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Approved Location Zongbao

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  • Intent: To expand Atrisian lore and add to some of the locations
  • Image Credit: N/A
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  • Military Base Name: Zongbao
  • Classification: Army Base
  • Location: Atrisia codex Atrisia wookiee
  • Affiliation: Atrisian Commonwealth
  • Population: Heavy Spanning several kilometers across the mountains and using the edges of the world armor shield to mark the borders of the base. They clan lives throughout both in and out of the mountains with several million 'civilians' and around three hundred thousand soldiers at any time.
  • Demographics: Primarily held and protected by the Guiying clan of Atrisia, they have expanded outwards through the mountains and as the years went conveted more to homes and defensible positions.
  • Accessibility: Hard to approach with layers of defenses built into the mountains around it and man made engineering feats. The mountains themselves are made into a weapon from a family that has had several thousand years to think of different ways to get through in different scenarios. That was before ships and flyers were incorporated into it and the main landing area serve as the best accessible location with turrets and a area under the section planetary shield when under attack.
  • Description: Designed during the Onyx Empress and controlled by her most loyal clan. Zongbao was designed to defend an important mountain pass pure and simple. The pass connected the eastern regions of the Kital Phard empire and its northern route where metals and precious stones were mined. The Guiying clan built their fortress at one of the most narrow parts of the passes and then spent time mining and detonating to shape the main road leading up to it. The main road leading up towards the fortresses outer gates became a narrow path just large enough for a small column of soldiers to walk through. The mined and carved sections below them filled with spikes and originally lined with archers who could us overhangs to defend themselves and cultivated foliage to obscure them.

    The Years for the clan let them continue to expand it... the original fort became the outer walls and the gates were designed to be thick metal and stone worked to be opened and hard for a siege engine to break through. The narrow path making it harder to fit ladders to get up the pass and sections for dropping explosives and firing down upon an enemy who got to the gates while being in cover. The pathways that stretched from the walls and around the canyon for archers being works on so they would be hard to scale with hooks and going up to the mountains themselves weapons were placed to defend from aerial assault. With the years going forward and advances in technology anti vehicle cannons that could be aimed at the narrow pass and anti infantry turrets for soldiers were set up.

    The inner walls are a hard march of nearly two kilometers fourth in with a mountain pass they continued to funnel numbers while allowing from above the Guiyang clan to attack as needed. The walls of the pass have been given pointed spikes to prevent jumping and scaling. The more open ares serve to allow the clans soldiers to hold an ara with minimal men using tactics tey developed for fighting in the mountain areas of their home. More defensive turrets designed to rip through and stations for power generators. Massive guns designed to fire on approaching fleets and ships that are brought to the edges of their world armor shield are primarily located within the inner ring of defense. Housing for clan members takes the form of barracks and what looks like a village is designed with military defense in mind as the houses have the high ground and can shoot over most cover.

    The inner ring gives way to the main ring where the massive fortress has been erected complete with training grounds and educational facilities. the Guiying clan is one of the more respected on Atrisia for their dedication to teachings and children from the age of seven can be seen being taught how to fight and become soldiers. Men and women work it out and rarely choose to leave the clan fortress home. Instead marrying outsiders and bringing them and their family into the clan getting their own home. The larger homes are usually the older branches of the clan and the head of it has command of their standing soldiers. The clans defenses though are not without as the civilians if one wanted to call them that are all trained. it is mandatory within the clan for early education and then they are allowed to do what they wish to in a sort of rite of passage.

    The primary compound itself is where the main power stations are with a sectional planetary shield system designed to cover the fortress itself and their turrets from orbital bombardment. The more built up pathways are lined with grids for defensive measures... enclision security grids that will shock enemy forces. Autoturrets and sentry guns covering the open areas and chokepoints for maximum coverage. False pathways using monofilament screen guards that the Guiying clan are taught to identify as well as thick tunqstoid doors that are on tracks for the massive weight of them. internal hypervelocity guns and weapons acquired from when Akio's Atrisian empire met with the Chiss in the form of metacannons for heavy defense as well as long range artillery shots.
Mines: One of the big parts of the fortress and why it was chosen. The northern mines of the Onyx Empress are rich in aurodium, kyberite, gemstones and precious metals that can be used in the Atrisian court.

Education Center: Deeply ingrained and loyal the education centers of the Guiying clan are a mixture of school and military training as students are taught to wage war but also starships, mathematics, agriculture and different aspects of what they could do after their mandatory service within the clans forces.

Yanzhao: The main house of the acting clan head and his immediate family. Fortified and covered with its own shield and turrets.

Garden terraces: Designed by the Guiying clan to grow their own food, with water purification and harvesting from underground rivers that will allow the fortress to survive a prolonged siege without running out of supplies. As the population has increased the gardens are a mixture of internal and external with the mountains housing domed gardens filled with artifical lights.

