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Zorn Defence Force Flag
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"I make this vow, until the bloody end." -The final sentence of the affirmation of service.
Intent: Codify and expand the world-building behind the Commonwealth of Zorn by expanding on the lore of its' Defence Force which plays and will continue to play a prominent role in the government's story. Re-concepted from how it was originally envisioned much as the Commonwealth the organisation as a whole should read as taking on a less odious vibe while still being rooted in a sense of Imperious nobility.
Image Credit: Source 1, Source 2, Source 3, Source 4.
Canon: N/A.
Permissions: N/A.
Links: Commonwealth of Zorn, Grutter Norr Ryk, Hololink Implant, Lion.
Organization Name: Zorn Defence Force (Norr: Zorn Definsje Krêft)
Classification: Armed Forces - State Military.
Affiliation: Commonwealth of Zorn
Organization Symbol: The design of the Zorn Defence Force's flag represents a stylized maned Leonid. It appears prominently on the uniforms, battle dress and vacuum-rated armour worn by the various branches of the Zorn Defence Force.
Description: The Zorn Defence Force is the military organisation responsible for the defence of the Commonwealth of Zorn, its' national interests and maintaining the rigid security of its borders from foreign intruders. It comprises three branches: Army, Navy and Security Force, with one sub-branch being the Stormtrooper, which is organised under the Navy, although its' uniformed personnel use Army ranks. The Zorn Defence Force's staff are composed of conscripts. The Commonwealth of Zorn maintains a national service model where all adults are required to serve in the military for approximately fourteen and a half years on a part-time reserve basis; conscripts can alternatively elect to serve this fourteen-and-a-half year service obligation on a professional basis. Specific branches of the Commonwealth of Zorn will only recruit professionals, such as the Security Force and Stormtrooper Corps, which are seen as highly desirable; therefore, entry into these branches as professionals is highly competitive for volunteers.
Motto: "In Duty and Death!" (Norr: "Yn Plicht en Dea).
Headquarters: Reidi - Zorn I
Domain: Zorn System
Notable Assets: Zorn System
- Army (Ancient Norr: Valaraukar): The Army and its' soldiers are known as the 'Valaraukar' as in an ancient native tongue which means: "Warriors of Power". The army is a mass-mechanised terrestrial-based military force responsible for the protection of the Commonwealth's celestial bodies. It is the oldest of the Commonwealth's military branches and can trace its' lineage to centuries-old mercenary companies. The army's mission by law is to: "Fight and win the Commonwealth's wars by closing with and destroying the enemy through all mediums". The army is by-far the largest branch their manpower and equipment often being co-opted by the Security Force to crush crime where it appears throughout the Commonwealth's territory.
- Navy (Ancient Norr: Anartar): The Navy and its' Sailors are known as the 'Anartar' in an ancient native tongue which broadly translates as: "Star Lords". The Navy is a carrier-based force with each carrier and its' attendant support ships assigned a squadron of fighter-sized craft. The Navy's responsibilities include: Transporting military resources, maintaining the integrity of the Commonwealth's Interstellar Borders and facilitating military strikes throughout the Interstellar environment.
- Stormtrooper Corps (Ancient Norr: Anaraukar): Known as "Anaraukar' in the ancient tongue which would roughly translate into Galactic Basic as: "Warriors of the Stars". The 'Stormtrooper Corps' are an elite special-operations capable force who specialise in transorbital interdiction and void warfare tactics. They are a rapid reaction force and responsible for the security of the Navy's warships and the Navy's terrestrial facilities. They are known for utilising single-occupant drop-pods which reduce their casualties when compared to standard dropship deployment. As special-operations capable units they are trained in: Deep surveillance, direct action, unconventional warfare, counter-terrorism, counter-contraband and personnel/equipment recovery.
