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Approved Lore Zord Kajidic and Enterprises [ZKE]

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  • Organization Name: Zord Kajidic and Enterprises, the latter being the public face of the Kajidic's legitimate businesses. Referred to colloquially as ZKE.
  • Classification: Crime Organization | Business Conglomerate
  • Affiliation: Loyal to Jinnosha Zord, nominally loyal to the Hutt Cartel, maintains a cordial arrangement with the local authorities of Keldooine System.
  • Organization Symbol: Refer to the spoiler at the top of the submission.
  • Description: Zord Kajidic & Enterprises is a dual criminal syndicate and business conglomerate that operates out of the Keldooine system in Silver Jedi space. Sitting on the western fringe of Hutt Space, the Kajidic's location within SJO territory allows it to function autonomously of the greater influence of the Hutt Cartel, providing it a de-facto monopoly over the various activities that take place in their sphere as a result. The Kajidic's activities range from the oversight of all smuggling operations in and around the system, extortion and protection rings over the smaller criminal organizations/cartels, the establishment and oversight of black markets, ranging from common goods to personal/exotic weaponry and even exotic pets, illegal customs shops [land-based, atmospheric and space vehicles], the regulation/trafficking of both legal and illegal drugs, and the operation of underground gambling dens and casinos, with the latter marketed to the more upscale denizens of the system. The kajidic also hands its hands in a myriad of other minor activities, some more illegal than others, though the ones listed are directly sanctioned by the higher-ups of the organization.

    On the other hand, Zord Enterprises consists of numerous directly-owned businesses and subsidiaries which account for more around fifty percent of the Kajidic's total generated yearly revenue. The Kajidic has its hands in many industries, including industrial manufacturing, civilian shipyards, agricultural production via farms and plantations, common goods manufacturing, personal defense weapons manufacturing, and planet-wide retail store chains. ZKE also owns a handful of cantinas across Keldooine.

    Zord Enterprises also engages in philanthropic activities, with a well-known reputation for the establishment of food banks and thrift stores across Keldooine and other nearby worlds. Other subsidiaries have been used to establish non-profit organizations for the sole purpose of providing job training, employment placement services, and other community-based programs as well.
  • Headquarters: Zord Kajidic and Enterprises is headquartered on the planet of Keldooine.
  • Domain: ZKE has significant influence within the Keldooine system, with the planet of Keldooine serving as the de-facto "heart" of Jinnosha's business and underworld empire.
  • Notable Assets: ZKE has numerous industrial facilities, property both on and off the grid for residential and commercial use; such as underground gambling dens & casinos, cantinas, safehouses/boltholes, and custom shops/mechanics/shipyards.
Kajidic Fleet Assets
  • Damorian Light Cruiser - Carrack Mk. II - 2
  • Quasar Fire-class Cruiser-carrier - 2
  • GR-75 Medium Transport - 4
  • Egroeg-class Adjustable Drydock - 2
  • Argonaut-class Pocket Carrier - 1

    • X-wing Starfighter - 60
    • TIE s/a Bomber - 40
    • Fang Space Superiority Fighter - 60
    • Luna Troop Transport- 60
    • Jackal Drop Pods - 60

      Kajidic Droid Inventory
      • S1 Security Battle Droid - 400 operable in inventory.
      • TSD-3A "Serbot" - 200 operatble in inventory.
      • B2 Super Battle Droid - 100 operable in invenetory.
      • IG-100 Magnaguard- 40 operable in inventory, serve as security for Zord Kajidic VIP's.
      • B1 Battle Droid - 400 operable in inventory.

        • Hierarchy: Jinnosha the Hutt -- or the Good, as he's commonly known throughout the Keldooine system -- sits at the top of Zord Kajidic and Enterprises as both Crimelord and Chief Executive Office respectively. Below his position, both organizations have distinct methods of organization that separate how they function, with Zord Enterprises being far more transparent in how it operates compared to Zord Kajidic.

        • Zord Kajidic - The Kajidic as stated begins with Jinnosha Zord at the top, with his position being interchangeably referred to as Crimelord, Head Boss or Godfather. Beneath him sits his most trusted confidants and retainers, a group numbering twelve who are 'Bosses' of their own subservient organizations. These twelve men and women hold the title of Captains, and together form the High Council, the closest thing to a governing body for the overall Kajidic. The Captain's themselves each maintain a section of Jinnosha's business interests, with their subordinate organizations being referred to as Cartels. The cartels are the largest organizations within Zord Kajidic with the greatest amount of autonomy and influence within the greater Kajidic. Each cartel may consist of upwards to one to two thousand members, and beneath each Captain there may be between ten to twenty Lieutenants who have been entrusted with both men and territory to ensure its business interests on their behalf. The smaller organizations controlled by these Lieutenants are referred to as Syndicates, which may number between one or two hundred subordinates.

