Phoenix Legion's General

NAME: Zrash'toul'frusku
FACTION: Fel Empire
RANK: Captain of the Thundering Spire, General of Phoenix Legion
AGE: 26 Years Old
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 184 lbs
EYES: Red Chiss Eyes
HAIR: Jet Black
SKIN: Sapphire Blue
FORCE SENSITIVE: This character is not attuned to the Force.
+.) Naval Tactican - Zrash is a masterful tactical commander amongst a fleet. He attended an Imperial Naval Academy and graduated with top marks. He knows how to effectivily utilize men and ships in combat and most standard ship formations.
+.) Inspiring - A rare skill amongst Chiss-Imperial Naval Grads; Zrash has learned to effectively motivate those serving under him without the use of fear or shock value. This makes him popular amongst his men and revolts aboard his own ship unlikely.
+.) Infantry Command - A recently learned skill Zrash has learned to command Infantry with skill and tact
+.) Cunning and Intellect - Zrash was given the best education, political and intellectual money could buy on Csilla. This makes him dangerously intelligent and can give him an edge in negotiations.
-.) Combat Inexperience - While taught martial skills to defend himself, Zrash has little personal combat experience under his belt making him a poor fighter so far.
-.) Rich Bloodline - Zrash came from a spoiled and well off family, this has caused him difficulties in tremendous amounts when working with bare necessities.
-.) Pride - Zrash is overly prideful, this can lead him head over heels into dangerous situations or accept tasks he is incapable to complete.
Zrash'toul'frusku is a handsomely lithe male Chiss who stands around 6'2". His eyes, as most of his race a bright red that spans the entire eye. His skin his dark blue and hair jet black to the point it sleeks and shines. Zrash can generally be seen in a silver phoenix uniform for now with a blaster pistol and officer's vibrosword at his side and upright confidence appearance of a graduate from one of the finest military schools in the galaxy. Everything about him displays pride, power, and upbringing.
Born on Csilla to a wealthy merchant and military family Zrash grew up in a life of military politics and wealth. From the beginning he was groomed for the planets academies and schools. While he did grow up under Imperial banners he rarely considered himself Galactic Imperial and rarely agreed with their methods now matter how they drilled at him. Despite these facts he still managed to make his way through the cutthroat world of money and family reputation, gradating the Academy with top marks.
Soon after he joined up with the Imperial Navy and spent a few years commanding small vessels and dealing with pirate incursions. While not glorious in itself it taught him everything he needed to know about actual warfare as opposed to lessons and sims. Throughout these years he grew annoyed with the way the Empire handled things and their political systems. Upon the death of his late father he resigned from the Imperial Navy and bought himself a Frigate and his own crew before leaving the Imperial systems with a good amount of his family's wealth to find a cause he found was the effort. And that he did, Zrash is now a political backer of the newly forming Fel Empire.
Zrash has recently served the Fel Imperium on Manaan, his bravery in battle and devotion to his Imperator earned him the spot as Phoenix Legion's General.
Zrash'toul'frusku currently commands a Ardent-class fast frigate which has brought over to the Fel Empire. The Thundering Spire operates as both his command vessel and often times his home. He bought the ship from a large naval family as he left the Empire and a good deal of its staff formally served under him in the Galatic Empire while the larger portion were hired as they traveled toward the Fel Empire.
The ship being a military vessel hosts a small squadron of fighters, a shuttle, and two gunboats crewed by Krash's men. Added onto that its hull and shields have been slightly reinforced. While slower than most Ardent-class ships the Thundering Spire can withstand more damage, allowing it to function in the heat of battle more effectively. Equipped with 5 Turbo-Laster Batteries, 10 Medium Batteries, 7 Defensive Cannons, and 2 Tractor Beams the ship is more than able to handle itself in combat with most other frigates. Added onto the Class-1 Hyperspace Drive and the Advanced Navi and Targeting computers the ship makes itself a prime warship for an up and coming Chiss Commander.
(All in Chronological Order.)
Battle of Manaan (Invasion)
Aiding the Imperator (Faction/Personal)
Battle of Bastion (Skirmish)