- Commonwealth Security Force (Ancient Norr: Vanaraukar): Called Vanaraukar', which broadly translates into "Warriors of Protection", the Vanaraukar is a military police force with a civil policing responsibility and jurisdiction. The Security Force is responsible for maintaining public order and the rule of law, as well as detecting, preventing, and investigating crime throughout the entirety of the Commonwealth. Additionally, the Security Force is responsible for supervising colonial civilian policing organisations, ensuring their training and equipment comply uniformly with the standards of the Commonwealth Security Force to ensure inoperability where necessary. Concerning Operational matters, the Commonwealth Security Force's authority supersedes any colonial or civil policing organisation. Konstabels of the Security Force are broadly trained equal parts gunslinger and hot-shot pilot, making them the most numerous broadly capable personnel in the Zorn Defence Force; in a civil policing context, they generally respond or patrol in trios as per warrior-tradition.
Commissioned Officer(s): Army/SecForce/Navy/Stormtrooper
- OF-11: Feld Maarskal/Shadow Maarskal/Grand Admiral/Kommandant.
- OF-10: General/(NONE)/Admiral/(NONE).
- OF-9: Luitenant-General/(NONE)/Rear Admiral/(NONE).
- OF-8: Majoar-General/(NONE)/Vice Admiral/(NONE).
- OF-7: Brigadier/Brigadier/Rear Admiral/Brigadier.
- OF-6: Kolonel/Kolonel/Kommodore/Kolonel.
- OF-5: Luitenant-Kolonel/Luitenant-Kolonel/Kaptain/Kaptain.
- OF-4: Majoar/Lieutenant-Kolonel/Kommander/Kommander.
- OF-3: Kaptain/Majoar/Luitenant-Kommander/Luitenant-Kommander.
- OF-2: Luitenant/Kaptain/Luitenant/Luitenant.
- OF-1: Second Luitenant/(NONE)/Junior Luitenant/Second Luitenant.
- OF(D): Kornet/Kadet/Ensign/Kadet.
- OR-7: Sergeant Majoar/Crown Sergeant/Master Chief Petty Officer/Sergeant Majoar.
- OR-6: Master Sergeant/Senior Sergeant/Chief Petty Officer/Gunnery Sergeant.
- OR-5: Sergeant/Sergeant/Petty Officer/Sergeant.
- OR-4: Korporal/Konstabel/Junior Petty Officer/Korporal.
- OR-3: Lance Korporal/(NONE)/Leading Starman/Lance Korporal.
- OR-2: Soldier First Class/(NONE)/Starman/Trooper First Class.
- OR-1: Soldier(NONE)/Starman Recruit/Trooper.
Membership: ~1,362,362 Uniformed Personnel.
Personnel: ~1,362,362 Uniformed Personnel.
- Active Personnel: Volunteer Professionals.
- Army: ~159,930 Personnel.
- Navy: ~29,117 Personnel.
- Stormtrooper Corps: ~13,472 Personnel.
- Security Force:~65,000 Personnel.
- Reserve Personnel: Conscripts.
- Army: ~779,328 Personnel.
- Navy: ~315,515 Personnel.
Training: All 'Other-Ranks' recruits, whether Volunteers or Conscripts, complete the same initial recruit training, approximately 16 weeks of full-time training followed by approximately 7 to 21 standard weeks of occupational training, which varies depending on the person's military occupation. Conscripts are then released back into society, where they live locally to a Reserve unit for rapid mobilisation where necessary; this allows for Conscripts to maintain civil professional lives and to pursue higher education while still being trained manpower which can be called upon by the Defence Force. Having been raised in paramilitary schools their whole childhood, Zornites take this training like a fish to water and exhibit dramatically superior performance in their military occupations compared to a more conventionally recruited body.
- Army:
- Officer-Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Officer Undergraduate Training: ~120+48 Standard Weeks.
- Officer Candidate Training: ~72 Standard Weeks.
- Occupational Training: ~72 Standard Weeks.