          Aside from the various Cartels and Syndicates who form the majority of the Kajidic's directly-employed subordinates, there exists a large number of individuals, groups and organizations who, while not directly employed by the Kajidic, are recognized by the Kajidic as being affiliated with them in some capacity. The status of an Affiliate comes in two distinct forms; Direct Affiliation and Nominal Affiliation. Direct affiliates are those who are recognized as being closely tied to the Kajidic or one of its sub-organizations, granting it incentives and priority when doing business with the Kajidic's interests.

          Nominal affiliation is a status granted to those who do not have direct ties in regards to business interests, but instead are recognized as close enough to warrant the Kajidic's protection over the affiliate, such as visiting VIP's from organizations, certain government officials or foreign dignitaries, and retired or discharged members. Nominal affiliate status may be granted by a Lieutenant or higher with the approval of their direct Captain. Direct affiliation is a status granted by those holding the position of Captain, and only with the majority agreement of the High Council. Alternatively Jinnosha himself may approve or deny any affilation status without the High Council's approval.

          A third status does exist as well, albeit not in any official capacity unlike the previous two that have been mentioned. It is the only status of affiliation which is granted by Jinnosha Zord himself, and must be honored by not only the organization's lower subordinates, but also the High Council and their Lieutenants on threat of a sanctioned assassination by Jinnosha Zord himself. Known as High Affiliation status, any person with this status is recognized by the Kajidic as being part of a very exclusive caste of individuals who command the same respect within the organization as a Captain of the High Council. The status of a High Affiliate also grants the holder access to both the Kajidic's protection and resources on Keldooine and beyond when plausible. It does not require the individual to be influential or even apart of the criminal underworld themselves, but instead is given to those with a close personal relationship with Jinnosha, such as friends or relatives who may not already be apart of the organization directly.

          One individual who holds the status of a High Affiliate is Lucien Dooku, a young freelancing spacer that Jinnosha has known since the kid was in his early teens. Jinnosha and Lucien first met when the two were introduced by the former Padawan's master, Jo'ron Maal, who himself held the status of High Affiliate after nearly a lifetime of friendship and association with Jinnosha the Hutt. Following Lucien's exile from Serenno, Jinnosha granted Luc his High Affiliation status after he returned to Keldooine in search of work. Their friendship picked up where it left off, and in spite of his newly-minted status, Lucien continues to freelance for Jinnosha, albeit with the added benefit of his protection and resources whenever he's in the vicinity of Keldooine and nearby Hutt Space.

        • Zord Enterprises - As the enterprise is the legitimate branch of Jinnosha's organization, it is far more transparent in its operations in comparison to the Kajidic sitting on the opposite end of Jinnosha's business interests. Much like the Kajidic, Jinnosha sits at the top with the title of Chief Executive Officer. While nominally a corporation, there isn't any risk of Jinnosha's policies or power being overridden by the majority opinion of its shareholders. Sixty-percent of Zord Enterprises shareholders have clandestine ties to the Kajidic, whereas the last 40% are legitimate non-aligned shareholders with no direct link to Jinnosha or his interests. Beneath his position of Chief Executive Officer there exists of a board of six individuals who assist the corporation in maintaining its investments and interests across the Keldooine system. Referred to as Directors, the six seats are divided up as follows: Industry, Investments, Philanthropy, Agriculture, Technology and Mercantilism. Altogether the Board of Directors have as much power and influence as the High Council does within Keldooine's underworld. Down the chain of command there exists a number of lesser officials, corporate officers, advisers and analysts who form the bulk of the corporation's upper echelon. Further beneath them the company employs several tens of thousands of regular employees to take
          • Membership: Zord Kajidic employs approximately 20-24,000 individuals, of which there are 12 Captain's, between 240-300 Lieutenants, and roughly several thousand direct & nominal affiliates. The number of individuals holding the status of High Affiliate is unknown, although rumored to be no more than a dozen or so in total. Subordinates of the various cartels and syndicates can vary from hardened criminals to green thugs fresh off the streets, as the Kajidic leaves the recruitment of the lower echelons of its personnel up to the leadership in charge of their territory.

