushed his arm beyond repair. Ke'Cholo's wealth afforded the Wookie a custom, state-of-the-art cybernetic arm.

For the most part this looks fine, just a flavor NPC engineer with a good shot. But I am gonna need you to expand on his history - he's already in his thirties, just add some interesting details that gives the NPC some more depth.

Also, while I don't consider this NPC to be really powerful, I still want you to add two more weaknesses to round the character off. Alternatively you can also remove strengths, but in the end it has to be a 1:1 ratio.
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