- Non-Commissioned Officer-Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Recruit Training: ~16 Weeks.
- Occupational Training: ~7-21 Standard Weeks.
- Other-Ranks Entry: Volunteer/Conscription.
- Recruit Training: ~12 Standard Weeks.
- Occupational Training: ~7 Standard Weeks.
- Officer-Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Commonwealth Security Force:
- Officer-Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Officer Candidate Training: ~72 Standard Weeks.
- Officer Occupational Training: ~48 Standard Weeks.
- Non-Commissioned Officer Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Recruit Training: ~32 Standard Weeks.
- Occupational Training: ~48 Standard Weeks.
- Officer-Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Navy:
- Officer-Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Officer Undergraduate Training: ~120+48 Standard Weeks.
- Officer Candidate Training: ~72 Standard Weeks.
- Officer Occupational Training: ~72 Standard Weeks.
- Non-Commissioned Officer-Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Recruit Training: ~16 Weeks.
- Occupational Training: ~7-21 Weeks.
- Recruit Training: ~12 Standard Weeks.
- Occupational Training: ~7 Standard Weeks.
- Officer-Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Stormtrooper Corps:
- Officer-Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Officer Undergraduate Training: ~120+48 Standard Weeks.
- Officer Candidate Training: ~72 Weeks.
- Officer Occupational Training: ~72 Weeks.
- Non-Commissioned Officer Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Recruit Training: ~32 Standard Weeks.
- Occupational Training: ~68 Standard Weeks.
- Other-Ranks Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
- Recruit Training: ~32 Standard Weeks.
- Occupational Training: ~68 Standard Weeks.
- Officer-Entry: Merit-assessed volunteer.
Reputation: The Zorn Defence Force has partly inherited the reputation associated with the government, which proceeded the Commonwealth. Among the Citizens of the Commonwealth of Zorn, the Defence Force is their most highly prized civil institution where children go to learn how to be productive members of society and develop pro-social behaviours and bonds of comradeship that will endure for the century-long lifetimes of Homo Sapiens Augeus. From outside the Commonwealth, the Zorn Defence Force is often associated with feelings of Trepidation: Their Vanaraukar Konstabels are known to gun down prisoners who resist arrest or flee, Stormtroopers have a reputation for incinerating captured pirates with flamethrowers to prevent their 'filthy' blood from touching the soil, their Soldiers are known to anoint the soil at the scenes of their victories with the blood of the slain. The Zornites will defend their practices, claiming that foreigners are merely ignorant of their beliefs and ways; all the same, it does nothing to deter them from their brutal practices arising from ancient cultural superstition.
Hololink Implant: All members of the Zorn Defence Force have a Hololink Implant connected to the base of their spinal cord; this implant has wired and wireless connectivity for accessory devices and other useful features such as Biometric Monitoring, Telemetry Tracking, Security Clearances, Navigation and Identify-Friend-Foe functionality. The Zorn Defence Force maintain their own firmware which features identify-friend-foe functionality so service members can more readily identify one-another.
- Ethics:
- Way of the Strong: The Striderwei or "Way of the Strong", as translated into Galactic Basic Standard, forms the rock-solid core of conduct and ethics expected of all Defence Force personnel. The Striderwei's conduct and ethics are codified in the Realm Defence Act, which invariably creates offences for failing to do things expected of an adherent to the Striderwei, for example. The Realm Defence Act has a summary offence for refusing to aid a severely wounded member when requested to end their life. Under the way of the strong, it is considered undesirable to kill the "weak": non-combatants without order. As such, there is a indictable offence in the Defence Act for a member to without order, intentionally kill a non-combatant; the exception to this is a severely wounded enemy warrior who, with that warrior's consent, may be killed.