            Lieutenants are recruited or promoted directly from within the organization itself. The Captain's are in charge of how they acquire Lieutenants, although common methods are by promoting directly from within the ranks of their Cartels or by vetting potential hires outside the organization to ensure the most seasoned and competent criminals are brought into their ranks.

            Captains, on the other hand, are far more centralized in how they are brought into the fold. A promotion to Captain also comes with a position on the kajidic's High Council, which means that the title of Captain is a coveted role that only opens on the rare occasion that the previous one meets an untimely death, has been removed from their position due to a lack of competence on their part, or alternatively decides to retire from their position. Once a potential candidate has been identified, they are required to undergo an extensive auditing process to ensure they are the best of the best for the position. If the investigation is passed with flying colors -- which including multiple competency tests, extensive background vetting, and reference checks from multiple sources of known associates -- the candidate is then brought before the High Council for a final vote to take place. A majority of 10 of 12 seats must be in agreement for that candidate to then be accepted as Captain, which then must be accepted by Jinnosha himself for it to be ratified.

            Zord Enterprises employs around 60-thousand full-time employees across the Keldooine system, with another 40,000 employees hired on in semi-permanent roles around the nearby systems in SJO-space. Essentially the same process is undertook regarding the recruitment/promotion of individuals into Zord Enterprises' Board of Directors, with a less extensive variant of the process being used to recruit the lower level officials into the company's ranks. For its standard, non-corporate level employees, Zord Enterprises is far-less scrutinizing in its hiring practices, instead focusing on ensuring its hiring policies are focusing on being more inclusive in the civilians they hire on while still adhering to local or system employment laws.

          • Climate: Despite being a criminal organization, Zord Kajidic has fostered an atmosphere which encourages loyalty, respect and cooperation between the various organizations and its respective members. Rather than fostering toxic competitiveness, or instilling loyalty through fear, Jinnosha did away with the practices of his predecessors to set the foundation that the Kajidic would need to ensure its survival into the future, no matter who controlled their home planet. Those who enter into its service will find that they're guaranteed a salary and benefits that apply not only to them but their families as well.

            The members of the Kajidic also find themselves in a position of assistance if them or their families are ever at risk of outside danger, with protection being a staple feature alongside the pay and benefits that they are guaranteed to receive. The guarantee also applies to internal threats as well, with members of the Kajidic being encouraged to ignore their immediate chain-of-command if the threat comes from their immediate or indirect superior, establishing a standard of loyalty from the bottom up rather than the top down.

            The overall policy of establishing loyalty through treating its members properly is also not just encouraged, but is instead a mandate set in place by Jinnosha himself directly to his direct subordinates on the High Council. Acting outside the interests of either the company or their own subordinates would be a violation of the Crimelord's mandate, and the surest way to find themselves and their organization undergoing a shakedown of the thoroughest proportion. This means that the Captains are incentivized to take a direct hand in making sure their lieutenants are following the Kajidic's mandate to the tee, and so forth down the ranks of their organization's leadership.

            This is not to say that the Kajidic is attempting to be altruistic in the way they function, nor does it mean that there aren't any consequences for breaking the cardinal sins of any crime organization. Acts of serious violence against another in the organization, betraying the organization with malicious intent, or placing greed above the well being of the organization are the easiest way for an individual to go missing from Keldooine and never be seen or heard from again. Zord Kajidic will punish those who betray them with no mercy, they just hope to ensure that those steps are not necessary with the policies they have set in place.

            As for Zord Enterprises, the company mirrors the Kajidic in many ways, minus the severity of how it punishes its employees. Both kajidic and company also engage in acts of philanthrophy to endear themselves to the inhabitants of Keldooine, although the latter takes extra steps in that regard due to their presence outside of the system as well.

          • Reputation: The reputation of both Zord Kajidic and Enterprises is mostly positive, if not a mixed bag that leans more towards positive than not. While there is no doubt that the criminal organization engages in illegal activities, there are many who understand the pragmatic side to their existence in the Keldooine system. Their presence is a bulwark to what otherwise could be a situation where the system is flooded with unchecked illegal activities and numerous groups competing with eachother for dominance over unregulated black markets. The presence of an underworld would exist no matter their hegemony or not, but at least under Jinnosha's monopoly, the presence of the underworld does not interfere with the lives of the average citizen attempting to live their lives unmolested. They are a neutral, balancing force in a system which sits on the fringe of the unhinged, wild sector known as Hutt space. It is commonly understood that without Jinnosha's organization providing the foundation for Keldooine's underworld to be stable and regulated, their lives would be significantly different.