Tunqstoid doors
Anti-aircraft gun
Air defense tower
WorldArmor 9 planetary shield
Anti-infantry turret
Anti-vehicle turret
Planetary ion cannon
Sentry gun
Planetary defense cannon
Particle cannon turret
HVs-2 hypervelocity gun
Enclision grid
Metallic spikes
Monofilament screen guard
300,000 Guiying Soldiers
7,000,000 Guiyang clan 'civilians'

Commissioned by the ancient Onyx empress from one of her most loyal. At the time she encouraged conflict between her lords and generals to keep them from seeking to unify against her husband. So through political moves and a haze of lost honor the Guiying clan was thought banished to the most remote location int he Kital Phard empire. in truth a rich vain of resources had been discovered and they were laying claim in the name of the mepress. With the entire clan of notable warriors and generals they were sent into the mountains to secure it and given miners to work it with their families. Not the most enticing but they made due first with a small fort that protected it and as time went they began to settle in and grow their influence in the mountains around them. Taking areas and with the miners bringing plans to build/alter the environment into man made defenses that would keep them all safe.

Over time the clan and workers intermarried and expanded eventually going out and meeting other clans thaat brought them back. The empress ensured they were payed well and given all of the resources to keep mining and sending them riches that she could use to fund other fortress to be built. Eventually Qianyu Guiying the clan head passed on but his vision lived on and his wife continued his works to build up. It would take another three hundred years of mining and construction to make the main compound as they were mining through the mountains and around them. Through pathways and using stone workers to construct more narrow passes that their limited soldiers could engage and hold off against vastly superior forces. They started training the ones who didn't work in the mine the men, women and from a younger age to instill discipline the children how to fight and how to read and write.

The other aspects were loyalty to the Atrisian royal family itself and the atrisian court itself. They served at the pleasure of the emperor and empress in their positions as wardens of the mines and as long as they continued to have the orders to mine and defend it they worked constructing as new weapons of war and new defenses were developed. Eventually learning about some of the smaller skirmishes between the different lords for territory but as long as it didn't threaten the emperor he never seemed to mind disagreements and would enforce as needed if there was ever a problem. The clan continued to expand and when starships came to Atrisia... when they brought new weapons from the skies it was one of the first things they got their hands on to better improve and test their defenses.

THe most important of which was ray shield technology they could have in areas to stop people at least long enough to mount a defense and with the miners completing areas they could also use better shaped explosives, they could set up turrets and cannons that had ranges they could never imagine and have long range artillery strikes on specific chokpoints where people would have to march. This expanded their defensive capabilities and planning as they continued to spend the decades and centuries planning the works then making them. Gollowing out and reinforcing mountains for caves and homes to house their growing clan of millions at the time. Each one trained and able to be a soldier if need be or defend their home in case of attack and the standing army was either defeated or unable to move fast enough.

The years have allowed for even more improvements as Atrisia became part of galactic society. Akio working with and overtaking the chiss for a time let some chiss engineers be brought in and installation of multi purpose ground emplacements that could be used for different types of shots were a nice improvement. Section planetary shield that let them expand but also mark the edges of the fort itself. Construction droids and materials that would allow them to be more self contained and sustaining in the case of a siege scenario. The current clan head Mu Guiying has become more reclusive in recent years after offworlders took atrisian soldiers to conquer far off worlds but each time the person returned declaring adoration and love from everyone he never brought back their men or children.

That was why several within the clan considered themselves worthwhile... Mu instead focusing on rebuilding after the devastation that was the gulag and netherworld. The attack on Atrisia saw offworlders attacking the planet to fight other offworlders. THe Jishi era was seeing a rebirth of what had been going on for the people themselves as they recovered from propaganda and falsehoods to reassert their histories and one of them was Mu talking with the ancient Murasaki clan. Detailing what happened when it was revealed their soldiers had been taken offworld.... when bandits tried to assault the city fort thinking it an open area. They were met quickly with Mu and Saihua her captain of the interior guards. They served to protect the clan family from disagreements and acted like a police force within the fortress.

The continued efforts to imrpove Atrisia brought the reintroduction of dirgable type airships that were safer for the environment and that meant a return to the oldest form. Aerial combat and boarding actions against the few bandits who managed to steal from other regions of the world to try and bypass the defenses of the fortress itself. Mu's continued efforts with the Rice Wine empress to establish days of honor for the soldiers who had died from the Atrisian people and getting military improvements to most of the cities. The Guiying clans military minds for defense and layering would come in handy for improvements to cities and the towns with barriers and walls. Then some of the clans for engieering and the finest stoneworkers they could get would serve to improve each part of the society.
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