- Legislation:
- Law Enforcement Powers Act: The Law Enforcement Powers Act endows the officers of the Security Force and recognised law enforcement officers as per that act with extraordinary powers inaccessible to everyday citizens. For example, it permits its' officers to "Stop, detain and search any person and seize anything that the officer suspects is connected to a relevant offence, may be stolen or unlawfully obtained, a dangerous or prohibited article, or a prohibited or restricted drug." There is no pre-requisite for the law enforcement officer to "suspect on reasonable grounds" the detainee has any of those things on their person. The power may be exercised at an officer's discretion. Likewise, the act empowers law enforcement officers to arrest a person without a warrant if they have grounds to suspect they have committed an offence. They may discontinue the arrest at any time after the arrest is made without affecting the lawfulness of the arrest itself. Additionally, the act provides law enforcement officers 48 hours to investigate the offence for which the person is under arrest. The Law Enforcement Powers Act requires an officer to inform a person subject to a power of their name or serial number, place of duty and reason for the power's exercise. However, suppose the officer fails to do these things. In that case, it does not affect the validity of the power except if the officer is challenged and, when reasonably practicable, does not comply with those safeguards. The Law Enforcement Powers Act provides civil indemnity for any injury or damage occasioned in the execution of any power or function conferred on law enforcement by any act made by a law enforcement officer. The Law Enforcement Powers Act empowers Law Enforcement Officers and persons assisting them to "Use as much force as is reasonable or necessary, to exercise any power or function conferred on them by this or any other act."
- Realm Defence Act: The Realm Defence Act sets out the administrative and procedural processes of the Defence Force, making several behaviours an offence at law. For example, it creates an offence if a member of the Defence Force is discharging their official responsibilities and powers if they are also not wearing their uniform, punishable by a fixed penalty fine. On the more serious end of offending, it creates a severe offence to any Defence Force member or civilian who assaults a member on guard duty; there are additional indictable offences for resisting, hindering, assaulting or intimidating a member of the Security Force for the execution of their duty. There is also an offence for non-members of the Defence Force to wear a Defence Force uniform or an emblem of the Defence Force or an emblem that has an appearance that closely matches that of a Defence Force emblem. The Realm Defence Act also creates serious offences for aiding an enemy of the state or aiding or abetting prisoners to escape. Also, it creates a summary offence for Realm members who permit themselves to be taken as a prisoner of war and do not rejoin the Defence Force upon release or escape from captivity in a reasonable time. The Realm Defence Act creates a summary offence for failing to obey a lawful order. It creates an indictable offence for a member of the Realm to assault a superior or subordinate. There are also associated intelligence offences, such as failing to report on enemy movements. Interestingly, there are indictable offences for defence contractors and suppliers, such as supplying material, goods or services of inferior volume or quality than specified in a contract. The maximum penalty a military court can impose for severe offences against the Realm Defence Act is execution by the sword, where the sentencing judge believes the convicted person worthy of an honourable death where their blood will flow or drowning for the condemned character.
- Goals:
- "Protect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Commonwealth of Zorn and safeguard its' natural interests".
- Commissioned Officers:
- Heinir Stonehail - Chief of Army
- Mieke Balefire - Chief of Navy
- Non-Commissioned Officers:
- Other Ranks:
Formed From: Realm Defence ("Ryksmacht")
Date Established: 983 BBY.
Date Dissolved: 19 BBY.
Date Restored: 900 ABY.
- 983 BBY: King Grann of Zorn formed the "Valaraukar," an army of literate professional soldiers recruited from early adolescence and trained to adulthood, as opposed to the illiterate adult levies previously used by the feudal lords of Zorn. The Valaraukar would become the model on which all future armies would seek to emulate and influence the policy of successor governments.
- 19 BBY: The Zorn Defence Force is dissolved by the Galactic Empire.
- 900 ABY: With the Commonwealth of Zorn's restoration, the Zorn Defence Force is also restored from a reorganised "Ryksmacht," seeking to restore the ancient traditions of their forefathers. The military branches are restored to their traditional names, and traditional insignia and livery associated with the old Kingdom of Zorn are re-adopted.
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