Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Zori Galea (Amidala Omega)

  • GIb.png

    Name: Zori Galea
    Age: 34 GSY
    Gender: Female.


    Homeworld: Korriban.
    Known Residence: Faction: ???
    - Occupation:
    • Former morgue receptionist

    Force Sensitivity: Yes

    Personality: Ambitious, Observant, and curious about the galaxy and its species
    Likes: WAR, Being active, Meditation, Eating food..lots and lots of food, star gazing.
    Dislikes: Loth-cats.

    Weapons: Minoot Blaster 34A, Lightsaber (Skeletal hilt for light weight maneuverability)
    Armor/Outfit: Dark Apprentice robes

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    Species: Human
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 135lbs
    Build: Thin.
    Skintone: Fair.
    Hair Color: Brunette, down to shoulders.
    Eye Color: Dark brown.


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    “Nothing….I created you from nothing..Breathed life into you to make you something..Something complete…The Jedi have grown in numbers..And this sickening excuse for an alliance must crumble at the feet of our might..To achieve true peace..There MUST be sacrifice..There Must be BLOOD…You are my sword of Vengeance..My word of Truth…My Omega….Those in hiding will be found..They will be eliminated. You will see the dark as the true light. Zori..Galea…The time has come..Your training is complete..Go forth..Bring glory to your Master…” - Unknown

  • Family:
    • ??? ??? "Father"
    • Linn Dobson, “Mother”.

    • TBD.

    • TBD.

  • Charismatic. Zori sees the Universe as a Neutral playground, free to all who are in it. whether her travels lead her to dangers beyond what she can handle remains to be seen. She also is learning to dissociate with Apathy, As she was conditioned to believe that no one deserves mercy for thier predicaments. However..Seeing the people of the galaxy has left her in a slight state of moral confusion.

    Force Repulse

    Battle Sense


    Sith Sorcery

    Force Jump

    Force Stasis


    - Overconfidence
    - Loth-cats:

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