          • Curios: No matter your rank within the organization, every individual accepted into Zord Kajidic receives a badge to signify both their rank and that they truly belong to the organization. The badge itself is a circular metal base with the symbol of the Kajidic [see the top of the post] imprinted upon the full length of it. Beneath the symbol, the individual's name is stamped on it, and each badge is directly linked to its owner via an encrypted biometric imprint of their unique DNA profile. Every member of the organization has their DNA profile stored in a central database at the organization's headquarters, which when assessed through the use of a scanner allows an individual to confirm the legitimacy of the badge itself, their membership status, a physical ID-match of the person, and their service lineage through their tenure in the organization.

            The badge itself is a durasteel base plated in black with a silver-trim and a chrome emblem. A Captain's badge is also a durasteel base, although it's been plated in chrome with a purple-trim and a solid gold emblem. Affiliates on the other hand do not possess this badge, but instead a generic ID-card which can be verified via an encrypted microchip that connects to the central database. The exception to the affiliates are for the select few who have been granted the status of a High Affiliate, as they possess a legitimate badge of the organization, including the DNA imprint as well. A High Affiliate's badge is a durasteel base that's been plated in purple with a gold trim and solid gold emblem.

            Outside of the use of an official badge, many of its lower-ranking members have taken to the use of tattoos to display their loyalty to the Kajidic. Zord Enterprises employees also use the ID Badge as well.

          • Rules: The organization has a simple set of rules, with the overall reasoning behind them being to ensure that Kajidic-related business remains contained inside the organization, and not in the public eye. That conflict between its members not interfere remains limited, therefore not risking the integrity of their direct organization or worse, the Kajidic as a whole. That members of the organization do not engage in any actions with would interfere with the status quo on Keldooine. Zord Enterprises does not have any specialized rules, but instead follows the typical rules and guidelines established for an interplanetary corporation.
          • Goals: The goal of Zord Kajidic is to maintain the status quo on Keldooine, ensuring that its hegemony over Keldooine's underworld remains unchallenged and not threatened by unwarranted intrusion, such as by SJO authorities or infiltration by rival organizations based out of Hutt Space.
        • MEMBERS


          After the former boss -- Jinnosha's father -- was untimely assassinated a hundred and fifty years prior to the present, Jinnosha rose to the head of the organization and did away with many negative practices embraced by his predecessor almost immediately. He introduced many 'innovative' practices, such as the adoption of philanthropy, the outlawing of slave-trading, the establishment of legal businesses, and a policy of promoting loyalty in his subordinates through fair treatment and proper pay rather, removing his father's legacy of instilling fear and unhealthy competition among peers to divide his subordinates. Jinnosha, unlike his father, energized the kajidic into action and reversed the stagnation, which in turn allowed him to focus his time on the pursuit of intellectual hobbies, diversifying his income through the establishment of a myriad of legal businesses, and endearing himself to Keldooine's people through decades of philanthropic practices.

          Into the present, Jinnosha has entered into a period of his own complacency, which has mostly come as an effect of his unwillingness to expand his power at all costs. Expanding the Zord Kajidic's interests would require moving against the Silver Jedi Order, and he's fairly comfortable with the amicable relationship he's established over the decades with the local authorities of Keldooine's system. in the reverse, the authorties themselves are equally as interested in preserving the status quo, as the Zord Kajidic's presence has stemmed the influence of the more nefarious organizations that have threatened the world's stability from the heart of Hutt Space to the east.

          His position has brought about an environment where both him and his subordinates have thrived within Keldooine's underworld for decades, while a wide portfolio of legal businesses have legitimized his presence in the public. While his kajidic's power is forced to remain contained within the confines of the Keldooine system, through Zord Enterprises he's been able to make headway into nearby systems in SJO space and also the autonomous worlds within Hutt space. Growing legitimate influence and combined with hegemony over his home system has allowed to ZKE to exist outside the influence of the Hutt Cartel as large, securing his position outside of Hutt society as a powerhouse businessman while remaining fiercely competitive to his rivals among Hutt society.
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