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Zronk-The lost Kubazian Engineer (WIP)

NAME: Zronk
RANK: Formerly, Zronk was a somewhat well known local engineer within his clan and commonly worked on droids and ship AI/computer systems.
SPECIES: Kubazian. Kubaz.
AGE: 43
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 170.
EYES: A dull scarlet red, commonplace among the Kubazian race.
HAIR: As most Kubazian males he only dawns short black and almost prickly looking black hair, similar to the color of oil or mechanical grease.
SKIN: For a Kubazian Zronk has a tanner skin compared to the usual murky green and almost lizard like appearance. This can be similar looking to the color of any barks of trees or sand.
FORCE SENSITIVE: He is completely inept in the ability to use the force, he however as some Kubazians are, capable of sensing rather powerful masses of those who are able to use the force. If someone as powerful as say a Jedi master were to be very close by he would be aware of the persons presence, but unaware of exactly how strong they are, or by which powers of the force they are aligned. This unknown feeling usually causes him to panic and flee, seeing as he fears most capable of using the force whether they be Jedi or Sith.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Knowledgeable with most tech involving droids and computer systems.
+A natural survivor
+Slow to Anger
+Good sense of Direction
+Works well with shipside weaponry
+Able to sense bodies capable of using the force at powerful levels
-Physically weak (Partially deformed in growth)
-In-adept with firearms (Pistols rifles Etc)
-Quick to judge negatively, fearful of strangers
-Easily Startled/Fearful
-Bad Eyesight
For a Kubazian, Zronk was short compared to the majority of averaged sized males, though this may have worked to his advantage within his line of work. It made it more possible to work in close quarters or tight ducts and spaces. He appears to be even shorter by a hunch he has developed over the years through his work, coupled with a glaring right side favoring posture. This is due to the fact that his right leg has grown longer than his left, so he usually seems to be off balance. Otherwise he appears to be a simple Kubazian when it comes down to biological features. His clothing consists of a cloak he carried over form the desert planet of Kubaz, a utility belt filled with a variety of tools and a small and inaccurate laser pistol as a weapon. He dawns a cloak, dark brown, though through his works it has faded in some areas, and a series of wrappings going around his body below up to his neck and snout. It could be assumed the wraps were fashioned to better work in desertous areas and even through small sandstorms. Above the wrappings is a simple vest and pancho, the vest being a murky green and the pancho a slightly lighter lime. He is occasionally seen wearing goggles strapped around his head when he is working, but otherwise he keeps them hanging from his belt.
Among his clan on the Kubazian home world of Kubindi, Zronk had worked his way up through the apprenticeships of engineer, his much older and most trusted of mentors being his closest friend. They made a stable living managing ships and droids who passed through the starport at the closest of civilized villages, having even constructed there own C9 unit from scraps they collected over the years. His colony has luckily been well hidden from the Gulag plague as within the outer rim some remnants of the fatal disease had still sprouted up, but this in itself was a danger to his people, for they had never come in contact with it and therefore had never been able to build any forms of immunity or treatment of the disease. The closely knit race kept to themselves when possible, and seeing as this particular clan was going on through life as normal, the elders saw no reason to risk their own demise.
This of course could only last so long, for as a derelict looking ship had crashed in the dune nearby the village where Zronk and his mentor frequented, a scouting party was sent to scrap it, and possibly save any survivors, not that they expected any. They sadly had stumbled upon a ship who had been carrying the plague for years now, floating through space like an docile germ within the organism. They were unaware of this of course, and whilst searching through the ships cargo and equipment, they came across a very potent form of the virus, held within the escape pods where a decaying corpse was found. The scouting team returned and shortly after began to fall to the disease, and it spread through the village within less than a weeks time. Fearing it's further spread the local clans gathered there elders and decided it would be best to scorch the village to the ground to ensure the plagues destruction, for it may do more harm to the clans if it ever carried itself over. Knowing the people of the village would retaliate they did this under cover of darkness, sending in the warriors of each clan armed to the best of their ability to scorch the earth of this village.
Zronk and several others of his clan were within the village on the night of the purging, but, due to a security guards early warning many of the villagers who were not infected began to flee to their ships and take as many as possible with them. The Kubazians were left to a vessel tasked originally with freighting ores through the outer rim, and were forced to pay a fine to board the ship. Each offered as much as they could to save there lives, regardless of how ill hearted the captains decision to charge them was. All were permitted to board, except three of he original seven. Zronks friend and mentor, along with two others had been found to be carrying the plague when they were inspected upon entering the ship. The captain and his crew threatened to kill every last one of them if the other three did not leave, and so they agreed it was for the best. Zronk would have it no other way, for it saved his own life along with several others, but he had hoped that out of the lot his mentor would be left alive. With a short last farewell, the ship departed with the clean Kubazians, and were given an option of planet they would be left on. Zronk, being an adapt in his craft at this point heard of the factories producing droids and ship parts on Hypori and requested he be left there, and he got his wish sadly.
Once on the planet he was told of a variety of factories by the locals at the starport, however, the one he chose to visit in search of work had been abandoned for many years now. He arrived, and was sadly trapped inside, once he was aware that the factory was derelict, it was too late, the support beams above the entrance had collapsed from rust and he was trapped inside. He has spent the last few weeks surviving off of the local insect hives that have made their home sin the factory and spent his time tinkering with the mostly broken or unfinished droids, which lead to unsatisfactory results. The factory was of Arakyd industries, a very avid military weapons producer, and the droids' systems took him as a hostile once activated. Even though many of them ran at half efficiency or hardly at all he fears to face the systems he has awoken, for they outnumber and outgun him. He has however been able to get a surface to inner space communications line working and has been hailing the skies for any ships for the last day or so, hoping someone will rescue him.


Through the Radio Static (WIP)

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