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Zorok Rane



NAME: Zorok Rane
SPECIES: Dashade
AGE: 27 Galactic Standard Years
SEX: Male
LANGUAGES: Galactic Basic, Dashadi


HEIGHT: 1.9 Meters
WEIGHT: 112.5 Kilograms
EYES: Orange
HAIR: None
SKIN: Dim Gray


+ BRUTE STRENGTH: To be expected from a two meter, 112 kilogram creature whose entire species’ being seems to revolve around combat, he could easily outmatch most in a pure physical contest.
+ HIGH FORCE RESISTANCE: As is the case with all members of the Dashade species, he possesses a great resistance to force powers from both the light side and the dark side, requiring a high-skilled user to affect him.
+/- IMPRESSIONABLE: Living within Dashade colonies for most of his life, he isn’t particularly sure as to what sort of path he wishes to take. Some of his people have walked the light, and others have delved into darkness.


+/- PRIMITIVE: Being raised among his own, it’s no secret that he still holds primitive beliefs of a tribal group of carnivals that still devour prey for their meals, despite their sentience.
- BLASTER-PHOBIC: As a race of warrior brutes, he contains a general distaste for whatever sort of ranged weaponry and plainly just refuses to utilize them to the point that he doesn’t know how to work a blaster. He prefers to get up close and personal to his enemies which can easily land him in some hot water.
- MOBILITY: While being a being based around strength and pure mass has its perks, agility is definitely not one of them and a good number of adversaries could probably outspeed him.


[SIZE=12pt]The Dashade are by no means a commonly known species to commonfolk, and there’s no reason to assume so. The peak of their population was during the times of the Old Republic, when the Great Sith War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire ravaged the galaxy. The Dashade were native to the fairly unknown planet Urkupp of the Outer Rim Territories, relying primarily on their desire of the hunt to provide for themselves and raise their populace. During this time and years prior, they weren’t particularly known to stray towards a specific side of the force, despite what their venomous and brutish stature may indicate. They could be found as workers for both the Jedi and the Sith, although they certainly did find more pleasure in delving into the dark side and satisfying the bloodlust that so many held.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]The eradication of all native Dashades on Urkupp wasn’t exactly through the ill intent of any one individual. Through a bout of ignorance, the infamous Cron Supernova was brewed up by a collection of Sith magic that resulted in the destruction of the Cron Cluster and Ukrupp along with it. In just an instant, an entire species fell into jeopardy and all that remained of the Dashades were colonies in systems far from their native planet. Their dwellings ranged from a good handful of Outer Rim planets from Dathomir to Iego. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]For the thousands of years following the destruction of Urkupp, the Dashade population never truly recovered to the level that it been to before. Their fear mongering appearance led towards a mutual distrust between them and the galaxy. This, along with each colony only maintaining a sparse amount of them, made it basically impossible for their people to ever recover to the height of their population. To be fair to the hysteria, rumors had circulated in the past about Dashades being spotted aiding the criminal underground and mercenaries even participating in the Great Jedi Purge. [/SIZE]


When Urkupp was terraformed with the aid of the Yuuzhan Vong in 424 ABY, most of the colonial Dashades returned to their once-native homeland despite none of them ever being there themselves. Zorok Rone was born on the single Dashade colony of Malachor V, with a population of approximately 45. Why they decided to colonize a barren, wasteland of a planet is a mystery. Maybe it’s because they enjoy the warrior’s challenge and fighting off storm beasts, or maybe it was purely for the isolation like many Dashades colonies preferred.

[SIZE=12pt]If there’s one thing that Malachor V did right, it was definitely toughening up the Dashades and preparing them in combat. Those that weren’t capable of holding their own would either get torn apart by storm beasts or would get lost and never return. Through this, Rone grew hardened into the brute that he eventually left Malachor as. Dashades weren’t ones to maintain close bonds, even towards their families as they developed independence late in their lives. Eventually, he was faced with the decision that most of his people had to in deciding to remain with their colonies versus being unleashed upon the galaxy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]Malachor V may have been an utter wasteland, but offworlders always seemed to scout it every so often. Whether they were bandits on the run or scientists trying to investigate the landscape, many seemed to come and go within a flash due to how dangerous the atmosphere was for starships. As a couple of Dashades had done before with a lack of opportunity otherwise, Rone simply decided to just hitch a ride and delve into an entire new world from what he was used to.[/SIZE]





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